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Okay, this was quite odd. Maybe I had to be high to understand it? I mean, I just assume everyone's high on 420. I just had no idea what to even do. I didn't die or anything. I guess I was good at it.

I'm impressed by the talented people working on it. It just didn't seem complete at all. Clicking and using space did the same thing. I didn't even know what to do with the crystals. I wish to see a more complete version of it.

I got my medal without even having to play the game! I mean, I just opened the game. I didn't even click on anything. I loved the music too. This really was a great collaborative effort. It wasn't even a game.

I thought it would be like a matching game in "Super Mario Bros. 3". I don't know why I would need to flip images. I know some of these names from the "House Of The Dead" games. I know little about tarot cards. It really does have effort put into it.

That was too simple. I mean, it was just you getting different items. Still, it was pretty interesting to learn about everyone! I believe the process of doing this was featured on the front page. Well, you had to draw something to go along with it. I can't do it.

The music was fairly good. This did seem like a nice little tribute to everyone. It just wasn't the best out there. Well, if I participated I would have enjoyed it more! I still have to thank everyone who worked on it.

Phaox05 responds:

Well that's the purpose of a collab, show people what a group of artists can do (like a gallery) is more of the interactive part where it comes to the flash vibes as its main purpose back in the days was to make interactive media rather than games, thanks for the feedback.

Wow, I didn't know how to beat the enemies at first. I mean, I knew I threw the fruit at them, but I thought that would kill them. I realized I then had to actually throw them into the catapult. That volcano god is hard to please! Those darn volcano gods! The animation works for itself.

Dang, those guys are greedy. You'd think they wouldn't want to die. The figures look like they're from "Cyanide And Happiness". Well, it's a pretty standard design. The enemies' head look like down signs.

jefvel responds:

It's wasn't very clear in game, but you can kill them by throwing fruit at them when they're knocked out. I added a new health bar for that, to make it a bit more intuitive :)

And yeah those baddies are stupid, they eat the fruit but at the same time destroy the trees the fruits come from

It's easy to see how this has such a low rating. I thought it was way too simple. I couldn't get anywhere with the broom. I didn't care about this dog. If you had made it about a cat, that would have been much more interesting. I didn't like that leash.

It looked like the dog was being hanged! Everyone and everything dies eventually. Except for the immortal jellyfish. Wait, what would happen if you set one on fire? Would it reform from the smoke?

That was indeed an interesting game, but I admit it made little sense. I would have to mess with it to truly understand it. Congrats on being the highest rated submission for Ludum Dare 50. I just don't agree. It just seemed kind of boring. The idea was still unique.

Although they have the same theme, these games are all different. I need to look at these author comments first. I thought "you got stunned" was some phrase an obnoxious kid in school told me. Apparently, other people have said that. That was so annoying.

This game isn't as easy as it looks. Well, I mean the medal. You didn't just hit the same target. You certainly hit with the bat, but there were different ways. It was too simple. Well, it doesn't really matter.

I could recognize this art style. You are pretty prolific. It was too repetitive. I didn't get any skulls from killing an enemy! I think that would count!

This is easily the best submission for Ludum Dare 50. The best part is probably how much it reminds me of "Alien Hominid". The artwork even looks the same. I especially love how you have a lot of lives. I wasn't sure how to kill the boss at first. I guess I was just expecting a health bar or something.

Health bar. That sounds like something you eat. I'm glad I figured out how to shoot upwards. This could become a console game like "Alien Hominid". Well, "Friday Night Funkin" would be more appropriate.

Well, that was rather odd. It was my first impression of the games in this Ludum Dare. I wasn't able to advance that far. Well, the purpose was to die. That was quite creative. It just got annoying.

I love the music though. Those eyes were really disturbing. I would just have to understand it more. Death is always inevitable. We're always delaying that.

I was surprised the rating wasn't higher. Okay, it was pretty hard. It was difficult to find the stars. I thought I had scanned the entire area. I assumed they were all near the bottom. I couldn't tell what was in the mountains.

I'll never get all those stars. This is truly up to eleven! I thought the graphics were really inspiring. It reminded me of some really old games that I believe predate this website. Well, around 2000 at least.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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Joined on 9/21/08

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