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It's a bit weird with you it's so short. I don't even know what would happen if you went past the time limit. I managed to get 2 out of 1 servings won. Usually, you don't improve like that. I could tell this was inspired by the bomb pool game. Is that even here?

That "the bomb" thing is soooo old. I think the last time I heard that used in more than one year was 1998 or something. The designs are nice. As you'd expect with a game like this, you're not really looking for that. It's an interesting way to test perspective.

I really do like these kinds of games. I didn't think this was as good as a lot of the other games because it just seemed like the characters were too big. You needed more of a perspective on everything. Of course, it is pretty funny to be able to shoot each other at such close range. The game doesn't go on too long that way.

Pirates are just good things to use. Pity they don't have that image anymore with the stuff in Somalia. I think there could have been more detail in the background. Some of their beards appeared to be on fire. Is that typical for pirates?

It sounded like the enemy kept saying "f*ck"! I doubt it is that, though. There probably could have been some music for the actual gameplay. Then again, it did make it a bit realistic. I admit the graphics aren't that good. You really CGI stuff that good here.

You good have probably put in more variety. It is kind of interesting to see how the game goes at its own pace. The fact that that they show up at the same time with a timer is kind of neat. The music you have is pretty good. Yeah, not that hard to make good Western music.

Wow, I was truly surprised at how fun this turned out to be. It didn't have a lot of detail, but there really was a lot going on. I got a score of like 1700 or something on my first try. On my second, I managed to get all the way to 12,000! That's quite motivational. I love how this game goes through different stages.

You have so little clue on what's going to show up next. I don't even understand the name of the game that much. At least the score is fairly high. I have little idea what's even going on here. I appreciate the unique premise.

That was one surreal game. At first, I was surprised just at how short it was. It manages to be a lot longer than you think. It's weird how it changes so quickly. I was afraid the game might just be an infinite loop. You are definitley not as powerful as you were before when you awake.

Boobs are so good. While it did not have color, it was still great. It's won how you seemed to win a mashup of all the three main awards. Well, there's only one Review Crew Pick. It's nicely detailed.

This is a really cool game, but I do have one major criticism. It gets so freaking hard! I was thinking maybe Level 10 would just be that one level, but it's harder all the time. The worst part is how you have to constantly move in some areas. I wasn't expecting bombs to show up. It is a quick way to end a level.

The artwork is really good in this. The colors are all wonderfully bright and the sounds fit together perfectly. It can get discouraging with how you lose so often. That's just used for encouragement! In conclusion, a great game.

I appreciate a game like this where you can really use everything you have, but it wasn't that appealing. It's mostly because I couldn't get past most of it. It still has a very nice layout. It helps a lot that the music is just so wonderfully suiting. You get a great sense of atmosphere. I know the artwork is familiar.

Yeah, it's a bit hard to keep track of everyone's name here. I think it has a pretty good premise. You get a nice sense of being able to interact with your world. There's at least a lot of stuff to pick up at first. Your fans should love it.

I couldn't see much of a point in this. It was just a bunch of flies that were coming towards you. You just clicked them and they went away. The idea itself is a bit too simplistic. You can have simple ideas, they just have to be done well. It just seems like something that's just lazily put together.

You need to make the flies look different. You could also have more weapons than just the lightning, although that is good. The overall designs need more detail. There should be more shading with everything. I've noticed that in a lot of good games.

I couldn't understand the appeal of this. It seemed to be just the same thing of going over these giant piles of popcorn. I think they're popcorn at least. They certainly don't look like mines. You at least deserve credit for having good graphics. The sounds were nice too.

It's just that everything falls apart with the actual gameplay. That's probably the most important part of the game. You just keep on jumping and dodging the rovers. That's a funny sentence. It just isn't that rewarding.

I use the grappling hook but nothing happens. I click on whatever I want to do next, but nothing goes on. I think this is a pretty good game besides that. I wish I could understand what it as all about. I don't know why or how this white thing is destroying these crackers. I guess there's nothing wrong with the premise.

The sound is fairly good. You get a nice sense of what's going on. You just can't really understand it. You shouldn't have the designated launching area change like that. I guess it is more challenging.

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