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One of the best Nutshell series

You are very deserving of your Underdog Of The Week award as it is a true underdog. I normally do not look at stuff made by single members of the Star Syndicate. What makes it so cool is that you tried to get across different shows and not just a single one. It is so funny to hear these silly little voices coming from the bodies. These are in fact how a lot of people act in those reality shows. This has arguably more satire than any other of the "In A Nutshell" movies, which makes it one of the best.

It is good

I like this movie because I really think you are trying to get Megaman back to his original roots. While I have seen a lot of things like these, the action is so well done it does not matter. I think my favorite part would be at the beginning when he just fights the lesser henchmen. At first, it was a little hard to understand if it was a movie or a game. My biggest complaint is that the screen was a bit too wide. I would have liked it more if the screen was smaller so there could be more emphasis on the characters.

Literally artsy

I will never stop being amazed at the different kinds of stuff you have in your work, Andrew. From the beginning, this took on a whole new world of its own with the characters having colored outlines. I like how you reverted back to an upside down world which was experimented with in some of your other flash. Being a great maker of animutation, you would know a lot about surrealism. The way the character(s) move is awesome and you really give them depth. It is a great journey with lots of unexpected twists.


I should have known that you, Wonchop, would submit something on Lock Day. This is among the most impressive things you have ever made! While I could tell what would happen at the end, what matters is that what happens on the way is so impressive! I honestly think this is the first time I have ever seen a Ninja Cthluthu. The CGI penguins are also awesome and may be the best part of the entire movie. The regular animation (and the people who helped) was by itself great as always and happy belated Lock Day!

Wonchop responds:

Well technically it was the early morning of the day after Lock Day, since I didn't really have time to make anything Lock related.

Nice preloader

I am glad to review a flash that had that awesome preloader. This was a very funny cartoon to watch even in its brevity. I loved how crazy these characters act and how they react to one another's craziness. It was also funny to mention how you did not have any video game references (actually most flashes anywhere do!) and then have that sweet moon at the end. Characters acknowledging the fact that they have broken the fourth wall is kind of weird. It is like the character is going to make a cartoon, but is already in a cartoon.

MasterLock responds:

That's the magic of the fourth wall!

Silly indeed

It was a pretty short flash but I was not expecting much else from you. The animation that was in this cartoon was actually pretty good especially how the other lock's hands changed. It was also funny to see you just go insane and blow up. Things blowing up (especially when using that effect) is always good for a quick thrill. I also think the background and music were pretty good, if not the most creative stuff I have seen. You could call this submission a guilty pleasure for me.

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