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This was a game that was strange for me to play. I kept thinking I had to be losing in some manner. I certainly did. I seemed to get points for doing nothing. I wasn't even sure what I was supposed to do about shading. I have to say I enjoyed this, because it was quite unique.

I certainly did better than I thought I would. I have never even had a temporary tattoo. Then again, I've never given someone a tattoo either. The music was pretty good. It was still recommendable.

I was rather impressed by this. I was afraid it would be a game where you had to avoid everything on the sides, but it was not. I'm really intrigued onto how it works. You can can't a good part of the screen because of the menu on the side. I hope that's part of the game and not a glitch. Whenever you hit something, you really richocheted off.

I was impressed at how well the game tested your patience. Going fast was pretty much always bad. The graphics may be simple, but it's still challenging. I like how that creates a sort of conflict with itself. It's, in my opinion, a very underrated game.

I found this to be a pretty good game. It does have the main flaw of being too repetitive. For some reason, I kind of looked forward to being squashed by those giant things. The music was also quite fitting. I liked how you could reget the same volts. At least I think that's what they were.

I like the overall design of Hoverbot. I just think it's cool how he has so much mobility. True, he's not very strong but it is an interesting concept. It could be a bit more colorful. It's a fairly insightful game.

I wasn't too impressed by this. It just seemed to be a random monkey that was flying around. I don't even know why this was a monkey of all things. I guess because they're closely related to humans, huh? The graphics were pretty sub-par. It didn't even seem like there was a way to die.

I just kept on hitting random stuff until I went to the bottom. I guess it was pretty much the right length. It doesn't have anything offensive about it. That must be the first time I've mentioned this. I don't know why his name is Rolf.

I was mostly just confused by this game. I'm going to say that it was okay. I don't understand how I was collecting all those letters. It's easy to tell that they were going to spell out the word "pixel". The sound got a little annoying. There just doesn't seem to be much detail put into it.

I don't really see why a flying saucer is here of all things. At least I know what a firewall is. I don't know what the points of those -s on the end of the word are. Face it, I just don't understand this at all. You would be surprised at how you can't just keep on moving to go down.

I don't like this game. I guess there are different modes of difficulty I could try, but it just isn't that rewarding. I do appreciate how it's at least somewhat unique. My main problem is that it's mostly just the same thing over and over. Those green asteroids need to be bigger. The graphics aren't too bad.

It just comes off as too bland. It's hard to be motivated to go on with this game. The sounds aren't too bad. There are just so many better things out there. It's pretty mediocre in most senses.

I could not see much of the appeal in this. It was just you throwing stuff over and over. It would have made more sense to have different locations. It gets too repetitive. I guess I can't blame you for having bad graphics or anything. It's a pretty simple game to understand at least.

I was thinking maybe you had control over how hard you could throw something. It never really worked out for me. The sound effects were recognizable. It's easy to do that when you've played so many games. Nothing too memorable.

I found this to be okay. What I did not like about it was how it was hard to get control of the ball. I thought the up key was what made you go up. I just thought it wasn't that well drawn. It really is a pretty complicated game when you put your mind to it. It's really a matter of how soon you can press the space button.

Dang, these guys are fat. Why don't sumo wrestlers get heart attacks? It achieves well in its mediocrity. There just isn't a lot going on. You need much more variety.

I found this to be an okay game. I admit that the graphics are fairly well done. What I really appreciate about this was how simple it was. It did managed to be difficult in that manner. I like all the little details here and there. My main problem is that this just seems a bit too slow moving.

It even gets a little repetitive after awhile. Nice to see something from CrazyMonkeyGames! I don't know if they even have a Newgrounds profile. The sounds were fairly good. I know I've heard them before.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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