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I didn't even know what was being parodied! At first, I thought it was a satire for the genocide in Rwanda or something! Anyway, great art and animation! This was short, but still ridiculous in its own goodness!

Fairly well done

When I first heard of a "House" parody, I knew it was going to be simply rude to compare it to TmsT's one. So I won't. Anyway, this was a pretty well made flash, with nice animation, jokes, and voice work.

Toonsmyth responds:

Could you point me out to this other parody? I can't seem to find it. Also, if you could post the link to this "Lupus joke" that I've heard about, I'd appreciate it. I promise I'll try to include it in the next one... And there WILL be a next one... And it will be 10x better. Just you wait!

Looks great!

This was a very well done flash, even at it's 11 minute time period. It was a nice blend of comedy and action to give a nice touch to an old idea of living in a post-apocalyptic area. Can't wait for more!

Good one

Always nice to have the plot holes pointed out, although I do wish it could have been more than just single images from the film. Still lot of great jokes though. My favorite was the mirror refelction one. I wasn't even thinking about that when I saw the movie!


I admire the lesson that was taught at the end, but it needed to have more going on.

Pretty good

May have been a bit too long, but the old animation use made me feel nostalgia and the story, while not the most original, certianly had a lot of compelling elements, and there was nice character development as well.

Needed more

You should've had the pictures at better quality, or at least use your own art.

Here ya go

The animation was short and cheesy, but still laughably hilarious! My favorite was of course the trailer one, as I wasn't expecting something as lengthy as that. It also deserves a "5" because of that ridiculous song that's played.

Well done!

When I first saw this, it just seemed like a cheap knockoff of the Super Mario Bros Z, but it turned out to be really good! The fight scenes were done very well, and so was the sprite work.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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