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Little too short

I have to say that this is one of your lesser submissions to the portal, as it does not have much point. The animation is as interesting as ever, but it needs to tell more. I do not understand the message it was trying to give, like why the fairy did not realize its friends had been eaten. It was a pretty predictable thing from the short time I saw it. The animation was, as I said, before, pretty good, but I have seen a lot better from you. The music, however, was a pretty good thing to have in it.

Best in the series

This style of blood and animation just never gets old, ever. There are always new ways to kill people in a large environment in a large overhead shot like this. I thought it was funny how the preloader guy died, and then the guy on the Newgrounds tank died, and then the ESP animation guy died. Three deaths before the cartoon even begins! The stick figures move very fluidly and they do not have a really cartoonish feeling to them. The sound effects and things are quite realistic, especially the jetpack.

It's me again!

What's great is that you managed to truly make a world of your own in this series. While not your most popular, it has in fact gotten a few deriviatives, like the spinoff by Tails-Lock. I was apparently fired from the casting of that series because I did not even do a good job of voicing myself. I can at least look back and appreciate all of the depth you put into your characters and design. As I mentioned on your profile, not just "Pokemon", but this has a fanbase on TVTropes as well. It is great to see all these characters again, including me of course.

It was a movie

I saw nothing but a blank screen at first, and I thought that was supposed to be the whole thing with no music. I am glad that it turned into an infinite loop with Zoidberg. I love Zoidberg, but a black background and an inifinite loop do not work for me. You must be very popular to manage such a high score on this cartoon. I am glad that you are popular and I remember how you once had more medals than anyone else, then Matt-likes-swords and Waynerz99 suprassed you. You are still an important part of the website.

life responds:

lol you'll love weezy f b 2 http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /522224

It was very strange

I thought this was supposed to be like a collab but it was just something you made on your own. I do not know much about the "Call Of Duty" so I can't really judge on if the jokes were funny or not. I did like it how there were lots of crazy stuff going on that had no point. I just kind of got tired of that stuff going on for five minutes. It is at least an original idea and it was interesting to fit 100 things in such a short time. It would be something I would recommend to a fan of this series.

MoozipanCheese responds:

Nice information. Please do recommend! :D

It is your masterpiece

This is an awesome stick flash and some of the best kind that I have seen on this website! While not the best thing you have made, it was certainly great in its day and in today! The characters just move so fluidly everywhere and have no point at all except killing each other. The sound effects and voices ("Freeze, sucker!") are very authentic as well. I also like the little quotes that go everywhere like, "I see you up there". There's great creativity with all the different weapons being used in this too.

Needs work

This was kind of terrible in my opinion. It was just a stick figure going on to a skateboard and doing nothing. The best thing about this was that I thought it was cheap how there was no sound but you did indeed put a song in it. I would suggest working a lot more on backgrounds and color and make it far longer. It seems like this took a minimal amount of effort. Try adding in a loading screen at the beginning at least if you are able to, as I was not.

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