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At 24 times, that was anything but quick, except of course for the individual "sketches". I liked this one because you had no idea what was going to happen next. Seeing as how there were so many silly things going on, I was not sure if Luigi getting rid of the castle was even going to end it. I think my favorite was probably 10. It was just so funny to see Peach blush and then get all covered in blood, like everyone else who was hit by the cannons. Toad, Yoshi, etc. were all used well.

Quite fun

I really like the animation on this, as it is a style I do not think I have ever seen before. What works is that it is truly something that the viewer can associate him or herself with. I have been looking for a job for quite some time, and I finally got in some hours on this very day! I also loved you put in some dark humor by hoping that the old lady would die. Hey, I doubt he would ever be able to make a tower that high anyway. The subltety in this really works with how there is so little action yet a lot to admire and think about.

FelixMassie responds:

Thanks :) That's a nice review!

Pretty funny

I liked this pretty much, due to the fact that it had such a silly premise. It could have worked more if there were some more jokes, but still an entertaining little clip. I like all the little weird details you put into the animation, like their noses' shape and nose color. It was interesting of you to use that audio, as I thought maybe you did not make it yourself. I also like how the letters "Mouth" seem to just jump around. It was an interesting entry into the "RWD" series, whatever that means.

LazyMuffin responds:


A good trailer

I would normally not be much for submitting game previews on this website, but this looks so cool. I have little doubt that this is going to be a great game. I really like how creative it looks and how it also manages to have a nice sense of humor to go with it. It is definitley creative and I think my favorite part would be the dinosaur that appears at the end. It reminds me of "Fancy Pants Adventures" but it seems to be more sophisticated. The graphics are great looking and there seem to be a lot of interesting ideas.

Done for a collab?

This is one of the best Mega Man flashes I have seen on Newgrounds due to the fact that it is one of the most well animated. And of course the original Japanese sounds used are completely flawless. I loved the designs of everybody and how it did seem just like something that would show up in a Mega Man OVA. It is a great tribute to such a popular characer as it is his anniversary. I love how happy he gets wiping through the enemies easily. I think I am a bit more glad this was not as part of a collab, as it is so good in its own right.


I fell in love with this flash years ago, and I am still in love with it today! It is amazing how you managed to put such great fight scenes together, but made it among the cutest things I have ever seen in a flash like this! I never played the Kirby games, but these tributes are awesome. The artwork is so good it seems like something that would be in a Kirby OVA. You have tons of talent and are great at angles and everything! I love the unique designs of all the creatures and how they move and fight.

One of the best ever!

I loved watching this if only because it was so great to hear the clocks actually talk for the first time! It seemed only fitting that someone would make a parody of "Broken Saints". It is perhaps the longest cartoon in total on Newgrounds, so you would think there would be more parodies. Everyone's voice is great, and when in doubt, use the Banananphone joke. I also love how it takes it time to transform into a comedy. It really does make me think this would happen if the Clock characters became actors.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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