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I normally don’t like sports game, but this was a fine exception! It’s mostly because it’s so easy to understand. I realize that soccer is actually a team sport I enjoy playing in real life. I have never been into sports. It is just that popular. The graphics are good.

You just get a lot of chances in this game. You do have to use strategy. You have a lot of control over your environment. The music is pretty good. I rarely see sports games at all here.

Why is this game so slow for me? Damn computer! I found the golden astronaut token right away. It’s one of the nails on the door. I sadly wasn’t able to finish this, but I still got a medal. These were some pretty unique minigames.

I always appreciate the fine details. I am getting to know the characters more. I thought the lightsaber would work. I mean, you’d think it would work for a minigame. I look forward to a finale.

JackAstral responds:

It seems to be running normally for me - I'll look into it though. (Sometimes I forget to do things like removing event listeners when they're not needed anymore)

This may be the best in the recent games you've submitted. I doubt it will get front page. You still made this pretty flashy. I found this to be a very original idea. I still don't know how to win it. I guess it just goes on forever.

I liked the sound effects. There could have been music, though. These games look more familiar. I don’t think the same person makes all of them. I know you’re an organization.

This one wasn't bad, but it was a bit too easy. I think the music should be automatic. It just seems pointless not to do so. Anyway, I was surprised how easy the first medal was. All you had to do was simply go through that tunnel to find the coat hanger. I mean, it wasn't hard to see.

I didn't really need a "good eye" for it. It's pretty obvious use that take the key out. I guess it's just a short gam. I'm still pretty bad with those puzzles though. They rarely get better.

I didn't care for this. It was mostly because it had little going on. There just isn’t much going on. I don’t see why a ninja star would hurt me. I mean, wouldn’t you want to protect the tower from that? It just makes little sense.

I don’t understand its appeal as it just doesn’t have much to it. I guess it’s kind of unique. It just isn’t enjoyable. I wanted it to be more like a standard Arkanoid game. I love those kind.

I can see why you’d get a medal for just finding that key. You have to look at the rose garden. The problem is, you can’t advance at all before that! These must be Photoshop effects. You just took photographs and changed them. It’s just been awhile since I’ve used that word.

I could have sworn I already reviewed this. Well, a lot of your stuff is pretty similar. I like how it’s set up. It’s just harder than usual. I wouldn’t recommend it, though.

Wow, this ended up being a lot harder than I thought. This was a game where you really had to think outside the box. At first, I thought the password for the drawer was "Diani". I KNEW that would be too easy. Instead, you had to use the anagram, India. This may have had more puzzles like that than any other game you've played.

Why would a key be in a baked good? That was weird even by the standards of your series. You really have to explore every single room. You don't even know how many you have. This was one of your most difficult.

It was more of the same from the last game. It only got hard after about half a dozen levels. It's still pretty enjoyable. I guess it's because you can do so many different things with it. All you have to do is just rearrange them on the lower part of the screen to test it out. It's a game you can really experiment with.

I hope you put some music in. There's at least a little sound in this. I was hoping it would be like an Arkanoid game. Then again, I should have looked at the "2" in the title. I wish one of these games would be on the front page.

Yes! I was finally able to advance without looking at the walkthrough! I really was impressed at how complicated this game was. I had to do a lot just to get my lone medal. I don't even remember how I did it, so I can't give any hints here! Well, that's what the walkthrough is for.

I finally figured out how to turn the music on too. The maze makes it all the more complicated. I did manage to understand it. You have to get an acorn somewhere to feed to the squirrel in the tree the boards are over you remove with the hammer. I guess I could give more info than I thought!

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