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I loved this! I was impressed at how much you could do, given how simple it seemed. It just seemed like such a graceful game. I really was eager to see what would happen next. I adored the unique style. I could play this all day.

Well, maybe not. You could put some medals in though, tee hee hee. Maybe it could have used music? It's still a great game. I like how you get time before restarting a level.

That's the problem with submitting videos to Newgrounds. The quality never turns up good. This was still kind of fun. I thought that was you. Is it? I liked the crotch part the most.

Everyone does! I love people who can make variety. Live-action games sure are rare. Maybe the picture could have been smaller. It's still passable.

It said I needed Flash Player 7 and I had Flash Player 2. I certainly don't have just Flash Player 2. Well, it seemed to work normal for me regardless. I think it could have used music. Well, the sounds were okay. Then again, it was just one sound.

I'm not into Ping Pong games. That's actually not the name of the sport. That's the name of a company that makes equipment for said sport. The sport's real name is table tennis. This was 2005?

Well, I can see why you don't make games. This was very poorly put together. I mean, you died just by falling on ice. It isn't even sharp! It was way too sluggish. Since when are there coins on Mega Man?

There were only five screens? That's barely a game at all. Well, you have trolled people. I doubt this was meant to be that great. Yeah, you're new at this.

Yeah, I didn't care much for this game. It was too hard. Well, maybe I'm just bad at it. It was at least well put together. I appreciate the colors. It just had little variety.

It was the same looking enemies over and over. I couldn't charge up well. I'd have to train. I don't like it enough to do that. It's a demo, so it's not meant to be much.

Wait, that's literally it? It's just one level? It's hard to recommend like that. Well, it needed music too. You've made many games. These are obviously early ones.

I don't want to complain, but it needs a lot more. I confused this for a game you made about pipes. That was better. This is just too generic. You need more levels.

What a strange game. It was weird because I thought I was supposed to kill them. That's the most fun! I need to do other stuff. I immediately thought of "Rick And Morty" when playing this. Yeah, everybody watches that show. Another game jam?

A guy is named Rick with blue hair. He doesn't seem to be that much based on him. It's hard when nearly all the medals are secret. Aww, this isn't part of a collection? At least it's on the front page.

When I hear the name "Frog" in a video game, I automatically think of "Frogger". I was disappointed to find out this was not "Frogger". It just seemed too lazy. Everything was too simple. It seemed more like a minigame.

It just had little going for it. Still, I guess it's harmless. It's just too small to really be good. Where was the original "Frog It"? That sounds kind of dirty.

I admit the graphics were good, but this could have been so much better. I especially like seeing how authentic it is to the game. What I didn't like was how it did little damage. I mean, I hit the guy square in the feet but nothing happened. I guess it has to be more direct. It was still kinda boring.

I wish you could play against the computer. It needed more color. You were in too small of a place. I hit it too exact and now the bullet (?) goes on forever. I can tell this was your first submission.

Go past the Easter Island head for the clam. Click the weeds and get the bottle full of water. Go to the end with the mermaid and take the pink flower. Give the pink flower to the crab and get the first pearl. Put the bottle over the bubbles to get air. Scare the fish away with the bubbles to go inside the Easter Island head.

Get the bone. Get the rusty bar right next to the head. Use the rusty bar to remove the wood. Get the key under the basket. Put the bone with the other one on the wall.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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