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I am glad that I played the first game in the series to understand this more. I didn't know what to do after the first part. The screen just did nothing. It said "Go To Next Truck". I did and nothing happened. What's up with that?

I tried putting it to low resolution and nothing happened. The music is getting annoying. At least I can understand it more. It looked mostly the same as the first one. It was technically harder, though.

I guess I admired this for how hard it was. I was actually able to get a lot further than I thought. Of course, I thought I wouldn't get far at all. You just have to keep on clicking everything in sight. Even in one image, this was really hard to decipher. I liked the music. It's amazing how complicated it is.

First, you have to click on the guy to even get him going. Then you have to click on all three giant jewels or orbs or whatever they are. Then you had to position the Sun over them. Then you had to click them again to get a combination. Yikes!

I had no idea this game was so hard. I thought that at least on the first level, you wouldn't have to rotate. You weren't even spared at that time! I go to the third level and I go on Home, but I'm not advancing! I must have missed something. This is just such a hard puzzle game.

I guess I'm glad I played it. The music is nice and ambitious. There's just so much going on here. At least Blocky is happy. His name reminds me of Boxxy.

I don't really understand why Bill Clinton would be here. He hasn't been in the White House for a long time. Of course, it's more relevant with Hillary getting closer to winning the 2016 election, not that you'd know that. Are you a single person? I liked how cartoonish this was. It was still hard with the controls.

The sound was pretty good. I certainly had no idea what attacks these politicians had. Elizabeth II isn't really a politician. Close enough I suppose. This wasn't the year of an election or anything.

I was pretty confused by this. I thought this would be a game where you gave people their food. It looks like the only thing you did was just buy stuff. It was confusing that way. I was surprised at how fast the customers were. They were the fastest I’ve ever seen!

I don’t think that was my computer. Everything goes too slow there. It was at least interesting. It just really isn’t for me. I am starting to see the similar designs you guys make.

It got more interesting as it went along. What confused me is how I was able to jump on the enemy's heads. I thought you could only shoot them at first. That was kind of a rude awakening. The animation could have been better. I still like the upgrades.

I like their screams when they die. There's just too many of them. It was easier to just jump on them. The music was pretty good. It did get distracting.

There was nothing wrong with this game, but I admit I am kind of tired by it. It is just something that I have seen many times before. I don't know what a lot of these things even had to do with Christmas. Well, there's more variety I guess. I was expecting something more standard. The artwork is fine.

The music gets old fast. I just wanted more variety. I couldn’t understand the fish with the outlines around them. I mean, they wouldn’t combine with each other. There must be something I’m missing.

I would certainly recommend this game. I admit that there were parts that annoyed me. I couldn't understand exactly why you didn't tell me how to drive the truck. It was also too hard to even park it. I still liked most of this. I was surprised at how hard it was.

That thing just keeps swinging around everywhere. Yeah, I might have played this before somewhere too. Maybe I went to your website or something. The colors and designs are pretty nice. You just click up and down to move, BTW.

I can see why this won Underdog Of The Week. It was pretty well put together. I thought I was the girl at first. It was easy to understand. It’s just that it wasn’t very unique. You probably needed to start out with more.

It’s mostly typical RPG stuff. I have sort of a bias against RPGs. Well, I’m not a fan of them. There was still nothing wrong with this. The mobility was good.

I didn't find this to be one of your most enjoyable games. I guess it was a bit too different for me. I couldn't past the first giant. I still appreciated how it looked. I don't know if that's actual Greek mythology. Oh yeah, probably not, because you don't use their names.

It's still interesting to study mythology. It was really unpredictable. It's just that it was hard to tell how to play the game as it kept changing. At least it was unique. I used "unique" a lot in my reviews, don't I?

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