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I admit that this is actually pretty well done. It does get pretty hard on the fourth level. There truly was a spirit of always something new. I just really liked how everything was so complicated. While the game wasn't itself that detailed, it still really worked. I like how the colors all have different properties.

I thougt I could touch the green stuff as I was green myself! There's a lot of nice creativity put into this. It's simply a game that's well put together. The sounds are pretty nice. Congrats on the Daily Feature.

I'm not a fan of sports games, but this was surprisingly entertaining. I think it's mostly because I'm fairly good at it. At least I was when I first played it. The best part is how, when you changed positions, you can beat up the other person. It doesn't do anything, it's just there to be funny. Boy, is it ever!

Yeah, it does take a lot more timing than you would think. I searched for this and found it's actually on quite a few websites. I don't really recall it much. The dots are still more creative than those in that cheating teacher series, not that I don't like those. Unexpectedly good!

This was really weird. Here I am playing a game that has tons of medals, but I can't win anything. I don't mean to sound whiny, but you had to get 100 games for one medal?! It's just that in this scenario I was expecting actual ships fighting each other. I'm not much for card games. If you are a fan of these kinds of things, then by all means, embrace this!

It's just too lengthy to get to anything. I'm very sorry to give you your lowest review score yet. The music and designs are great. It just seems too complicated to really get into. I acknowledge the fact that people love this, but it's just not for me.

You deserve credit for making something so fun. I appreciate how it just kept going on and on. I couldn't really understand the point of rage mode. It didn't make me invulnerable to anything. I liked the big blue guy. He just seemed so out of place, so it was fun to beat him up.

You could probably make an option for jumping higher. There's that one cliff I can't get over. It helps that the title is so cool. I didn't know a wooden sword could be so good. I was instructed to take it over the metal one!

I couldn't understand how a pig could become an angel. In fact, according to the Bible, humans can't even become them. That's just a myth. I really liked the awesome music. This turned out to be surprisingly good. It is a bit too short, though.

I like how this pig looks so happy. It was weird how you had to collect everything in a certain order. I mean, I guess it makes sense, seeing as how that would be too easy. It's a very bright and colorful thing to look at. It's nice to have such a pleasant game.

This game isn't that bad. I think it strongest point is probably how the controls were pretty easy to understand. Then again, I don't know anything about combos. I admit that some of the graphics do look a little dated. Of course, most stuff by 2006 is supposed to be present in my eyes. Dang, I am old.

The music, I thought, was pretty cool. It was interesting to have this so customizable. It may not be that elaborate, but it's still enjoyable. I think the title should be two different words. Good thing it got some kind of positive award.

josh-tamugaia responds:

Thanks. I agree with your comments. Final Slam 2 is on the way, with a more elaborate customization.

I found this to be a really cool game! At first, I thought I wouldn't like it given that there seemed to be just one screen. It really did get a lot better as it went on. I still can't really figure out exactly what to do. I'm trying to combine the animal actions but it doesn't work. You have truly created a beautiful environment.

I appreciate all the little things going on. That's pretty much what this entire game is about. The music is also pretty stylistic. I like how the animals are all drawn in a different manner. It's not just the same thing over and over.

I was quite impressed by this! I am generally not that much into RPGs, but boy, was this different! It was just brilliant to see all these cool graphics. I like how something like a giant robot was put in such a mundane world. It just comes off as so funny to me. The music is pretty nice too.

I like how you seem to have a lot of mobility. Granted, that's mostly because you're a giant robot, I believe. It's just something with a nice layout. Even the title is cool, but most things with giant robots are. This was definitley worth checking out.

I admit to being pretty confused by this game at first. It is actually a good game, just quite strange. I am glad that I got used to it. I really should stop being so lazy as to not read the tutorials. It's quite fun to see what shows up next. You don't know what kind of strange powerup or enemy there is.

The music is fairly well done. While it isn't done in much detail, what it does have delivers. I like how you are looking at something some new. Congradulations on your Daily Feature...all those years ago. You didn't mention it in the author comments.

I think this could have had a better design. What I didn't understand was how simple it was. I'm fairly certain I don't have to collect anything. For the most part, this was still decent. I think it's because the music is so good. You would expect a rythum game to be more complicated.

Of course, I doubt if it could even be considered one. You seemed to at least get the colors right. Everything worked out pretty well for you. Again, you do need more detail. I don't know if touching the spikes even hurts you.

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