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Quite entertaining!

I didn't know what to expect with this flash, at first I thought it was a game (I saw it on "Today's Best") but I'm glad to say I was delighted by what I saw. It had very interesting animation (if a little old looking, although that did make me feel nostalgic) but definitley good fight scenes.


While there wasn't much for creativity, it was still an interesting idea, and it was cool to see all those things pop up everywhere, even though it was short.

poninja responds:

Yes it was only 33 seconds :P

Happy birthday!

18 is a big step for you in your life! I hope everything goes well in future years and you continue to be a strong individual and contribute to society!

Oh, and the flash was nice. Love the simplistic character design. Boy, you have a weird name (both real and username).


It was definitly short, but man, it's just such an awesome sight!


I've seen nearly all of these "Primal War" flashes on this website, yet never had the oppurtunity to go and review one of them! It's obviously been a long time since you submitted one, but let's take a look at what you did!

Truth be told, I'm not really a fan of this series, but I do think it is good. I always thought it was funny with the idea of dinosaurs and mammals fighting each other. When I first saw this series, I jokingly thought to myself "So that's what happened to the dinosaurs". As for this specific flash, I enjoyed it, as it had all the nice animation and action the previous chapters had.

Very enjoyable

This was quite enjoyable to me, simply because beards are so awesome and they deserve all that power! Seriously though, loved the stop-motion effects.

sh*ting for Jesus!

Haven't seen a flash from you in awhile. Just wanted to let you know this was a really funny flash. It's always important for people to be aware of stuff like environmentalism anyway! The animation was fine too.

How nice...

I'm surprised it was so short, but I will say it was interesting as I had no idea where it was going, and I was doubtful it was even going to be about Valentine's Day, but it was a simple story about love, and I just gushed over the lush animation. Thanks for coming back to make this!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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