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This was a very fun game, probably because I like cats so much. Then again, this didn't really feature cats that much. You couldn't even see him from the front! But I digress, this is a fun game because it's extremely straightforward and you just keep on blasting and blowing up the enemies and feed the cat his cake. I can't help but be reminded of the Nyan Cat games. This is not a ripoff, as it's unique in its own way.

The sounds are pretty good too. I like how there's such a wide variety of colors here and there. You truly get the sense that you're off in some strange world. Flying cats make everything better! I'm going to say anything about the graphics, because I've complimented them on every single review I've ever written of your games.

I found this to be a good game. I think the best part about it was how fast paced it was. It was great how you really got used to how complicated it was at first. When I first tried this, I got a score of a measly 4, but on my second try, I got a score of 92! Quite impressive! This game does kind of suffer from not having graphics that are that good.

Everything just seems a bit too bland and could maybe use more colors and shadings. It was still pretty fun to not know what kind of crazy thing was going to show up next. Dang, there are a lot of fat people in those buildings. I don't even know if the bombs hurt you that much. The music is also good as it fits the tone well.

I thought this was a fairly good game. What I really like about it is how you have a good sense of being able to do things quickly. I'm not that good at math, but I was able to get a gold medal the first time I played fairly easily. It kind of makes you realize how many times you use math in everyday life? While not as big as letters, they are important. The graphics could have been a bit better.

I still think it worked pretty well for what its purpose was. It's so great that you have several questions to answer and you only have to answer one to move on. It's a fairly unique way with how it gets harder. I appreciate all the hard work put into this, even if it wasn't that complicated. Math fans should love this.

Zoglu responds:

Hi, thanks for your review !
Like you, I think that being able to choose your answers is really important, so you're not stuck with an hard operation and you can adjust the difficulty level during gameplay. I had this idea while playing "Active Quiz for Math".
I wanted this game to be playable by children too, so that's why is quite easy to get a gold medal. Adults and math nerds can try getting the "Omega" and "Infinite" medals !

I don't know why, but it didn't load for me. I had to go somewhere else to play it. Anyway, I thought this was a pretty good game. I guess my problem with it is that it could have been more detailed. It still works very well as one of those launching games. I don't think we have a category under "Games" for that kind of thing, but we definitley should. While not as good as something like "Kitten Cannon", still quite fun.

The graphics are fairly well known. What appears here is fairly well detailed. I guess there could have been more powerups as this takes patience to really get far. The upgrades are pretty cool once you use them. It's almost a bit too complicated.

I admit, I'm not that big of a fan of find the difference games. It seems like something I grew out of when I went through Highlights magazine. This actually turned out to be really enjoyable for a find the difference game. It helped that the effects were really colorful. It drove me nuts how, on the second level, there were no differences between the birds! Trust me, there are NOT! Anyway, it's a very nice game.

I thought it was going to be a platformer with the pig as a superhero or something. I didn't even know how it was going to turn out. It could have used some more detail, but that just would have made it harder. There's a good sense that a lot of work and detail was put into making this. The details are so nice.

I really liked this game! The funniest thing is that I didn't even know how to properly play it at first, but I definitley got the hang of it later. The sounds in this game are really cool, especially with how the ghosts make this scary sound when they disappear. I appreciate the inclusion of all these great visuals. I also love how you summon new demons when you get a new power. It's just a very well done game.

My biggest suggestion is that you draw a few lines and set everyone on fire all at once. You really don't have to worry about your power replenshing. I had trouble with that at first, but I quickly got a lot better. I don't even know how I did that, it just got better for me. I also like how it automatically pauses for you when you scroll down to review.

Most people seemed to enjoy this more than I did. I guess I didn't care for it because it didn't have a lot going on. Most of the stuff just wasn't detailed that well, or really at all. It was also weird how they went from one end of the pipe to the other not showing it in between. I guess that's a bit too nitpicky. I at least appreciate you coming up with a fairly original game. There should have been some music.

It doesn't have much detail in it and it comes off as fairly bland. The gameplay isn't that bad. I mean, this actually does kind of work well as a puzzle game. It's nice to see all this stuff organized here. There could have probably been some more colors used. Maybe other people will like this more.

I thought this was a pretty fun game. I can't believe I'm the first person to review something that has such a high score! While I may be getting a tad tired of these games, they are still fairly enjoyable. The best part about this was probably the graphics again. It had better gameplay than the last game of yours that I reviewed. I guess it was because the objective wasn't as vague.

While it slows you down, it is kind of funny to see the warthog get damaged like that. It's so awesome when you get the bigger jumps. What's also cool is how you get to learn from your mistakes. Sure, it gets faster, but I really don't notice it that much. The sounds are decent, if a tad annoying.

Well, it certainly took me awhile to get used to this, but it was enjoyable once I did. I had some trouble understanding exactly how I was supposed to teleport. You mostly just had to aim for something that was where you wanted to be. I assumed this the main character was a space dog that he would be able to fly! I guess teleporting and rearranging matter is pretty cool, though. I like how the puppy kind of looks like Samus Aran.

I'm also glad that you can't kill the puppies you're trying to rescue. I shot at one, but it didn't die. Now if only this game had been done with kittens. AdultSwim is known for making some weird games. I thought this was going to be a parody of Nyan Cat at first, I just thought the dog kind of looked like him.

I really found this game to be enjoyable. It can get fairly frustrating at times, especially with how you have to follow an enemy around. It's still quite enjoyable, even if the concept isn't that original. I find it cool how the graphics are nicely done. It's especially great when you kill an enemy without even trying to. There's a lot of ways to play this game and a lot of ways to go around and set bombs.

It's nice to get acheivements, even if they're not medals. I was impressed by how big the playing screens were. It might not add up to much in the long run, but it's cool to look at. The sounds are fairly decent, too. Playing stuff up is always fun.

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