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Wow, that was a lot better than I thought. The rating still isn't that high. I really was blown away by the graphics in this. They were quite impressive! I admit the controls aren't that good. This was still pretty fun.

I'm generally not into RPGs. That's why I barely even played it. I just need to know how great a game is by this design. Glad it at least got front page. It's good.

AlexGoldring responds:

Hey Ericho,

Thanks for the review! If you have time - I'd love to hear more about the controls, how I could make them better, please drop me a message.


While not great, this was still good. I had to install the Newgrounds player to play this! Then again, I ultimately had to use another browser, so maybe it was pointless. At least I got to play it. It's been too long since you've submitted a game. It kept me on my feet.

It can get surprisingly hard. There's a lot of people to attend to. It's a pretty cute game. I always want people to be more active here. I'm going to have breakfast right now!

This was a very nice little game. I would tell you the answers to the questions, but they don't want me to do that. Besides, it should be easy. I mean, the questions are the same every time. You can just write down the answers. I admit this was a little bland.

It wasn't that well detailed. Still, it was good. You don't need to be that elaborate. I only got a 7 on my first time! I have tens of thousands of reviews here!

Little-Rena responds:

Thank, the questions weren't designed to be too hard, I did think about giving an answer to them at the end. Making random questions would be possible, but I really need help to think of questions to write! Coming up with quiz questions has never been a strong suit of mine :P

Well, people don't want me to give walkthroughs here anymore. I don't give ALL the information. As usual, this was a nice minimalist game. There were only two rooms at first! I can't get far in this at all. I got one medal and that was it. The music seemed different.

I liked the variety. It's pretty nice for what it is. This should have its own section! Well, I don't even look at sections anymore. I had no idea what the paper meant.

Level 11 is that one level. "Eleven" kind of rhymes with "level". Well, it's spelled the same way. The music's great. I really was impressed at how creative this was. I mean, it's no easy game.

Who would have thought a game about jumping cows would be so much fun? It's a great puzzle game. I always have to time everything. It's so fast paced. Again, complicated for a cow game.

I'm not into point 'n click adventures, but this was great. I especially love how realistic it is. Well, I couldn't get out of my own room. I might mean that literally. Everything just looks so sweet and fluffy. The music's great too.

It appears to be a very relaxing game. Yeah, a computer within a computer! I like meta stuff. I can always appreciate a game for how it looks. It's so subtle.

I'm sorry, but I just couldn't get into this. The artwork seemed pretty shoddy. Was there sound on this? It just seemed too basic. It's too bland. I wasn't motivated to get any medals.

I guess the game itself is harmless enough. There's so much better stuff out there. Well, you still got front page. I can't fault you for that. Well, you had a lot of people working on it!

Yomuchan responds:

The artwork was done in the style of classic newgrounds flash games, I wanted to make something that felt like it was straight outta 2005. And yeah, this is my first time making a business sim. It's been a good learning experience and I'm sure I can do better next time. Thanks for your review!

I've been telling everyone how to beat the levels to these games. They apparently don't want me to do that anymore. Then again, they already have a walkthrough link there. Anyway, this was a good game. I admit it's not that distinct. When you're so prolific, it's hard to tell the differences.

I was able to get at least a couple things on my own. They're not too hard to find. The set up is pretty authentic. I like how you can turn the music on and off. It can be distracting.

I got every medal! This was mostly because I was disappointed in myself for lying about missing a day of work. Okay, that's too personal. I did love this as always. I didn't see how an engraving was that different than a painting. I think it's just semantics.

Some of the medals don't match the game descriptions. It was "The Great Wave", not "The Big Wave". Oh, that's too nitpicky. I didn't even realize you could put your mouse over the 3D glasses to see the original painting. I thought I knew more about art.

Hmmm, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this game goes on forever. What a funny coincidence. I was just playing "The Hungry Games" another unwinnable joke game. This was more entertaining. I can still get more medals though. I love those birds.

They look like a pokemon. Oh, who am I kidding? Everything looks like a pokemon as there's nearly 1,000 of them! The graphics were quite impressive. You know how to motivate someone.

Amni3D responds:

Yeah, it's endless.
"they look like a Pokemon"
You should've seen their early design. Straight up looked like Pidgeot :v

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