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When I first came across this game, I was thinking it was just going to be a bad brief game. I turned out to be wrong, as it really did have actual gameplay. I do wish there could have been some more detail, of course. It makes me realize just how many guys are named "Bill". They could have done a ton of jokes like this if on "Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series" it was Bill instead of Steve.

It was also cool how the music was also unexpected. I appreciate you having variety in your stuff. This seems like it would have made a good Clock Day submission. I don't know, but Bill Cosby kind of reminds me of them. I even noticed how you changed the choices at the end.

PhantomCat responds:

Bill is already WIlliam abridged, homie.

There have been so many remixes of Pong, it was hard to really like this one. I still have to give you credit for having all that you should have in a Pong game. I think my favorite thing is when the ball goes out of control and it just goes too fast and you can see a bunch of balls on screen at once. I thought it was impossible to get the first medal. At least I got it eventually. It's actually interesting to see how different you and the computer.

The main difference is that the computer only moves when it has to. The player is allowed to have more fun. There probably could have been a tad more detail. Then again, this is Pong where it doesn't need to have much at all. Congraulations on making a game with medals.

I did not enjoy this. It was mostly because it was just a bunch of stick men killing each other over and over. There was barely any background and it didn't seem to have anything unique. It's just that stick games have been done so many times before and this didn't bring anything new to the table. There could have been some music too. It was just the same sounds over and over.

The graphics were not that good either. At least it can be fun with how it never ends. There should have been some colors here and there and probably some shading. Every stick man looked the same. I guess that's probably what it was supposed to be like, but I didn't care for it.

LukeElchul responds:

I set a goal, I was seeing what I could do in a day + the 2 hour update last week so I am sorry that it wasent that detailed I will take your advice for my games in the future

Well, this game turned out to be harder than I thought. I was originally thinking it was a platform game and you were supposed to go from one place to another. It turned out to be something much harder, unfortunately. I do think it's cool to have a game where you're in an asylum. You'd think those places would be without harm. It seems like there should have been fewer of those enemies.

I thought I was being timed for the game, but there were no numbers on board. I assume you just keep on playing until you win all the medals. The graphics reminded me of W-P-S. I'm surprised he wasn't billed here, given how a lot of people worked on it. The music was rather suiting too.

samulis responds:

It WAS supposed to be hard. ;) -Samulis

I'm not quite sure what the game has to do with a platformer... it's clearly not the same graphical setup or angle and it has no platforms...

The game can be beaten and we tried to make it clear that you can do that by beating each boss or dominant character in that round... the level select even has a panel that gives tips on defeating each boss, as well as how to defeat the eyes in the first round. Once you beat the first three levels (as displayed in the level select), there IS a time trial if you wish to play that... however, it's essentially just "beat the game as fast as you can". - Tharos

p.s. you are an obsessive reviewer and belong in an asylum. ;)

I guess this is what it's like when you can't get far in a game. You end up not really enjoying it. I will at least say that it was pretty fun to look at all the stuff that was around. I clicked on everything and all I got was a screwdriver. It doesn't work on any of the locks, in case anyone's wondering. It is at least a fairly unique game.

The music also works because it seems to set off a good sense of mystery. I certainly don't know what this game is even supposed to be about. I'm just more used to point and click adventure games where you can look all around the room. I don't think I could do that here. The "1" in the title seems to imply there's a sequel.

I found this game to be just okay. It was weird, because I thought it was too simple at first, but then it got a lot harder. The weirdest thing about it was probably in the second level where I didn't even know if the enemies were attacking me. I thought they would throw projectiles at me with their guns but they just shot off this strange gas. I thought it would be a Pokemon game at first.

I could have sworn that Vermillion is the name of a town in Pokemon, but maybe I'm confusing it for Viridian. It's a bit weird how it abruptly sends you back when you fail a level. I think that's what it does, at least. The music is fairly good. The animation could be a tad better, though.

rhys510 responds:

still, you had fun :)

It's always interesting to demonstrate what went on at Omaha Beach. We just seem to be in too many ways that have ambiguous reasons. Politics aside, this is a fun game. I thought it was cool how you didn't just control the same guy. It makes sense because there are certainly a lot of people who die in war. I will say that the graphics didn't look that good.

Maybe my computer was just at the wrong resolution. Anyway, it was interesting to be helped out by your fellow comrades so much. You get the sense that everyone was part of a whole here even if you were playing as just one character. I'm fairly certain I should have a medal. The music is nice and fits the scene well.

I liked this, probably only because it was very simple to understand. It was nice to have a fairly challenging game that didn't have a lot of detail. I also like the music. It of course helps that I'm a great typist. In fact, there was this other game with medals about typing that I played and I think I got every single medal on my first try. I didn't get every medal here, but I did get far.

There probably could have been some more detail. At least you seem to know what you're up against. I like how there are in fact a lot of things that are just jumping around everywhere. Every little detail is nice. Fast typists like me should enjoy this.

I found this to be a very impressive game. I think what mostly makes it work is how you give so much freedom to the players. Granted, I doubt if this will ever go really far for me, but it's the thought that counts. I like how everything is, once again, done in a very organized manner. I actually surprised myself with how good I could draw. This is a heck of a lot better than when I use Paint.net.

Granted, if I submitted something like that to the art portal, I'd probably get below a 1.00 score like everything else I've submitted here. As usual, it's great to have some easy medals. The music was also pretty good with its variety. I guess I am slowly improving with art.

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