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That was very fun, but I don't think the medals work. It's nice to have a game where you're not in any real danger. It's still hard to do. I love all the variety it has. I especially love these sounds. They seem pretty authentic.

Well, I don't know much about guns. It's hard to say much else as this just goes on forever. Well, it really doesn't, but it's something you could play all day. The music's great too. I know I'm getting headshots!

WilkinGames responds:

Hey, thanks for the comments! Looks like you've unlocked some medals, sometimes it can take a bit for them to show up!

I liked this game. I will admit it was odd to have something that seemed so simple. You probably need more detail. I did like it how it just kept going on. You could play it all day! It's just not too rewarding.

Nice music BTW. It's hard to say much about it. It's just dots going to dots. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just not too memorable.

Go to the green cabinet next to the dinner table. The numbers are 3124, 4231, 1342, and 2413. Get the bottle of oil (I thought it was glue?). Use the oil on the rusty white box. Get the knife. Put the knife away with the other ones to get the potatoes (how does that make them appear there?).

Notice how the calendar has 5,9, 15 and 25 crossed out. Go behind the door to get the carrots. Notice the colors that go up to 15, 25, 9, and 5. Go over to the screened door and touch the left curtain to get the key. Use the key to unlock the cabinet under the china to get the lemons.

Sorry, but I couldn't get through this. I mean, I set up the line, but I can't go any futher beyond. I mean, I can't reset it. Well, I can but it resets the whole level! I can't move the line more than once. At least the visuals are nice.

It's certainly a unique game. I just don't know how to win it. I can mess with it and get ahead a little. Well, I guess I just need to play it more. Unfortunately, it's not good enough for me to want to continue.

That was a lot of fun! I can't believe the rating isn't higher! Well, it does have its flaws. You have to do a lot to get the medals. It can get monotonous. I still thought it was incredible.

I especially loved their goofy expressions. I thought it would be an actual fighting game at first. That was quite clever. Don't click on the "Give Up" part. You'll get rickrolled!

Darren responds:

You have excellent taste. I'm gonna patch in some things to give it a little more variety over the next week, though.

Go to the end of the screen and lift the yellow sand (?) to get the canteen. Move the purple sand to get the gem. Go back to the left and fill the canteen with water. Pour the water onto the cactus. Open the chest with the combination (from top left to bottom right) green yellow blue red. Get the shovel.

Use the shovel to dig in the ground where the gray rocks are. Get the sword you find buried. Cut a piece of bamboo and take it. Use the bamboo to reach the lever at the end. Move the second column to the right.

Go three images over to see the sign that says 429462 on it. One image over, there's some bird houses that say "VI","III", and "IV" from top to bottom. Click on the weed next to the patio to get the slingshot. Go back to the garage door and put in the numbers for 429462 on it. Get the ladder.

Use the ladder to get into the pool and get the duck. Give the rubber duck to the dog who will leave a marble behind. Shoot the target with the slingshot. Go inside the treehouse. Those are some pretty easy medals!

Wow, this is a pretty weird game. I admit to knowing nothing about going about Level 4. I'm able to get rid of one of the arrow guys. How do I get rid of both of them? I admit the concept is very high class. I really have no idea what to do here.

It's quite complicated. I would have to do more research. It just doesn't do quite that much for me. You don't see many puzzle games here. Glad to know we have variety.

Wow, that was one weird game. It was so hard to understand. It would be hard enough to have to jump on all those boxes. You have to do it twice! You have to be so careful with this game. I would still recommend it.

It's definitely unique. It's not so much a platformer as a puzzle game. I love cats. Why do they have to die so much here?! That's just cruel!

Well, I was going to call this a great game, but it did have an annoying flaw. You had to reopen the chests! I don't want to have to do that every time! It can be hard determining what can kill you. You usually always learn the hard way. That's a pain in the butt.

Still, it's a nice setup. I don't know what these enemies are. They remind me of some from Mario. I don't know what the "J" and "Z" did. You know, when the screen changed.

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