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Holy crap indeed!

I just think that it is pretty funny for someone to utilize that "Holy Crap!" phrase as a joke. I don't know why, but I was thinking this was going to be more of an action thing. I noticed how the blonde guy didn't look at all like Jesus who is when I think of when I think of "The Christ". I think that guy actually has one of the most unique voices that I have heard in a cartoon from you. The Holy Spirit does not appear much, so it is nice to see him (it?) being parodied. There really did need to be more jokes, though.

My left ball kinda hurts

This is another great cartoon from you, even though it did not have the great animation it used to. It was funny just to hear this guy think to himself over and over. A lot of us envision ourselves as this guy, who just keeps thinking the same negative things over and over. I think when it got fast, it could cause a seizure or something and I think they said "testing" while it was happening. I can just listen to the one liners all day and they can be funny in a number of scenarios. Like, "Is p*ss supposed to be that yellow?".

Pretty funny

I could tell that this did not promote abstinence, as there were a lot of ridiculous elements to it. I will say that this was one of your lesser entries, due to the animation. I look forward to seeing the exagerrated facial movements in your stuff, but this did not have any of that. Still, talking condoms are always funny, especially with his voice. It was also nice to see the STD names just flying on to the screen. Next time, I do recommend you have better animation and more action, although that is probably not what you were aiming for anyway.


This is an underrated cartoon but at least it managed to win Daily 4th Place. I can really see the advancements in animation that you have put into your work. The lines on all of the characters are just so well made and they all flow together to make the picture. I was not offended by this much, as I have seen far worse. I liked how the televangelist's hair went up and how the angel Michael just disappeared. For of this silliness, it does have some philosophical points like when he turns into a mutant teddy bear.

I like the animation

I liked how this has a ridiculous laughtrack as a way of mocking the overuse of those things. It was cool with how the laughing stopped when the police officer was shot. I thought maybe you would use the laughing for dark humor, but you did not. I also thought he was going to shoot the bum, but instead he gave the gun to the bum. At first the carnage is not shown with the first murder, but you change by explictly showing it later. It is a pretty good example of showing variety in your work.


It is strange how this shows Arnold Schwarzeneggar as the President, when in the simpsons movie, that is what he did, only it was released three years later! I love your comment about lobotomized Roger Eberts. It is also great that you thank everyone who liked it or hated it. Anyway, this was one of the longer episodes, and I liked how it addressed that the first George W. Bush went to Hell. It is also cool to see a side-view of the Grim Reaper. I think this is the first time that I recognize that you make political satire.

Very unique

It is great to know that people had their own distinctive styles back in these days. This was great simply because I had no clue what was going on. I mean, at first it seemed like someone was getting something shoved into their anus. Then it seemed like someone was getting a finger cut off and the bug was supposed to be a blood cell or something. The antics are so inane they deserve to be mentioned, as well as the great music. I could spend all day trying to find some deeper meaning in this.

Quite sick

I really enjoyed watching this cartoon because you did not know what was going to happen next. I believe the sign said, "Stay Seated Until Called" or something like that. With the title, I was thinking this was going to be about a man finding out that there was a guy inside his head. It was pretty clever to go to the end screen and then finally come back to the thing he was for in the first place. The talk about colon cancer is what I call dark poetry. You really know how to get into our heads about what we might be thinking about.

They do look like penises

This was a favorite series of mine, and it seems as though this is going to be the last entry. I guess it is only fitting that the last one deal with the apocalypse. At first, I thought that when the Grim Reaper discussed what would really happen, he would talk about the Sun exploding. It would not be what the Bible predicted, but it would still be the end of the world. BTW, that will in fact happen one day unless we go to another planet. I can tell this is newer as the animation is updated, especiall with how the Grim Reaper looks.

Needs work

I guess it did have an interesting message in that it was trying to inform the person about depression. I would know what depression is about, as most of my family members know about it. The problem is, this is simply too short. Next time, I suggest you making this much longer and have more purpose for the raccoon girl to be there. I thought it was an interesting drawing, but it did not seem to have anything unique to it. The music wasn't half bad, but a bit too generic for the topic.

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