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I thought this game was decent. I do wish you could have put a description in the game itself on how to use the controls. Then again, I guess that's what author comments are for. What I didn't like about this game is that it did seem like it was just the same thing over and over. At least the graphics were good. It's also a pretty original idea to have an armadillo as the main character.

Those things are so cool you kind of wonder why they don't appear in pop culture more often. All of the enemies were designed pretty well too. I'm surprised this isn't at least a bit more popular. The music is good and sets the tone well. The sounds are nice as well, especially with how the sword whips around.

I'm surprised this doesn't have a higher rating! What I really liked about this was how pleasant everything was! I thught it would be something where you would impersonate Cupid and make people fall in love. I guess I'm glad it turned out to be something a lot more awesome! I appreciate the graphics, as always, they are great. You guys are on the biggest role I've ever seen on a gaming profile.

I mean, there's people like ArmorGames who probably have more, but all their stuff doesn't end up on the front page like this. It really shows how talented you guys are. I thought the floating green thing kind of looked like Pikachu. Why did it start off with the enemies turning into rubies and then coins?

Boy, was THIS an absolutely insane game! It wasn't that much of Bullet Hell, because I have honestly seen worse. It certainly achieved its goal of being completely insane! I didn't even have any idea what I was doing at first. I mostly just pushed whatever buttons were around (or the mouse if that counts as a button). This is a very nicely done game.

I especially love all the wonderful sounds. I think there's some high voice at one point, but I don't even know if that is a voice. It's a game that certainly took a lot of creativity to make. The bullets (or whatever those black things are) look very cool too. Even though you didn't win an award, you still got a ton of reviews.

I thought this was a truly unique game! I have no idea how anyone could survive being naked that long. The hardest part was the first part of Level 2. I tried going ahead and I just died. I tried falling down but that killed me too. It took me awhile to realize I was supposed to jump over the icicles and ahead.

It seriously looked like there wasn't going to be anything after that. I thought the sounds were good, especially with how funny he sounded whenever he died. I noticed that when he does fall off his bike, he seemingly doesn't have any genitals. I guess this was meant to be more of a children's game. The graphics are nicely detailed too.

Wow, I have reviewed so many songs, I remember some of these. I recall something else like this being made, but this is still great to listen to. There have been so many songs here it's great to see a cavalcade of them all. I thought Tom Fulp worked on it, but he was just the inspiration. It may only have twenty songs so far, but it'll get a lot bigger! I'm just reminded of the same things when I reviewed those songs.

The medals are very easy to get, in case anyone's wondering. Arinnnn's face looks disturbing. Most of these songs are fun to listen to and have a lot going on. It was nice to include links to all the other stuff so NG fans will truly enjoy it. You probably could have used more pictures, like one for every song.

deathink responds:

There are a couple reason why there are less pictures, and why there isn't a new one for every song, most importantly is loading speed, while it loads very fast for most of us with good internet connections, I didn't want to punish people for having slow internet connections, so after the player gets going it should usually load the song and picture at separate times so you don't have to wait longer for each to load up at the same time. Anyway I am glad you like it. P.S. you are a reviewing machine ;D

I thought this was a pretty decent game. I think my only complaint is that it was just too easy. Of course, it's also a very old game so I guess that can be excused. I don't even know what it is that I'm running over. I know they're supposed to be pedestrians, but they look more like robots. Or rather, they look like Dr. Robotnik. It's very entertaining to hear them squeal as they run away and die.

Some are a bit smarter than others. They will stop in front of the car if they can see it coming. The music was also fairly nice. While it wasn't anything that special, it was certainly worth a brief play. It's just nice to have a game where there's no enemies that can harm you.

Thi was a fairly fun game, but some parts confused me. The sound didn't work when I was playing the levels. I don't know how this happened, as it was working just fine with the cutscenes. Anyway, it's great that you combine zombies with ninjas. There should be more games like that. The most frustrating thing was probably when you weren't supposed to cut the bread and you had to just let it come to you by hovering under it.

I really like the graphics in this, particularly with how the ninja throws his sword around. It's disappointing I wasn't able to get a medal with a game that has so many. The sounds (what few there were) were decent. It's a playable game and should be good for ninja fans. It's pretty clear cut in terms of understanding.

RybramDotCom responds:

Thanks bro. I'll look into the sound issue. Not sure what could be happening there. If you happen to find out what triggers it from not playing shoot me a message. Might help me track down the issue. Getting the bread is supposed to be frustrating :P.

Wow, this was surprisingly entertaining. I wasn't expecting that much, but it was really good. I think the main reason I liked it so much was because it just had a cheery feeling to it. I appreciate the graphics and how much detail was put into them. That one level I can't get past is Level 11. At first, I thought I wasn't going to like this because I didn't know how to double jump.

I was able to get far even without doing that! It's just a pleasant game with all the lulling music. It still has the occasional zombie, but it's still very fun. I thought I had played a game with this same name before but it was "Recursive" something by Armegalo. I'm glad to know more about recursion.

The graphics were great, but that was really it. This just didn't seem to have much of a purpose. It was basically just five minutes of the exact same background with the exact same enemies. Look, I love Sonic the Hedgehog, but this just came off as too bland. You could probably mix it up by having different enemies who have different fighting styles. I DO have to give you props on having really good details.

You really seemed to want to do these characters justice. All the designs were just like they were in the games. For the most part, you just have to keep on pressing the space button. You do have to work with timing sometimes, but it doesn't amount to that much. Eggman is hard to beat.

I thought this was a really nice and cool game. I think the strongest point it had was how well everything just flowed together. I was having some trouble with the level that had the guys all standing on one row. I then realized I had to click my weapon again in order for it to form more cannonballs to destroy the enemy. The funny thing is how everything in this has such high spirits. It's a very pleasant game even though it has people being blown up by cannonballs.

The graphics are nice too. Some games like this can come off as a bit too cutesy sometimes. This succeeded very well in managing to apeal to different ages. I just love how colorful everything is. Yeah, I should have realized the first levels were just that easy.

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