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Dang, every game I play is crazy nowadays. I thought the title pun wasn't too bad. What I didn't understand was how I died. I just kept on moving until I went offscreen. I imagine there was something that attcked me?! Anyway, you just kept on moving and moving with this.

The sound was a bit too repetitive as well. Every enemy seemed to look the same. I know there's something I'm missing with this. I'm sorry, it's just nothing that looks all that good. Sorry if the review was too negative.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't have sound on this. That just comes off as pretty cheap. The game is itself fairly harmless, it's just not all that good. I was annoyed at how you had a score of zero until the end. Well, I got used to it. You might do what most games do and have your score go lower as you progress.

The pun in the title was pretty lame. It just comes off as too cutesey. It looks way older than 2006. I guess it did have some originality to it. I'll at least give it praise for that.

I found this game to not really have good gameplay. I think it's because the artwork was pretty bland. I know you probably don't need shadings or anything like that for a game like this, but it was still a bit cheap looking. I admit it's kind of an original idea. I don't know how to mix jellies. At least the colors are nice.

I was surprised at how difficult this can be. You do know some interesting game mechanics. It just doesn't have anything that makes it stick out. I've played so many games I know what it's like to be unique. The sounds were fitting.

I wasn't interested in this at first, but it truly got better the more it went along. I appreciate how you have such decent graphics. I thought that as I was turning green, I would be able to eat the green things. I know that's not a good strategy as they killed me earlier. Instead, I wanted until I was unlucky enough to actually touch one. I knew it would kill me.

The blue and purple pills always had strange effects. I imagine any pill would have a negative effect on a virus. While not that well detailed, it does not need to be. Like I've said a million times, it works for what it is. You could maybe put some more educational stuff into it.

This is a pretty good game. It's mostly just the same thing of getting hit with knives by dwarves. I thought maybe the rock guy was an enemy at first. Dang, it seems like you lose bullets so fast. Those dwarves are freaking annoying! For the most part, this is good.

The graphics are decent, even if the overall layout isn't all that original. The knives thrown at you are also really bad. Again, I think this may have to do with the resolution of my computer. You could have had more upgrades. After I die, my health bar momentarily flashes to full for some reason.

Dude, you are making games like clockwork! These are all quite complicated and I am very impressed by that! I didn't think this was as good as the other ones. I must have a computer that just runs low on this. Everything seems unbearably slow. You do have the button to make things go faster. There are more and more armies as the levels go on.

They don't seem that stronger, just higher in number. The designs were fairly good. No doubt this will win Daily Feature or at least something close to it. The sounds are pretty fun. It's an all around good game as always.

At first, I thought it was too difficult. I then thought it was too easy and then back to being difficult. At first, I basically just had to keep on finding new numbers. When you reach the 30 point mark, it's considerably harder. At least I managed to get that far. I am glad I am not taking a math class this semester.

Of course, this isn't the kind of thing you'd use one for anyway. I like all the bright colors used. Hard to suggest anything, as it doesn't look like it needs anymore. More people are used to math nowadays anyway. Numbers can be fun.

This was quite an enjoyable game. The one part I'm having trouble with is when I'm jumping on the red balloons. I believe I have to get seven of them in a row, which is quite difficult, especially considering how I accidentally incapicated one of the guys working on changing their color. The artwork was great in this. The sounds and everything else were nice too. It was a lot easier to just jump on the enemy's head.

Bunnies seem to get involved in a lot of gross stuff. I appreciate how there was a lot going on with the carrots, hearts, and pieces of string. I skipped the opening cutscenes. Sorry, if there's no medal for watching them, I'm not interested. It is a very good game.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Glad you enjoyed the game and thanks for the feedback, very useful! I would think that incapacitating one of your friends in the balloon room would make it a bit easier, because they won't jump onto any balloons that you've already made the right color.... but maybe I was wrong. I find it very sad that people nowadays need to get an achievement for everything, even for watching the introduction. I mean, shouldn't you watch the intro because you want to, rather than for getting a pat on the back for doing so? I guess that's just me, but I think achievements should be reserved for actual achievements. Anyway, thanks for the constructive criticism and I will keep these things in mind for future projects! Sorry if I seem arrogant or that I do not respect your opinions, I just do not agree with a few of them, but I'll keep them in mind. Thanks for the nice score! :)

When I saw the title, I thought it would be a game about a swimming pool. Hmm, there should be more jokes made about that. I think the graphics are as good as any other pool game. I just couldn't understand this game that much. I guess it should appeal to people who are fans of it in real life. I really am not.

I don't know why you keep putting new balls on. Boy, is it easy to get a stratch. Why is it even called that? While strange (even if it's rather mundane), it does live up to what it is supposed to be. Uber's such a cool word.

Wow, I think I actually enjoyed this. True, it has the lowest rating of anything in the Dare category, but it's not that bad. I think I like it because it's so freaking challenging. The graphics are actually very well done in this. If only there was some way I could beat it. You really have to move fast for this.

The music is also quite good. I don't know what the point is getting the gold at the beginning is. I like how it always changes what levels are in which doors. I guess they're too short to really be levels. I guess they're more parts.

Naufr4g0 responds:

Thanks Ericho for your feedback! :)
I think I got a low rating, cause I make players angry with its difficulty, not because of its poor quality.
I hope you have already tried not to take the gold, otherwise it is really impossible complete the game. The gold is there to punish your greed! :)

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