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I was quite impressed by this. At first, I thought it was a game in the series of the ones where you create the elements of Earth, but it wasn't. It doesn't matter, because this turned out to be just as much fun. I especially love how you can click on various objects at the same time and have them all go down at once. It was also really cool how you could use the stuff you built to find more stuff. It's one of the better games where you look for stuff.

The graphics are nice and the sounds are cute. There really is a nice amount of detail put into everything. It does get a bit more complicated in the second part. It's still a game worth playing. I like how it has different kinds of gameplay to test you.

As expected, here's another great game from Jimp. It was funny, because it really didn't look that appealing at first. It was weird how you couldn't skip the opening cutscene. Then again, I guess most video games are probably like that nowadays. I appreciate your talent and creativity in this. It truly is the first game I've played where you had to protect animals by covering them in bubble gum.

It was nonsensical, but tons of fun. I wasn't expecting the flashier parts like the portals. It's also probably the first game I've played where you played a snake that threw mice around to help animals. It's truly bizarre, but it's so well done with the graphics and controls, it really works. I didn't even know you made games like this.

Jimp responds:

Thanks a lot for the review! you can actually skip the intro sequence by clicking :)

I really didn't care for this game, mostly because it was hard for me to use the controls. There just seemed to be too much going on. Then again, maybe I'm just not as good of a gamer as I thought I was. I do like the graphics. It's always nice to have 3D stuff here, even if it isn't detailed that well. The map was a nice touch. I guess I just need to try out on another track.

The music was fairly standard as well. While it wasn't well detailed, I like some of the stuff it had. I thought it was cool to have that tub of water near the side tracks. I know that seems like a silly thing to mention, but it's just a nice little thing I noticed. You could use more variety with the cars.

I actually think this game was pretty well designed. I guess it just doesn't seem to hold up that well. Speaking of which, I am HORRIBLE at this game. There was only one time out of ten shots fired that I managed to make. It sure got annoying with the crowd constantly booing me. I actually have played some basketball in real life, just not as a team sport.

I thought the sounds were nice and authentic. At first, I thought you had to just keep your hand on the spacebar. That never works. When I finally learned that I had to press the space bar twice in order to advance, it didn't help me much. At least it's a good looking game.

Wow, that was one weird game. I think the craziest thing about it was that I couldn't even tell what part of the screen I was supposed to not fall into. The blackness of the background looked exactly like the floors in the game themselves! That did make it pretty interesting. The use of buttons was an interesting bonus. It really is the fifth level (well, you fall through the fourth one) where you meet your girlfriend.

I thought there were just going to be another five levels after that, but it was a lot longer. It's amazing how challenging this game can be when there isn't much detail. It's a nice little game. I really like the music too. There isn't much going on, but it was good enough to like.

badgerman18 responds:

Thank you for your detailed response.

Is it me or does this game seem to be too complicated? I will admit that it had good graphics and decent gameplay. Dang, it makes me wish that I had a job where I got tips. I used to at one point, but then I got another job at that same place and later fired for lack of business. The tutorial makes it so that you had to specifically have to follow everything in order to advance. I put it in slightly different and it made me do the whole thing over!

From the title, it made me think it had something to do with Freiza from "Dragonball Z". At least it got easier as I went along. It's nice to have a simple, pleasant game like this. Of course, it's probably the least simple game of its kind out there. Then again, at least you didn't have to do more than one order at once. You might want to put paragraphs in your author's comments.

This is one of the most awesome games I've ever played here! I think the main reason why it's so great is because there's just so much going on. There's no such thing as a dull moment in this insane world. I have played some "Centipede" games before, but this is easily the best. Heck, it's probably even the best of its kind ever made, including the arcade ones. The colors and effects are freaking fantastic!

The most annoying thing is the red spider that randomly shows up. I've shot that thing like twenty times and nothing ever happens to him. I don't even think that thing CAN be killed. It's weird how the centipedes put these little things everywhere and I'm not even sure what they are. I think they're either eggs or machines or something. Thank you for this fantastic game!

Vibe13 responds:

you can't kill the laser-creeps (the spider things): I thought about making them killable, but in the end I decided it made a better balanced game like this 'cuz even when you've got loads of firepower you still gotta be careful.

those weird things the centipedes leave behind are bio-titanium fungizoids....just for the record.

Well, I can see why this doesn't have ratings that are that high. The graphics in this were freaking gorgeous! I think the main reason some people didn't like it is that it's kind of too big. It just seems like you go around and do nothing before the main action begins. I will say that it's satisfying when the ships get blown up and fall down to the buildings. The sounds are decent too.

I think the game itself seems to lag a bit. It's still fun the whole way through. My mom came in and saw me playing this and said it was one of the more cooler games she saw me play here. Everything is done in a pretty clear manner too. It must have taken forever to make this thing!

Josepho responds:

Thanks for the feedback :)

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