View Profile Ericho

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As zany as ever

This is one of my favorite entries in the Arfenhouse series and one of my favorite trailers on this website! It of course is great that you make this more of a cartoon than a trailer. I really like how the more skilled animated characters contrast with the goofy looking other characters. Pringles make great characters, might I add. This has all the jokes a series needs, and is sort of like an animutation that has a story or at least some story structure. Surreal stuff has always interested me.

Happy Pico Day!

This is one of my favorite Pico Day submissions for 2008, as it has some of the best action out there. The animation is just gorgeous and it makes it look like some really artsy anime or something. It was also great how you showed the origin of the kitty crew and why they are so vicious. You manage to put real emotion into your characters and not just express them through action scenes. It is a good metaphor for what goes on in Newgrounds. I think it was the first time I saw a penicorn in a Newgrounds cartoon.

Best in the series

I could not really get into this series that much, but I believe this is the best out there! It is the longest, and does not go for the short cartoon idea. I guess I may be too much of a big fan of "Super Mario Bros. Z" too much, as I was expecting more action. The action scenes you had were great, especially with the monster at the beginning. I may not be able to get into these characters that much, but I am quite interested by this. I enjoyed the dialogue and it reminded me of TTA, which I was in.

Love the voices

The voicework is simply flawless and it fits Satan perfectly to use that stupid girly voice and then turn into a monster. I am not the biggest math fan, but actually showing how to solve a weird problem like that. The animation is as interesting as ever, and I really like how the characters move in such a goofy matter. I am wondering what Satan would be doing with a kid named Leo, but I do not really care. To actually have the final punchline be relevant to the math problem is brilliant. It was pretty easy to find the literal easter eggs.

Great again!

While this may have been lacking in action, it was still a good action to a good series that is starting out! I really enjoyed how the characters still have the goofy feel to them, especially the dinosaurs. I liked how the dinosaur kept changing from looking realistic to looking cartoonish for no reason. The voices are great and I love that Ovary Raptor guy. The villian has possibly the most predictable villian voice ever, but I love those kinds of voices! I am eager to see what happens next.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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