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Great intro

This is another great way to be introduced to your characters! I saw your live-action videos on another website, so I may be one of the few people here who actually got that in-joke when he was watching the TVs. I like how it seems like it's going to be like a "Legend Of Zelda" action thing with the music at first, but it's a fairly ordinary series. The animation is as great as ever. I remember when I first learned about "Swiffet WetJets" because of this e-mail that was not true as said by Snopes at least. I did not even know what the letters in the name meant!


I really did not like this cartoon at all, simply because it had really nothing in it at all. I guess you worked at making a walk test, but I did not understand what made it so extreme. I guess it may have been a joke or something, but next time do not submit tests to Newgrounds. That kind of stuff is generally frowned upon. Next time, be sure to submit something that is not just a test. It would have helped if there was at least a goofy song in the background, but the lack of sound really hurt it.

Very weird

Woah, buddy, you're on a roll by submitting two flashes that are completey unrelated so recently! Anyway, I do not know much about Justin Bieber, but understand he has a big forehead. I admit I was not expecting a monster to come out and eat girls. The animation was still as good as any of your other stuff. I liked how stupid those girls acted and how random the acts were in its own ridiculousness. As it was about really nothing but girls being eaten, the "something something" description was quite accurate.

Very strange

This is one of the strangest cartoons I have seen that tried to have a consistent story. It is pretty scary how the first things you described were true. Hey, you referenced Cracked.com which is where a lot of people get crazy real life stories from! Anyway, the animaton is this was very impressive, and I could not even understand the message. I guess the woman at the end did not have that implanted in her, even though she seemed weirder at the end. As a social statement, it is interesting.

It has been awhile

It's been a long time since I have seen a new cartoon from you, and let me say it is great to see your stuff again! It's great just to get associated with the awesome animation style. I like how you try to put some humor into it, like with the character Scar in that one scene. While it is only one cartoon, you still do a good job of putting depth into the characters. I think this has animation good enough to hold up to today. The best effects were probably the rainbow bubbles that Jesse created.

Yeah, it was good

I knew I had to see this due to the fact that I am a big "Lost" fan and I knew that I would understand any jokes used in this. I thought it was really funny to see the smoke monster with Locke's head or the Man in Black or Jacob's nemesis or whatever. The credits were pretty funny and I liked how it just said "Genitals" at one point. The best voice in this was probably Ben's. It was pretty zany, especially at the end with the brains. At least the CGI was truly done wonderfully and should be imitated.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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