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5.5 minutes?

It seemed a little short to me, and I would have liked it to go on longer. It is still a great cartoon mostly because of how great the opening was and how Nicholas-Dreary really set the stage for all the other animations. The animation was all great and unique in this one. I liked how goofy one of them looked where the boy's head was 90% hair and 10% his actual face. You guys also came up with a great way to pull a Uranus joke. You think those would simply be too old to be fresh, but you made something good out of it!


I was kind of disappointed to find out that this was such a short cartoon. It was still funny to see the interesting animation put onto this especially with how silly the characters looked. I can definitley believe that these are sounds that the characters have made in the show. It reminds me of a few times when I am sure the "Family Guy" characters turned into animals or something. I love how retarded Peter sounds when you click the "Replay" button. It was good for a quick laugh on this site.

AlmightyHans responds:

i did the voices.

Best in the series

I loved watching this and the other episodes simply because it is so unfathomably insane. I really have no idea what is going on, but everything is so cool I do not care in the least. These characters seem to have a lot of depth to them and are fantastically designed. If nothing, this deserves a 5 because it told you all you needed to know about traveling through dimensions and quantum mechanics and stuff in a short time. The voices are also great and fit the personalities well. I just wish you would upload the twelve remaining episodes here to Newgrounds after all this time.

One of the longest ever!

I think this is the record for longest flash submitted to Newgrounds that is straight forward from start to end. What is truly amazing is that you manage to keep the hype and silliness up for such a long time! I think you were wrong and there was not a single guy who did not die. The Earth was destroyed numerous times as well as everyone on it. I heard that it could have been a guy on Mars, but Mars was presumably destroyed as well. I love Zeeky H. Bomb and the exploding watermelon and everything else!

What matters is that this is one of the most sophisticated stick flashes I have ever seen. It actually does manage to have a plot, by keeping some consistency in the scenes (sketches, maybe?). Exploding heads are always a classic. The voices used in this are really good too and they manage to be silly or serious when they need to be. How funny how you started with a trailer when you actually did release a full movie (or at least something close to it). I would love for you to come back to make things here.

Nice ducks

I just wanted to let you know that this is my 21st birthday and I am now fully an adult. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I think this flash was pretty bad, but not the worst. I think there is a mistake in that one of the "ducks" depicted was actually a goose or something. The sound can get a little annoying after awhile. I did like seeing the Crocoduck as that is one of those memes you do not see a lot on Newgrounds. It was also funny just to see how low the resolution was in the window in the background.

lokosteve responds:

i just love you ;d

Reason for reviewing

I am reviewing this because it got a really high score on the portal, so I figured it could not be half bad. I know what it is like to have a flash submitted on Clock Day that most people hate. I was not even fortunate enough to get one that had such a high rating. At least you are honest about your intentions and are not looking for something great. Oh, and it is also my 21st birthday in case you wanted to know. I guess the color was pretty bad and there was little action in the whole thing at all, really.

iateamexican responds:

Happy birthday.


I guess I never thought that a literal dead baby comedy would ever come off as cute, but this was nice. I guess the delivery of jokes was not the best, but the punchline was well worth it. This flash's strongest point is how good the animation is. I really like how the characters and the backgrounds are drawn. It is among the most unique styles that I have ever seen in a cartoon, and I wish I knew how you did the animation on this. This is my 21st birthday and it was great to see this on this very special day.

eat-at-joes-guy responds:

Glad you thought so highly of it, and happy 21st.


I am glad that you are actually planning on making a TV show set for 2012, but this needs a lot of work. The weakest point is probably the animation. While not the worst I have seen, you should work harder to make things like line structure or shading effects. I admit that the animals eating the human was pretty unexpected. Then again, those are dinosaurs (right?) that are eating the turkey (right?). I could not get a lot of the jokes in this, so I guess you should just try to have more original material.

What a nice birthday present!

I had been a loyal fan of Homestar Runner for years now and I was also a fan of Newgrounds. I find it amazing that you finally decided to submit perhaps the most famous flash cartoon of all time to Newgrounds! I love watching this because it is great to see how far Homestar Runner has gotten. The animation and humor are still very impressive even by modern standards. I hope that this is the real Matt Chapman finally coming here to Newgrounds! How can Coach Z make a sound if he doesn't even have a mouth?

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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