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Great stuff!

Well, this was my favorite pirate flash made yesterday (of course, I have only seen two anyway) and it wasn't just because of the great animation (I really have to admire your color style) but also because of the entire thing being an advertisement! I didn't see that coming at all and it was a nice little treat to end the cartoon.

Little too short

I was a bit disappointed this was so short, but at least the animation was good. Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day to you too, even though I'm a day late anyways. Robin Williams makes it great for a guy to make fun of, especially by superimposing his face onto a pirate figure. I was just going to look at your latest stuff Wonchop when I stumbled onto this!

Aww, I got it

Yes, I understand the joke. Gee, I should've figured that out as soon as I read the title. It was very funny to see this being executed a lot through different people and how their voices sounded when they said it, especially the old lady. I'm looking forward to Essay Chai Tea with corn. I'm looking forward to more of your stuff.

Very interesting

While admittedly some of that stuff was pretty gross and there wasn't any dialogue, but I can at least say it was good with the animation. The different kinds of Sonic stuff and animation styles that were shown made me think this might have been a collab or something, so I can give you credit on showing a lot of crazy stuff in one place.

Pretty watchable

I really liked how the little fairy was drawn in this one (it seemed just like something LegendaryFrog made!) and I also liked the idea that there would be numerous Grim Reapers around. I mean, there's so many people dying all the time, how could there be only one Grim Reaper anyway? The animation was pretty good, although it could have used some music, but it was still pretty good for your first submission.

Needs improvement

It was a pretty interesting story I suppose and I did think it was cool, how, at the end, StrawberryClock gave his clock, uh, thing to you, and it was interesting that you started with a note on who you were, but the animation was just too simple. It didn't look like it took a lot of frames to make and there should have at least been some variety of color with something that looked that lowbrow. Still, at least you made your first flash movie.

Less than three?

Well, I'd have to say I thought the voice work was very well done in this cartoon, and it's impressive you managed to make talking about a golden clock eating fries sound dramatic. His facial expression after the art shift was impressive too as well as the random pictures of fries everywhere. You also get a thumbs-up for having such an awesome song at the end!

Happy Clock Day to you too

Well, this is the first time I've ever heard (much less seen a flash by) a guy named GodClock. I'm not sure what movie this is from, but supposedly it's from Bill Murray and it sounds like it could be "Groundhog Day" or "Lost In Translation" perhaps? As for this itself, the animation itself wasn't too bad and I like those little clicker things that moved around when the characters talked, what do you call those?

MinuteMaidPremium responds:

IT'S GHOST BUSTERS YOU NERD!!! ps get with the times you double nerd, i've been around for a WHILE>


This was pretty good with those sound effects and the like, but it was just too short. I thought it worked pretty well with the cotton, but there just needed to be more going on. It would have been nicer if there was more music going on. I know that you probably couldn't extend this because of the limit rule. I've tried that myself!

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