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I must have been doing something wrong, because nothing worked. I went and followed the instructions and once I put my towers up, nothing happened. They didn't fire at the enemy or anything. I tried clicking on them and nothing happened again. I guess I have to give you credit for having some pretty cool music and sound effects. The enemies themselves are fairly unique.

I just wish I knew how to play this game! At least other people seem to have a lot more fun with this. I just wish the instructions would tell you a lot more. Everything's done in a fairly organized matter. It's a bit out of the ordinary for its kind.

crionuke responds:

It's simple, you should build your towers in one line with enemies, and towers will shoot to it.

Wow, that was a very unusual game. The thing that struck me about its weirdness the most was how it really got hard after awhile. I tried throwing cabinets everywhere, but it didn't kill the guy on the jetpack. He just flashed red. I thought I threw as many as I could! This game seems like its concept was created from a word salad or mad lib or something.

For that, I at least have to give you points for creativity. It's certainly a unique game, even if it isn't all that good. I do suggest you work on some better graphics. The colors and shading didn't seem to add up to much here. At least you don't know what to expect next in this.

This didn't do much for me. I guess it was mostly becaue it just seemed a bit too cutesy. With all the stuff floating around here, you should have agame that appeals to a wider group of people. At least the graphic are pretty well done. I do like the nice colors. The music is also petty decent and rather pleasant.

I guess it doesn't help that I'm not a fan of point and click adventure games. I guess the rabbit in this was supposed to be a joke on the fact that her name was Alice. It was great for you to include the walkthrough, even if it is taking a bit too long to load. Just try to make a more interesting game next time, huh? It's harmless for what it is.

I found this to be a fairly enjoyable game. What I liked most about it was probably how good the graphics are. It just seemed to be this really interesting world that you created. As expected, you have to be really careful with not hitting the sides of the spikes and stuff. You usually have to slowly go down (or up) each level in order to properly advance. It's probably the best game I've played all day.

I like how you have this really macabre music. It seems like it's been awhile since I played a game featured for StencylJam. It's probably a bit too long, but it is fairly satisfying in the end. It's interesting to have all this hopping and stuff going around. I appreciate the good thoughts.

knarrenheinz responds:

"it is fairly satisfying in the end". Wow, you actually did play through the whole game? Did you also find out how to play with the secret girl character? In case you didn't, PM me :) Thanks for the kind words.

I guess this wasn't that bad of a game. What I didn't understand about it was that it just seemed to go on too long. I was confused about what key to press in the beginning of the game. I am rather glad it was pretty straightforward in terms of gameplay. I didn't get any sound from this. Was this just something with my laptop?

I feel you need to have a lot more detail in your works. Don't just have simple lines for everything. Be a bit more creative with it. I managed to take out a bunch of enemies on arcade mode and I still had a score of 0! I guess this game just didn't work out for me. You could probably have more detail and more stuff going on.

I thought this was a really cool game because you had so much control over your environment. At first I thought you were supposed to advance onto another level, but it just kept going to the same level over and over. I'm going to assume that was caused by how it was just the same thing. I'm glad there are upgrades. It seemed like there were too many enemies for one level. I liked the intro where you set the gas on fire.

I thought the whole game might be like that. It is a lot more fun that's it's like what I didn't think, though. I appreciate you continuning to make great games. The straight forward gameplay really makes it for me. Anyone who's a fan of shooters should enjoy this.

I certainly have to give this game credit for being playable. It was a really macabre game where you had no idea what wa s going to happen next. The only thing you were sure of is that it was going to be harder than the last level. It seemed like twenty levels wouldn't be that hard, but they ARE. You really have to get the timing PERFECT with these things. I still have no clue how to get the medal with the question mark.

You'd think it would be a secret medal with how it was presented. Instead, it's just something you have to figure out for yourself. If it's for dying numerous times, I have that one. The hardest one is when you have to go to that one level where you jump up and down with the red things coming at you. I wish I knew the numeber levels.

I didn't care that much for this, mostly because it was fairly poorly detailed. I heardsome sounds in the beginning, but that was pretty much it. I wish you would have some stuff going on with detail instead of everything being presented in such a bland manner. At least you have a somewhat original premise. I thought that the fakes were supposed to go in the path of where the original was. I don't even know if it did that.

You should use shadings and not just the same solid color over and over. I am a bit motivated to beat it, probably only because of the medal. You should have some music and sound effects through the whole game to make it more enjoyable. It just pales in comparison to so much other stuff. There's just a lot of other stuff done better.

I liked this game, but there were a couple of things that seemed a tad off about it. I think it's probably because there was one time where you couldn't really tell if you were hitting your opponent or not. I found it weird how the game wasn't made for two players when it seems like it should be. Still, this was enjoyable and quite faithful to the Madness series. The best part about it is probably the graphics. They're truly original!

I appreciate all the little sound effects and stuff. They're violent, but kind of have a goofy feel to them for some reason. I can really get to learn the new characters' names better now. I guess you don't blast an enemy's head by shooting it off. Well, what are medals when you're having a fun time?

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