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Quite nice

I was impressed very much by this cartoon and was glad to see you come back and make new stuff. I played one of these games and it is interesting how they managed to look so three dimensional when using sprites. Anyway, I had never heard this song before, and it is a good song. You have one of the coolest intros too. I like this simply because there is no attempt to be flashy or anything, it's just nitty-gritty good stuff. The lack of action still gives the characters a lot of room to move around.

Seen it before

I am reminded of an episode of "The Colbert Report" where Stephen Colbert did the same thing to show off a 3-D effect. You should really not submit something to Newgrounds if it is in fact just a test. I gave you a "1" simply because I think that little toy is cute. I guess this did a pretty good job of looking 3-D, but I suggest making the transitions a little quicker. That does not even look like a bear to me. It looks more like a lamb who is for some reason yellow and orange, but maybe you were aiming for that.

Simply fantastic!

I had heard that song a lot of times before, but I did not even know what the lyrics were! The fact that it was talking about things being black did not even occur to me! Thank you for showing me that and expressing your creativity in this awesome submission. I think this is among the best animation I have seen in a Sonic flash that did not use sprites. All of the characters move the perfect way and everything syncs up very well. It is also great that you address relationships between Shadow and the other characters that are not usually addressed.

naysu responds:

wow thankyou very much, I really apreciate the time you took to write this review, so for this, thanks! :)

Cool robots

Chrono Trigger is obviously popular on this website and while I do not know much about it, I can appreciate it. I thought the fight scenes were good, but not among the best I have seen. It was intersting to see how many kills he could get with that single sword. The strongest point was probably the scene where all of the robots are fighting him at once. It has little story (at least I think it does) but it does its job very well. I can see this being made into another popular series, just add more of a story.

Short but sweet!

That was one of the most brilliant animations that I have seen in a long time! I loved how smooth the animation was and just how everybody seemed to move. I loved the battle between the smaller patient and the really big patient. I had no idea what was going on or why it was happening but it is so awesome I do not care. The music was also great and fit the theme, which is important as it was the only sound used. I have never taken an ink blot test, but I would say the one presented looks like a butterfly.

Very cool indeed

I really liked the creepy atmosphere that was used in this and I think it is among your best work. I was thinking she was going to turn into a vampire at the end, but then the narrator said that was the last thing she ever knew. Then the screen went blank and you simply said, "Good night". Then, she really did turn into a vampire! Anyway, this was brilliant in not just its twists and turns but also in its delivery. We are never told exactly how things happened the way they did, they are just presented in a good manner.

Great to see

Normally, I would not approve of you sending things that are already on this website, but this was just so awesome I will let it slide. I hope you are at least still a "Pokemon" fan after changing your name. I was a big fan of this series, but was disappointed when there were apparently no more new ones. At least I got to see this and I do notice that it seems like Pikachu always fights the Clock Crew. Seeing little Pikachu with a machine gun makes me feel awesome all the time. I hope that you keep up the good work.

RazorHawk responds:

The Clock Crew is just so much fun to decimate though.

But thanks, yeah, I wouldn't have added in all that stuff that was already on the site, but there were some corrections that I wanted to make (and add in the music I wanted), not to mention the AFD6 part all by itself would have been really short.

But thanks, I appreciate the support. Cheers.

A test?

It was nice of you to make a test, but I really think you should not send flashes to Newgrounds that are just tests. The design in this was really simplistic, but I have seen worse. I will say that it was very nice of you to have that pokemon song in. That song has been remixed so many times with different versions, it is always cool to find a new version. I think the eyes look weird in this. They look just like little green rectangles in the character's eyes, so the art really needs work.

zergtillian responds:

the eyes were realling ovals to circles in comparison really. If you made the window bigger, you can see that more clearly.
And the pokemon song that i used in this one is the actual pokemon: the first movie theme song.
So this one wasn't redone or anything

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