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That's all I can say. I have no idea what is going on with this game or why anything is happening but it WORKS!!! The ridiculously creepy atmosphere WORKS!!! Not to mention the screens you could click (and the fun they poked at themselves). I couldn't make heads or tails about where I was or where I was going, or why I'm there, but it's just that great! Apart from having a great gamestyle, the mood just really pulls you into what's going on, making it feel like you're actually there!

This is one of the best games I've every played and trust me, I've played a lot! I can't believe this didn't win a single award. Hope you get more popular at least!

Quite enjoyable

I'm not a fan of point and click adventure games, but this was pretty fun. Granted, I still couldn't really get anywhere without using the walkthrough, but it's still a well- made game. The animation is very stylic, and the voicework is also pretty nice, as well as the atmosphere.

Could've been better

Truth be told, these kinds of games just aren't my bag. I was really hoping for something more actiony, as that's what you usually do, or something involving fights. I couldn't really understand the directions, and I couldn't really get the point of the game.

On the positive side, it was pretty well designed, and the idea was a little interesting at least.

Good enough

While I admit it was simply frustrating with those stupid jumps (inside the tree, I couldn't get anywhere!), but the premise was enjoyable enought at least.

Skribble-Style responds:

I'll make the tree part a little easier :D
I'll play around with the jumping mechanics too.

Cheers for the input good sir.


What's with the controls on this thing?! I hit "X", but it doesn't even go until a second after I hit it! I try to do some jumping, but she keeps running when I'm not pressing anything and then I keep falling off the edge! While the idea was kinda neat, this was simply too difficult with the controls.

Couldn't figure it out!

Uh, the design looked nice at least, but I didn't know what was going on! I try to attack, but I can never use anything! It keeps saying the attacks don't work or aren't ready! Is there something wrong with my computer or what?

Krinn responds:

Play through the tutorial stage once, I don't think there should be anything wrong with your computer :D If you want to choose a move, you have to wait until the ring is blue, and click on the TARGET of your move first.

One of the best out there!

This was an extremely enjoyable game and I liked every moment of it! These games were the first kind that I ever played on the Internet and it's great to see new and improved versions of these classics! I just played it myself just to remind me of how good it was. Sure, it was simple, but it still works very well.

Quite enjoyable!

I knew that all that waiting (okay it was only like two minutes) would pay off, but this was a great game! The design was extremely simple, yet so much fun! It also helps that I'm pretty good at it.

It was alright

While the design was pretty lame, it was kind of funny to see him with those different styles.

Quite enjoyable!

I was never really a fan of games like this (or at least not one that had this appearance). I usually don't bother with the tutorial much or anything, but this was really fun! The graphics were great, and it was fun as it worked well as a puzzle game figuring out the different strategies.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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