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This game was really cool! I'm surprised it doesn't have a higher score, but at least it made front page. I think the most awesome thing about this game was that you basically just had to keep on pressing the same button over and over. It's a wonderfully straightforward game. I do wish you had more of a means of defense against the enemies. The graphics are as great as ever. I just now realize you put the year this was made on the cartoon.

For 2009, this sure looks recent. Of course, it's not THAT long ago. The best thing about this is probably how there's a wide variety of platforms for you to just go and walk on. You rarely see that in a Newgrounds game. You guys will never stop making classic stuff!

I guess the main reason I didn't like this that much was because it was so freaking hard! I still have to give you credit for having a very original idea. Perspective flips are always cool. The best part about this was probably how you had such good mobility. Dang, I didn't know us humans could multiply so fast. The graphics weren't bad, but they came off as a bit too silly.

Of course, that may have been the point. It was pretty funny to see everyone walking around when they all looked like pancakes. The music was pretty decent. Dang, does this game get hard fast! For those of you who have faster reflexes, you might wanna check this out!

Zanzlanz responds:

Haha it was my first 'shooting' game so I wasn't sure exactly how to make the difficulty.
I didn't want to make the game play too long and boring, so I made it quick and challenging. I see all of these fps games where everyone dies so quickly, haha!

Yeah the graphics weren't meant to be serious. I designed them initially to be a completely different game, based off of complete randomness. That sure changed xD But you're probably right. After the change in design should have came a change in graphics.

Thanks for your review :)

I was pretty freaking amazed at how cool this game was! I was quite disappointed when I couldn't get a higher score every time I started a new game. This is still great even though the graphics aren't that good. You certainly know how to motivate a person to complete something. The sounds were really good too. I loved how there were all sorts of different enemies to shoot at.

It was a fairly original game overall. It sounded like balloons popping whenever you hit your target. There's a nice variety of colors being used too. Oh, I thought the medals were for every new level you got to. You have to watch these rascally aircrafts!

VictorGrunn responds:

Wow, thanks. I'm glad you liked the game. Yeah, this was the first time I ever attempted to do any art for a game - I need to get much better there.

Feedback appreciated, I'll use this to make better stuff!

That was a rather interesting game, but it didn't come off as that good to me. I guess it just got frustrating with the sheer number of 1's that kept showing up. I wasn't even able to understand most of it. At least it was apparently made with the intention of being creative. The music was good too. I thought the transition effects, what few there were, were pretty good.

Everything was nice and shiny. I liked how it had an ambitious feeling to it, even if it didn't have much detail. It probably could have used more variety, but I guess that would have just made it harder. Bigger fans of yours should probably like this. It's fairly fine for what it is.

Well, I can't say I didn't enjoy this, because I really did. The biggest factor in this was probably how everything was done in a clear cut manner. I appreciate you giving such easy medals too. The thing is, I just never got into making flash myself. I don't know how to buy it or anything and I'm too busy reviewing to even make stuff. The one time I did submit something without flash it went terribly.

There could have been some more colors and sounds. Of course, a tutorial probably doesn't need those things. It's always nice when users are trying to help other people out. It doesn't seem to be unique. There are a lot of more detailed tutorials out there.

TheeCoffee responds:

This is just for Beginners :D

I really didn't understand this game. Was the scene at the end implying that what we saw was just a game in itself? Or was that part of the game? It's not much of a game where all you do is walk in one direction the whole time. Congradulations on being Tom Fulp's favorite game! I guess this just touches people on a psychological level.

That might only be because it's so hard to understand. I at least have to give you credit on having a fairly original concept. Strange, but original. The sounds were pretty omnious too. It looks like you should come out with the full version as that would probably be more enjoyable.

I didn't like this because I had no real understanding of what I was supposed to be shooting at. I was told to shoot a "pig". There was this fat guy who came by so I assume he was my target. I did eventually shoot him but then I lost. The graphics weren't that good either. I guess I just need some further instructions on how to kill whatever target I had to. It didn't have much of a story.

I think there should have been a main menu where you could have started everything. I guess when you hit the skip button, it kind of functions like that. It just didn't do much for me. Nothing seemed that well detailed or anything. At least it's cool to put scope mode on.

I'm not a fan of these kinds of games because there isn't much that happens. It's just you clicking on the same buttons over and over. Well, I guess technically most games are like that. I appreciate you having some pretty good drawings in this. I think I got the best ending because I got to the part where it said "To Be Continued...". In case anyone's wondering, you get there simply by clicking on the top part of everything you come across except where you get the gun to kill yourself.

The music is also pretty atmospheric. It truly is cool watching the medals pop up when you complete something. I assume there's one for every method of ending the game, some how. It just doesn't need to be that talking. It could be more like an interactive movie, I guess. Fans of yours will probably like it.

Shroom-Cushion responds:

Well, the point of this IS to read, not just mash everything. Of course you can mash everything, but then why even bother playing this game? And there are 4 "happy" endings, that carry on to the other game. I mean, the concept is real simple, the point isn't "GET TO THE LAST SCREEN". But of course your point stands, not everyone enjoys that.

Yeah, music's awesome - thanks to one of the NG users BlazingDragon.

So yeah, thanks for the review!

And now the score's at 3.45! I find it weird how this doesn't have more views, as I've seen it on another website. Anyway, what I didn't like about this was like there could have been some music with this. It was weird how a lot of the weapons were so different. It was pretty hard to tell what kinds you were supposed to use. At least most of the gameplay was pretty clear cut.

I also liked how you could put things in certain areas. The way the defenses were laid out was pretty cool. I just like it how you have a good understanding of what's going on. It could probably be more creative, though. Just put some more details in and maybe not make the screen so big.

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