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I was fairly amused by this game. What I didn't like was how there it was pretty hard to follow at times. It was really a game where it seemed like you were on your own, even after going through the tutorial. I do think that the graphics weren't that good. It just seemed a bit too childish, but it's not terrible either. It makes up for this by being a unique game.

I'm glad it's just the red part that has to touch the goal. There could probably be some more shading and shadows. It's still pretty playable for what it is. It seems to set out what it wants to accomplish without being annoying. That's a great objective for anything.

I really didn't know what to expect from this game. I'm so glad it turned out to be something really cool! When it gets harder, the best thing to do is slowly get rid of the other parts before the others come down. I was a tad confused if you could touch the red stuff. I am certainly glad you can. There's really a lot of creativity put into this, especially with how some things just work themselves out after you experiment.

The graphics are very good in this. While there aren't that many moving objects, everything is presented in a very nice and logical manner. The music is also quite haunting and puts a nice spin on the game. I like how the little wide bits look like snow. It's the kind of game that makes you eager to see what comes next.

This was a rather odd game, mostly because it just came off as being too easy. I could have sworn I reviewed a game like this before. Anyway, I guess I do have to appreciate how good the graphics are. It might not be that well detailed, but it's still pretty cool to play with. It just honestly seemed like I couldn't lose. I mean, I imagine I lose more points if some of the blocks awakened, but that never happened.

I do think it's pretty cool with how you bring up what kind of block you can use next. There are several times where you simply CAN'T move a block without awakening another one. I like how it has a pretty cute design. Still, there could have been some more work with the designs. All in all, a good game.

This was a pretty strange game, in that I really didn't even know how to play it. You can basically just progress through everything just by clicking the "Continue" button. I don't even know what the other options are. I at least have to give you credit for having some pretty good graphics. It's so nice to see a game told in the form of a comic book. It reminds me of those great "Walking Dead" books I've been reading.

The music is also nice and sets up the atmosphere well. It's just cool to hear those radio signals. It kind of lures you in by thinking it's not going to be anything that good and then the zombies show up! I guess a bigger fan of yours would like this game more. It's nice to have a good spirit.

This reminded me of the Zelda games that I used to play on Game Boy. The only difference here is that it's too freaking hard! Of course, I am a proflic reviewer here, so I do have to at least get one medal. It took me awhile, but I finally managed to collect five coins! I don't even think I really did, it may have been a glitch. Anyway, what's nice about this is that the graphics are good.

You really have to be patient with this game and form new strategies. The worst offenders are those horrible spike guys. They follow you around in enclosed spaces! The music's pretty good and reminds me of said Zelda games. It certainly is a strange island.

It's weird to imagine how I could have missed out on this awesome entry when it first came out! I really liked this game probably because it allowed you to have so much power. While the main character can't fly, he can do pretty much anything else. Some of the controls are hard to use, but overall it's a great game. I think the character looks like someone from a comic made by Bleedman. With the pause options, everything's taken at a good pace too.

The levels are designed in a really cool manner too. The colors are different and you have so much freedom to move around. This is the kind of thing we wish we could do in real life, next to flying. We all desire to have great agility and go anywhere we wanted. The voicework is great too.

I think this is a pretty fun game. I am SOOO glad you have the ability to move around. Judging from the first level, I thought you had to ricochet everything into the pipe. This is a fairly weird game. There's one part where you fire into a chimney that isn't even attacked to anything, so why do it? Of course, I've never let surrealism stop me from liking a game before.

While it may not be Christmastime, it can still be a playable game. I really appreciated how the music was really suiting. It's a very unpredictable game, especially given how there are things like hazards that come after you. It may get frustrating, but you can always try again. It's just a pretty homey game. Maybe not that well detailed, but still enjoyable.

xmorpher responds:

Thanks for your review! i'm glad you enjoyed it :)

I really did not care for this game. I think its main fault is that the graphics aren't that good. It just doesn't seem to give the player a real sense of wanting to continue when it's hard to make progress. The opening cutscene is also a bit too long. I just think the game comes off as rather silly and it doesn't seem to amount to much in the end. The mechanics aren't that great either.

I think the best part about this is probably the music. It seems to fit the style well, even if it doesn't make much sense. I thought that you would have to go through an entire level at first that was that long when I first played it! I'm glad to know it's at least easier than I thought. It could be more flashy.

Another guy made a guy using almost the exact same kind of gameplay. Coincidence? Well, I'm sure a game like this has been done before, just not exactly like this. What I really liked about this game was how you had so much good mobility and could move around everywhere. The music is great too and it creates a very interesting atmosphere. Even the cutscenes are nicely done!

This isn't as good as the "Sequester" game, probably because it feels like a bit of a knockoff. I'm not going to be pessimistic, this is still a nicely done game. I appreciate how you get a great sense of 3D in this game. It's rare on online games so it's always nice to have them. Everything just has a nice, optimistic tone to it!

I guess I can appreicate how this was a simple game, but it just didn't do much for me. The worst part was how poorly the graphics were done. I was thinking that I could lose the bigger fish but I think he just hung on to me for the rest of the game until I died after he saw me. Anyway, I can kind of tell this was made quickly. You could have been more creative with the text, too. The net wasn't much of an enemy.

You need to work a lot more with shades. Everything just seems a solid color and the lines aren't done well. Congradulations on managing to have a game that has medals, I suppose. You just need much more detail. There's just so little here that's unique.

bcdefg123 responds:

This was made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare, a challenge one has to undertake by themselves. As someone who's really not an artist, that was my last priority. But thanks for the advice, I probably could experiment with shading next time.

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