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Very cute!

I was expecting more action from the intro, but this was still really cool to watch. I love how you put in all of your Facebook/YouTube etc. accounts drawn in the style. The voices are just perfect and really cut into the cutesy persona you create. You were not trying to be dark or anything, just make something ironic. The animation is just adorable and fits the child-like theme well, even though I have no clue what path this will take. It will be interesting to find out what comes next in this cool looking series.

Some of Ben's best

This is a great piece of work, simply because of how fantastic the animation turns out to be! Even at 2003, this holds up quite well to today's standards! I love the style and especially how that 3D sword comes out to help him. It's a great story that has been told before, but the way it is presented is just wonderful. It just helps that you can put that song to pretty much anything and make it awesome. I am sorry this was never turned into a series and I am sorry for your death.

Rest in peace, old friend.

You again!

Of all my favorite authors on Newgrounds, you were the one with whom had the highest number of reviews in regards to myself! Now that I have a lot more reviews than you, I can judge your stuff as well. The animation was good and I can tell you have worked with people like ZekeySpaceyLizard. I have never heard of the term "Jseed" being used before. I thought the best animation was when the Jseed was going into Heaven in his ghostly form. It was really too short and could use much more of a story.

Emanhattan responds:

who are you


I had no idea this was going to be in a series, but it turns out it was! I love how you did not mention the spider guy until the end of the cartoon, where everything was able to wrap itself up. It's a great way of connecting stories that seem to have no connection. These animations may not be of the best quality, but they are definitley good enough to recommend. Sure, the animation isn't that innovative, but the jokes are original and very well executed. I don't think I have ever seen a bleeding sandwich before.

Not bad

This was a pretty fun thing to watch, even if it did not have a lot of action sequences or anything. It's just a strange format when you let your viewer watch the next part of it without dialogue, so they sort of know what's coming next. The funniest line was the one about them running into his sword. It's just so strange to see Link playing the "Legend Of Zelda" game. When the other guy was talking about Zelda, I could not tell if he was talking about the game or the game...they're in?! It's a decent series.

One of your best

Seeing as how every single entry in your series has gotten a score of at least 4.30, I knew I had to check this out. The animation is very fluid in this one, which works just as great as any of the other entries. The only downside was that it was pretty short, and I would have liked a full song. Still, you do know how to make learning Spanish pretty fun. I took two years and I still can't remember much, but will probably be more encouraged to learn from your stuff. You can never be unfunny while mentioning diarrhea.

I guess there have been worse

The animation was not the worst I had ever seen, but you really need to work on a joke. The trouble with this is that it is just way too short. If you are making something like this, the animation has to be a lot better and not just mediocre. I suggest making it longer, although at least you put that preloader in the beginning, which is something I could not do. Do you need to have flash to use that preloader? Anyway, work on better delivery and more tension built up.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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