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While there wasn't that much going on, I still had to give you credit for making this game. It's a lot harder than it looks. I knew there were going to be some more obstacles. I probably would recommend this because it is challenging. It's weird how it has such a simplistic design with that. Seems like I've been playing games that involve floating lately.

The designs weren't that much, but it didn't matter. You really caught me off guard with how hard this was. Yes, you do need more detail with everything. There needed to be more of an objective. It's still good.

This is a good game, but it's really weird how it's so hard to control. This guy just flies all over the place and you have to pinpoint everything. I was amazed at how hard it was to keep control of him. I'm glad you seemed to have a lot of ammo. I don't understand why he just floats around randomly for everything. The drawings are pretty good.

Dang, it does get repetitive. I really like this music and certainly recognize it. Now I remember, it's from the Demonic Defense games. You did a good job of making a game where you have to keep on noticing everything. I appreciate that.

This is truly a great game. It's mostly because you rarely see live-action/animation stuff here. Having really anything of that kind is usually frowned upon on this website. I'm glad this worked out so well. The enemies were just really well done. Everything was put together wonderfully.

I think those Wii remote looking guys can't actually die. They don't hurt you or anything. I like the notion of you zapping things with your fingers. The sounds are great too. It's just a very fun game.

It was cool how you managed to make this so good. I just like the idea of having the Earth around to blow stuff up. I don't see why the entire thing is water. I do think that's funny, imagining water just flying around in space. Of course, I'm not an astronomer. I liked the enthaustic yells of the kids.

I don't know why these missiles are targeting the planet. I do know that it's really cool. I was afraid it would be too easy or boring at first with how you just caught fish. Boy, was I wrong! It's the most extreme tugboating game I've ever come across!

It wasn't that bad, but it just didn't have anything that noteworthy. I admit that the idea of dying by hitting birds is kind of lame. It's mostly because you don't even get to fight other planes. That seems like something that a hangglider would have to deal with. Yeah, it's weird that I want realism in a game. It just doesn't come off as that appealing.

Of course, you wouldn't fly around in areas with birds that much. You did have some decent designs for the birds. The game itself is just too dull. You could probably add in some good music too. Any premise can be done well.

I found this to be a decent game. I admit that the instructions were a bit ambiguous. I can definitley tell this was made similar to the Gondor game. I even saw the black dragon in the background at the beginning. As usual, the music and atmosphere are nicely done. The designs of all the monsters and enemies are good too.

While I may not be good at it, it's nice to have a protagonist that can heal health. You can certainly die fast, though. It's hard to tell when you're at the far end of the screen. I didn't know how to not skip the instructions. It's still a well put together game.

Upon first glance, this game just seemed too easy. It was truly anything but! I was fascinated at how difficult it could be given its design. There really are a lot of ways to beat each level. They seem to be all equally hard to me. It's admirable to make something so stylistic.

You really had to be fancy with your fingers on this. I could not understand how to get to another place in a certain way. The music is also nice and technological. It's probably the best game you could make of something with this design. Just don't get cocky!

I guess there wasn't anything that bad about it. The main problem is that it's too repetitive. It's just the same enemies over and over. I don't know much about the original to compare it to. I think it was just too basic. At least it wasn't that hard or anything.

I would have liked an upgrade that got rid of the enemies faster. It was at least interesting to see something different. I couldn't really notice the songs on this. Then again, I wasn't into the game that much.

I think this pretty much lives up to its description. I thought it was really interesting how it did get so much harder. You apparently have to keep on pressing the button in order to get the egg there. I would think dragons could swim? I guess I'm thinking more of sea serpents. I did appreciate how it got complicated in its simplicity.

Yeah, you could have had better graphics. The hatched dragons look like giant rats. I thought that's what they were at first. The music is pretty good. It's surprisingly happy for a game that can get pretty violent.

I have to give you credit for having a challenging game. Then again, that's also why the game was so frustrating. I thought I had everything done, but it doesn't all work. I know I have a combo for the big purple fish but nothing else. It just doesn't come off as very rewarding. The part with the bubbles only got worse.

Don't be fooled by how simplistic this game may look. It's way more complicated than that. I appreciate how there was work put into it. There must have because it's so hard. I'm not really a fan of puzzle games.

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