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Okay, now I'm finished

I love this episode simply because of how stupid and pointless it is. I love the idea of this fat dork dressed like Sonic getting beat up for no reason other than that he's obnoxious. I could tell it was a parody of "There Will Be Blood" at the end, a good movie scene. This one is not so much about jokes as it is about action. The moments of action are actually kind of rare, but the emotion that these characters emit is so good. It is also the only episode where nobody appears out of costume and the intro is different.

Not good

I think this is one of the lesser Daily Toon submissions that I have ever seen. This is mostly because the animations in the collab are simply so long. It would have been nicer if you guys had simply put the "Menu" button on the whole time. I at least liked hearing the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" theme song and Grinch song. I know that j00bie is one of the most prolific reviewers out there. I would know from experience that you can not always make good flash even if you have that many reviews.

Needs to be longer

I have seen several things where people are simply trying to open up a box or something and I think this was one of the lesser examples. I did like the animation in this one. I think that is best demonstrated when the figure is walking away from the explosion. Thing to improve on would be to make it shown how the explosion happens. It could have used a lot more things going on, like more attempts that escalated in absurdity. I guess it was fine for a really quick thing but needs more variety.

Dr4g00n responds:

i agree. lack of motivation, i guess xD

Happy birthday to you too

I loved this collab simply because it was just so ridiculous in its own right. It seems like something that ZekeySpaceyLizard would put together, and it is too bad he is not submitting flash here anymore. All of you guys managed to put your own unique styles into this. I take it from this that Paperbat is black. It is always interesting to find out about somebody on Newgrounds who is black, as there seem to be few of them. The "Happy Birthday" song and remix was cool with all those sprites.

Needs some work

This was in no way a terrible submission, but did not have that much originality to it. Everyone has done a sprite flash of these characters. I think the weakest point was that it was just too short and needed to have more of a story. I mean, I can not find much that is wrong with the actual action in this, due to the fact that it is very well done. You seem to be talented enough at sprite work, but not at story telling. With some more ideas and concepts, this could be made into a better series, or simply cartoon.

Very cute

I enjoyed watching this because it was just so darn cute. I mean, yesh, it would have been nicer if there had been some color (apart from the chocolate) but still good. I was thinking of how this was going to be about that Spongebob chocolate meme at first. It was interesting how you came up with something original. I really liked the facial expressions in this one, particularly with how they changed. I was sort of expecting that ending, but it still manages to be pretty funny and overall satisfying.


I am not the biggest Half-Life fan, but this was still a really fun cartoon because of its creativity. I really enjoyed how the headcrab came off and showed his real head. It would be funny to have more headcrab action, but I just liked it in its randomness. I really like these character designs and how well they interacted with their environment. The animation is very interesting, especially with how the cameras move. It is not often someone gets an award two days after submitting a flash.

That was very random

I have not seen the first "Hey Jim" so I can not compare with how well it was in comparison to the first one. I guess I understand the joke more as I think about it. The first guy was talking about how someone was calling the phone as a metaphor. Jim talked about the phone in a metaphor too, but used it in a way to mess with him. The animation was not half bad, but could have used some more uniqueness. On a side note, I think that TomaMoto is slowly becoming the male Rina-chan.

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