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This was a pretty strange game. The frog himself was 3D, but everything else wasn't. I have to admit, that is pretty creative. The funny thing is that I had a heck of a lot more trouble with the logs than I did with the cars. In fact, I could pretty much jump in a straight line over and over to avoid the cars! It was good to get a really good view of what was going on.

The sounds were pretty good too. I'll never understand how you can have a game where a frog drowns. I guess it could be worse. You could have a game where a FISH drowns. This wasn't that great as some of the details could have been better, but it was still playable.

Well, I think this was a pretty good game. What I didn't like about it was that it just seemed like it wasn't detailed well enough. I love the old Javanoid games, but this only had one level. Granted, it did have different modes for the level, so I appreciate that. It was mostly just shapes disappearing and reappearing over and over. I think there should just be more of a goal set out.

The music's fine. All in all, this is a fairly mediocre game. I realize that I'm very bad at the first type, as I for some reason can't seem to use both kinds of arrow keys at the same time. I guess I'm just not used to that. It's okay for what it is.

It's always nice to have 3D games here on Newgrounds. Of course, nowadays, "3D" doesn't mean what it used to on this website. Of course, I was amazed at how fast paced this game was! I mean, yeah, it was a driving game but one of the fastest I've ever played! It's one of those games where you really have to keep up with what's on screen. One little distraction can spell your doom.

There was a fairly nice amount of detail put into this too. I like how the sounds met up with the action well. It is still a game you have to get used to. I wish you guys would submit new games. The sprite animation (if that's what it even is) works well.

This was a fairly good game. I guess one reason I didn't like it that much is because the medals were too hard to get. I wish there could have been something that sped everything up. Still, pirates are really cool. I like how there's a little girl on both sides that's really strong. In fact, I think they might all have equal strength. It isn't related to their sizes.

The graphics are decent even if the walking effects aren't that good. I don't know why a ton of my men came out at one point, but I liked it! It's nice to know when you have a victory in the bag. So many skulls everywhere. The music was fairly cool too.

I really had no idea this game was going to be so much fun! It probably helps that I'm just a huge fan of zombie shooters in general. What made this so great was probably how all of the zombies had unique details. In fact, I was reviewing another zombie game just yesterday that lacked that feature. Of course, this wasn't really that much better, both were great. Anyway, I couldn't help but be reminded of "VG Cats".

I guess it's just because that's the most well known humanoid boy and girl cat duo out there. I just freaking love cats so much. So combining them with zombies was of course a great idea. I thought my partner was throwing grenades or something but it was just the donkey blowing up. I love that guy.

Congradulations on one of your most viewed games! It makes me wish we could search author's names to see the most viewed stuff someone has. My complaints with this are that it's a bit to short and the gameplay is quite difficult. The bad kind of outweighed the good here. I did like the graphics and the sounds. I think the original was probably a bit better.

It can be hard killing those enemy ninjas. You really have to learn to either block or just get a good distance from them. Even then, it can be difficult The chapters could have probably been longer. At least it's an okay story.

Probably the one thing that I really hated about this game was how you didn't have a means of defense against the zombies when they got to a certain close point to you. I then realized that you could just saw them up. I'm so glad I read all the instructions. While the zombies themselves could be better designed, this is still a fun game. It's even an original concept for a zombie game. I like how there's this big machine to attack the zombies.

It's funny how they all die in different ways from the different weapons. It's simply fun to destroy zombies as always. I like all the sounds, especially how the zombies die when you attack them. There's also a lot of nice details here and there. I appreciate you making an enjoyable game.

I couldn't help but think this was a tribute to classic Looney Tunes cartoons. What I didn't like about this game was how I didn't understand it. I tried to hit the space bar in the spaces, but the game never really told which color was the best. It didn't tell me in the instructions which specific part I was supposed to hit. I ended up losing and didn't even know how. At least the graphics were pretty good.

There's so many song games, it's strange you would have to use on that isn't copyrighten. I didn't even know "copywriten" was a word. Of course, you might have just made it up yourself. It's just not a really noteworthy rythum game I've played. It's still a bit fun if you're good at it.

I am so glad I managed to unearth this great game! What really struck me as so good about it was how there was just so many things going on! I had a great oppurtunity to cause as much destruction as I wanted. It reminded me of those other games where you just hit something once and everything gets destroyed. It was pretty funny to use pigs too. I had no idea this thing was going to get so massive!

All of the upgrades were great too. It's kind of weird how there are so many upgrades to something that is only used once as a weapon. You might not want to glamorize kamikazes. Of course, these are pigs, so who cares? I think my favorite part of the game is how you can roast people, or pigs in this case. It's a fantastic game everyone should play!

Congradulations on being Tom Fulp's favorite game! I really liked this, probably because it really lets you go to this strange bizarre world. The main white character reminds me of the game "Aether". I can easily see this becoming popular. It's already popular with the freaking creator of the website! I really like it how you can dive.

It's great how you die numerous times but it quickly goes back to where you started off. I don't know if I've ever seen you re-animate so quickly. The sound effects and enemies are nicely designed too. I wish I had some idea where I was going here. All I know is that I had a great time doing it!

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