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Wow, nothing happened in the last two seconds. For something only 15 seconds, that can make a difference. I believe the audio was from SpongeBob. Well, the joke was. Specifically, it was from the first SpongeBob movie. Even more specifically, it was with King Neptune.

This had good spirit to it. The animation is as slick as ever. I can almost always expect you to be number one here. You're always good for quick jokes. I just don't think it's great.

This was a cute little cartoon. It just wasn't one of my favorites. I appreciate you making something so sincere. I don't see bunny cheerleaders that often. I guess that's something new.

It wasn't really that sad. Maybe it should have been more emotional. The sprite work was good. These sentences are too short. You get the idea.

Happy belated Clock Day! StrawberryClock, I think this is one of your best. I know it isn't great, but it was still fun. I appreciate all the time and detail put into everything. It's always nice to hear a Clock speak normal. It's a pity this year's Clock Day was such a small turnout.

I know more about NFTs from "South Park". I'm not falling for those. I like how you said "Bozos". Billionaires still aren't as corrupt as politicians. Well, Donald Trump's both.

Well, it did fit the bill of a Clock Crew submission pretty well. I left my watch behind when I went to work yesterday. I felt bad for not having it on Clock Day! Well, this Clock Day wasn't much. I thought it was poorly detailed. Why did the ball stretch?

I wished it wasn't a loop. Well, it does seem to go back to normal anyway. At least there was some music. Happy Clock Day 2021! It's a pity this has been forgotten so much.

Positron832 responds:

I planned on making this longer but it became so messy I didn't know how to fix it... it's my first flash after all :P

Happy Clock Day for something actually Clock related! This is the only Clock Day themed thing for the Top 5 today! This was still great. I loved seeing the Big Fat Meanie. It was great how you had so many people working on this. I'm glad there were real voices at the end.

Some of these were just pictures. That's all that matters. Most of this was unique. At least you guys got this recognition. The background on this website disappeared almost immediately!

Wardsmith responds:

This upstanding philosopher is right about the subject!

I keep thinking a song will be like that contest you had last time. Cats are of course awesome. Happy Clock Day! You would have gotten a high score without Clock Day. The credits can go on too long. It's still wonderful that you pay tribute to these people with drawings.

Any cats are better than "Cats". You even had two sets of credits! I don't know if I've ever heard the term "Catboy" before. It makes perfect sense. It's always fun to see Fernando.

Not just because of Clock Day, but this was awesome! I love how baith and switch it is. This guy really did look monstrous. I wondered if she accepted jewels? Well, those must be valuable. Anything from a friendly alien is worth keeping.

Wow, this wasn't even submitted on Clock Day. I'm glad it wasn't that long. More action would have ruined the point. It was certainly well drawn. It's good for any film.

I had no idea what she was saying. It was just hard to enjoy with something so nonsensical. At least it was well animated. I just can't say I enjoyed it.

This was a very nice little set up for everything. I appreciated you not spoiling anything. This has been a great series. I wouldn't consider it one of our most iconic series. I still have grown with these characters. I never get over how they seem like they're not wearing costumes.

Dang, it must get hot wearing those things all day. I do enjoy Subway's. It's nice to see everything so casual. Well, it's always like that. It has been awhile.

This was a nice little cartoon. I knew it would have a high score. I appreciate the animation. For me, it just isn't great. You know, too short. I do like these little guys.

I guess it's funny to see them with these big robots. Their voices are fine. This just isn't quite for me. They do kind of look like turnips. This can be a series.

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