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I knew it would be good

I could tell by the front page icon that this would be a good flash. It's nice to really deconstruct more of the sillier aspects of the series. I do wish it was a little longer, though.

Sh0T-D0wN responds:

True, It could have been a bit longer, but I didn't want it to drag.

Wasn't expecting much!

When I first came upon this flash, I didn't know what to expect, as the title was so ambiguous. Let me say it turned out to be great! It had a lot of great colors and effects. I'm such a sucker for colorful looking stuff.

Similar to the movie

This may have had no real dialogue, but it had a lot of heart in it, and the animation was good, kind of like the movie "Wall-E" itself! Looks like you captured its spirit well.

Happy new year to you too

The animation was great as usual. I know there was a lot of hidden symbolism, but I don't really know what it is, which is alright.

First great flash is right!

I agree with Tom Fulp on this being the first great flash of the year! The use of animation and the suicidal nature of the parakeet were well done. It was funny to see how the owner's point of view contrasted with that of the bird's. Happy New Year! Of course, it's not really that new anymore, but you get the idea!

Great way to end today's reviews!

After two days, I'm glad to say I can end this series of reviews with one that gets a 10! This is a great flash, as the animation is great, especially those claws. It was weird to see a sperm fighting. I don't know what's going on, but it looks like it's going to be a great series! Keep up the good work!

Cool effects

While I don't know much about Kirby (so I couldn't understand what was going on), this was still good. The black and white background looked really classy. This is my first review since I've been banned, so let me say it's good to be back!

I'm so hopeless

It was just great to see BlackerOuT again after all this time on this site! The whole "Sprite" thing I admit was really funny, because you just took an extremely generic title and put it to its other meaning. A lot of the work was pretty creative, and it was so awesome to see Onslaught at the end! I'm such a loser I have to rank this stuff high.

wizzzi responds:

hahha thanks :D

Very unexpected

That was a great drawing of House, and the use of shadow was a great effect too. I was going to give this an 8 (as I really didn't understand it, not that that usually borhters me), but then Wilson showed up and House was dancing. That made it for me! I look forward to the next Mindy cartoon.

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