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Grows on you

This was a nice game to play because the graphics were just so good! This seems to be just like something you would play in a "Sims" game. Seeing as how they have all sorts of crazy stuff, monsters from Hell would not be that far-fetched. The best part is how there is so much creativity put into the design of the enemies. What I did not like was how it was a bit too repetitive with the same people coming at you. Of course, I am a big fan of shooting games like this, so it works.

I guess these aren't zombies, but they seem to die like ones! This is a game where you really have to conserve your ammunitation. Be sure to calculate how many shots it takes for every enemy. Overloading will make you waste time on reloading like most games. When I first heard the title, I thought it would be like a "Reincarnation" entry.

Very interesting game!

I am not a big RPG fan, but this turned out to be something that was rather fancy! There was so much detail put into it and the graphics were amazing. I just had no idea what was going to come up next, be it a new environment or no enemies. The game just has so many ridiculous things going on. I could barely understand any of it, but it was dang cool. It's also great how you start off so easily. From what I recall, on the first battle the enemies did not even get any turns at all!

It's weird how there are so many conflicting styles here. It looked like there were some mushrooms in the background while normal people fight purple alien things. The CGI and 2D uses also play each other off well. While not the best, it's an extremely creative game and has a lot going for it. Glad you were able to get medals.

A prototype?

I can not really tell you to improve anywhere, because this was of course a simple demo. I do, however, want to say that demos are generally not looked upon positively on this website. It seems you could have put in some sound or music. The game actually seems like it could go somewhere, maybe just because I like cupcakes. I guess the goal is for the pink cupcake to reach the brown one. I did that and then nothing happened so I fell off and now there's simply a blank screen.

I don't know why, it's just kind of fun to see the cupcake just plop around. Black lines are not the best way to show off style, either. I am sure that the final game will be much better. You should probably not submit something that has little detail in it for a demo. The cupcake manages to have a really silly and funny face for all it's worth.

Good and hard!

This game was very hard to play, but I still can not dislike it because it was done so well. In case anyone wants hints, on the first level place the wheels on either side. Have one of them hit the guy so he falls down to one side and he won't fall off. Place one barrel over each of the sides so the nasty rain will not come up. That is as far as I got and I am proud of myself for simply doing that! Anyway, it was really cool how you could change the background with the sweet or acid part.

I never even noticed that those guys do look like fruit. The music seems to be hillbilly like and that suits the environment fairly well. Thank you once more for showing us the solutions to everywhere. This is a good puzzle game but it can be quite frustrating so be sure to look for any possible way to solve it. Call me morbid, but it's funny to watch the fruit slowly rot and die.

A bit realistic

Speaking of jobs, I am very glad to say that I managed to finally get one myself! Back to this game, it was good because it had a nice amount of detail put into it. The thing I did not like was how hard it was. I guess I must be doing something wrong because it seems too hard for me. I recall the first one being easier, but at least this one is fancier. There are a lot of things to do, but you make an effort to have the game be mundane.

The animation kind of reminded me of the stuff by eddsworld. Now, I do not have to worry about making imaginary money as I have some real money. It just seems like it takes too long to go from room to room. You really have to take notice of every single thing that goes on in this game. It's also good you allow the player to get the big picture.

Ooh, not bad

This was an interesting game because it was fairly unique. It seems like it's been awhile since I've played a game from you, NegativeONE. The cool thing is how the levels change. I had no idea it was going to go in space in the next "world", but seeing as how there was a dragon, anything seems possible. Now, I do have problems with this game mostly because of how hard it is for me. In space, it's especially hard to avoid simply falling off.

This is still something I recommend, because it has a nice amount of detail in it. There are all kinds of interesting hazards up ahead and its unpredictable. It seems like you used the same cutscene for the dragon levels. The mode when you press spacebar is cool but it uses up acorns if you want to collect the medal. The music is also nice and fitting.

It works!

This game had great detail put into it, but could have used some better gameplay. The main fault is that you, as the robot, do not really move anywhere and are a stationory object. Granted, you still get to blow stuff up but you have little control. As it is made by MindChamber, I still have to like it because the graphics are simply fantastic! You are someone who has a very unique style to your games! Thank you also for the comment you left on your profile.

The special mode was cool because everything was in red and easier to shoot. It was great fun to just shoot at the buildings over and over until they were completely destroyed. The little men got annoying so the bigger kills were more satisfying. I had no idea this used an original song either. It certainly lives up to its title.

Domo-kun's back!

It is so great to see poxpower and Mockery working together on a game featuring Domo-kun! Now, I was a little disappointed this was not a longer game like the first one with the Powerpuff Girls. It's always nice when people make submissions that are topical. Looking back at them will be like looking into world history. I am sad to say that I barely have any money of my own and wish the donations could be smaller. It is still great that you are honoring those people who are suffering in this situation.

Domo-Kun looks great and the tsunami wave looks funny. In case anyone wants to know what's coming up, the first wave (literally) uses the spacebar and the second uses the arrow keys. The third uses QWE and the fourth uses AFHL. The fifth is QP something and the sixth is QZ. Thank you for using a mascot of Japan to fight this disaster off!

That was weird

It's funny to play a game in the third NG Game Jam that later got medals! With that being said, this was hard to enjoy because it was just so confusing to play. The weirdest thing was how you killed someone. I guess you just pressed the spacebar, but it seemed to be a lot more complicated than that. At least you guys put in some instructions in the author comments. You could have also thrown in some more detail and better use of pixels and stuff.

Of course, this was made in a limited amount of time, so it's hard to suggest things to make it better. I guess you could put in a background and some more detail in everything. The sounds were really weird, but kind of made the game fun. I hope you had a great time with this game jam. It is really a way of showing off how someone possesses their own style.

Like the music

I thought this was a fairly original game to play. While it did not have the most action or detail, it was still nice for a quick go because it was a pretty innovative game. I don't know why, but you kind of remind me of ZekeySpaceyLizard, especially with the protagonist. The music was really stylistic and set off a good tone. I am so good at this game that I have yet to die in the entire span of playing it! It's simply a nice little puzzle game.

The background was nice, with how it seemed to just be swirling around and stuff. Another cool thing was the little noises you made when you collected the coins. It just really seems to be something that exists in its own world. It was nice to have the character be so small in the game because that made him look easier to control. Not one of your best games, but still good.

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