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That was too easy

This is my pick for best Pico flash for Pico Day 2010. I really like how it manages to be so funny, but only at the beginning and at the end. I knew from the second this came into being, the animation was going to be the best I had seen today. It even seemed to vary with the animation at numerous times making it more cartoonish at some points. I am starting to notice that Piconjo really looks like Ganon in this cartoon. The anti-climax was perfect especially after all of the great action scenes there were already.

Hulalaoo responds:

You not found the EASTER EGG Ericho ?

You are lucky

Of all the Pico Day flashes, you managed to get the one whose preview icon would be made into the preview icon for Pico Day 2010 in the Collections! I really enjoyed this, mostly because of the brilliant animation. I also love how it manages to send a message at the end about being black, as the screen went to black, which I guess was the joke. I knew that a Pico flash could not go that long without violence and exploding stuff. It looks as though you just missed the 4/30 mark by a single minute. Don't mess with black people.

Great stuff

I have never seen the movie "Paranormal Activity" so I can not tell how faithful it is to the movie. I loved hearing the Michael Jackson song, particularly with how he has dead now and that could mean the radio is haunted. I really like the animation in this. It is great to be introduced to a new style, especially on none other than Pico Day. The funniest part was probably when he was scared of it at the end and simply blew it up with a bazooka. I hope you had a great PIco Day as I certainly did.

RiverJordan responds:

Haha thanks for the awesome review man! I really appreciate it! and Yeah! I had a fantastic pico day :)


That is great

I just love how the characters are drawn in this cartoon. It almost seemed like you were trying to make "Pico Babies" or something like that. What I really like is that despite all the blowing stuff up, it actually does have a cute demenor to it. I love how these kids act and react with their facial and bodily expressions. It is interesting because you just have no idea what is going to happen next. I loved finding out what would happen next and how you could skip through the dialogue if wanted.

Very nice work

I really like this cartoon because it introduces a new character to us. Well, it is technically not a new character, but the way you send it up for him to be the new character is just awesome. The animation in this is pretty good, but not great. I think this works hard to put emotion into a Pico flash and not just violence or dark humor. It is a different twist on a really popular series that manages to be original despite all the different takes on it. The easter egg at the end was well, kind of weird.

#1 on Newgrounds!

Well, I am pleased to say that I do not think I have ever reviewed a movie with a higher score than this and it shows! You guys really departed from the regular Pico style and made something that was your own. I love the designs of the cult members and the action scenes. It was cool how you had them attack her at once and not just one at a time like cliched movies. I think this is perhaps the most realistic drawing of Pico and Nene that I have ever seen. Congradulations on a landmark flash!

You're pushing them out!

It was interesting to see you made two cartoons in one day under your alternate account. I really enjoyed this, probably only because I am a big fan of yours, obviously. It was really cool to see you finally reference TTA in another cartoon. I remember seeing some of those animations on your website(s) so it was cool to put them here on Newgrounds. You are obviously a talented person and deserve your place in this arts school. How nice of you to include the funniest part of the "Scaredy Cat" flash.

Another good one

The funniest line by far was "Okay that was three days ago and this is a Christian zoo". This was not as good as your other submissions under your account, but still good. I just love cats (or tigers or whatever these were supposed to be), so this came off as cute. I can recognize the animation but it is different in that it has a more serious tone. Of course, it manages to be really funny as it addressed a brief subject. While this is pretty short, I hope you at least did well in your animation class.

One of your best!

It is bold submitting something this awesome on Pico Day. Anyway, this was great simply because it had the best satire of any of the submissions. I loved the Amy Rose-like character and how she had the cutest voice with the most insane plans. It was also great that you addressed the topic of shipping in the gaming industry and here in the fandom. With any popular fanbase, that is bound to happen, so I am glad you are aware of it. The animation was pretty sytlistic and I love the funny character designs.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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