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That was one of the shortest and dumbest cartoons I've ever seen. I think the least awful thing was the music. It just made no sense. It was Sonic having sex with her. This would have made a better gif. Granted, as a gif, it wouldn't have been much better.

I can understand why the rating is so low. I think people thought this was porn. That's why it has so many views. I noticed that "Sega" spelled backwards is "Ages". Is that a coincidence?

I found this to be a very charming cartoon. It was weird, because I didn't see how it was Halloween related. It wasn't so scary after all. Then it got that way. But then it wasn't at the very end. Yeah, this confused me with its tone, but it was still quite nice.

I need to get into this game. I'm just too busy right now. This looks like artwork made by Gonzossm. Whoever made it, it looks great. The atmosphere's good too.

Wow, I had no idea this would be so long. I think that might have been what stopped me from giving this a 9. It's probably the best episodes I've seen. I liked the used of "Transformers" imagery. It got pretty creative. "Dragonball Z" is always great for reference too.

The voices are pretty good. I like the idea of a lot of villains working together. I'm not familiar with the series. I haven't seen most of the other episodes. I like the girlfriend character.

Your artwork reminds me of Theonewithoutaname. Wait a minute, that is you! I guessed you changed your name, in every sense of the word. Anyway, this was pretty nice. I will admit it was kind of crudely put together. It's just a bunch of random drawings.

They're still pretty nice. I've just seen you do much better. This has been a good jam. You can do anything with scariness. Is that even a word?

linda-mota responds:

THAT'S ME! HOLY HELL I remember you! Been awhile! I just changed my username to my real name because I was 17/18 when I made this and it needed a better name! lol. Oh yea it is crude. I have teh notebooks of where I drew each panel of scratchy animation. Getting the heng of it though it's more experimental it's still fun, getting more confident with doing more than 3-4 panel loops of animation. Thank you for the kind words though it's a slow process getting back into this but glad people are giving their 2 cents! :)

I love this cartoon! I think it's probably the best one I've seen in a long time. I'm generally not a fan of this jam series. I do think that we have some truly great stuff with this one! You can do anything with creepiness. The animation is unbelievable!

It's among the most unique I've seen in a long time. Everything just looks so wonderfully creepy. I even like the plot. Oh, I understand the title now. Yeah, I know about that stuff. There's a reason why this is the highest rated one!

I have to admit that having a jam about just spooky stuff is too generic. I guess people can be more creative this way! I really did love this cartoon. I love the way it's set up. It does feel like a Creepypasta, only visually. The animation is top notch.

The best part is of course the end. It was already pretty spooky. You use this imagery so well. The sounds are great too. Some old Disney cartoons actually were pretty creepy.

Comick responds:

Thanks a ton for giving it a chance and I'm glad you found scenes in it to be creepy! :D

I guess if I was a fan of "StarCraft", I would have liked this more. This is a fine cartoon for what it is. It was weird to see a flash from you. You make games later, which are more enjoyable. I'm at least familiar with the Zerg. It's only because of how its rush is a trope.

The music was good. I remember hearing that before. I had no idea it was from "StarCraft". It was in this video promoting 911 conspiracy theories. Oh, and Happy Patriot Day if that's relevant.

This is probably only great because of that last joke. Dang, I wish I could get that app! The voices are nice too. I especially like the guy's grin near the end. I knew this wouldn't end well. I hear most people say this game itself is just mediocre.

It's easy to recognize your art style. I like how topical you can be. This was just a fun little cartoon. Game companies probably are thinking that. I hope they don't get help from the Nostalgia Critic.

It's great to see how you guys have improved. I didn't see the appeal in this at all. It was just a stick figure getting injured. Granted, that can be funny, but there was nothing else. I'm glad you guys made better things. There was no background.

This seems a lot more like a test animation. We shouldn't have many of those here. We do have a lot of skating flashes. That may have been popular at this time. It doesn't hold up well.

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