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There's going to be a FLCL reanimated when there's already the longest collab on the website on the front page featuring that anime? Sorry for the run-on sentence. Yeah, I could tell more about the show from that collab. It was fun to look at this animation. Everything's getting reanimated nowadays. Don't remind me of that awful Cartoon Network movie.

This was great for something short. I've certainly seen shorter. The cat was probably the best. The lines were used very well. It must be hard to do a parody of something that's already so goofy.


My favorite part was probably when he was offended at her not remembering him. Oh, who am I kidding? The best part was when she did all those poses at the end. Dang, she looks hot! I'm glad it didn't get too graphic. There's lot of different foods to serve.

This is why I'm into washing dishes. I'm also terrible at finding directions. I'm glad she didn't escalate into a stripper. Well, she kinda did. I like this really good animation.

This was great, but I will admit there could have been more action. It still only had like four minutes of actual action. The animation was still amazing. I'm so glad to know that your stuff is still around here. I'm trying to remember these guys. Well, their names are in the titles.

You do have stick stuff. It was interesting to have credits after a scene that had credits before it. Only movies do that. The music was extremely touching. I'd have to learn more to get into this mythos.

gildedguy responds:

Thank you for the feedback!

This seemed like something from the Toonami collab. I mean, it was almost entirely anime references! Yeah, I believe this is audio from the show. Their latest movie had them travel to other universes. This is entirely believable in their world now. It's a pity Mike Judge said he was against supernatural stuff appearing.

The funniest part might have been, "Did I just score?". I don't know how Tetsuo's anatomy works. That sounds kind of plausible. It looks like tons of intestines. He'd be full of crap.

I think the "Zatch Bell" bit might have been my favorite part. I will admit that I was really awaiting one focusing on "Naruto". There were few western Toonami tributes here. It's still amazing. Everyone really worked hard on this. I wish I could have been a part of this.

Nearly everyone else was! It was impressive to see how long this went on. I am reminded of the Evangelion collab. In my opinion, that was better. This was still worth looking at.

Yeah, of course I've seen the whole episode! It's one of the highest rating things here! I thought this would be under Zeurel's profile. I was so impressed by all the colors. For outlines, this was great. I loved the music.

It's always great to see how the process works. Anything related to this cartoon is awesome. Well, its pilot anyway. I always love seeing these designs. It's a wonderful cartoon again.

I have to admit I knew nothing about this commercial. This remake didn't really get me interested at first. It seemed a bit cheap. I then learned to appreciate how many styles it had. This commercial went on for two minutes. Any commercial that long deserves its popularity.

That had a very sweet ending. It was interesting to hear what this guy had to say about it. It's amazing how influential a commercial can be. Hey, they made ten Ernest movies! It's a great commercial tribute.

Smithereens? I'm surprised the show never made a joke like that. Oh, "The Simpsons" have made jokes on everything. Marge looks like Patrick the starfish. I noticed there's an animal living in her hair. With such huge hair, you could put everything in it.

I noticed the Mario noises in the background. Is that the first time I've noticed the actual gameplay in the background. I've never even seen a full OneyPlays video. I feel like I don't even need to. Patty and Selma aren't even featured that much.

In case anyone's wondering, the audio is from "Hercules". I thought that maybe this had assistance from the actual voiceover. It's still amazing. The animation does look like Disney. The audio was put together very well. My only complaint is that you did use the same scenes several times.

It's still fantastic. It was even longer than most of your stuff. I'm glad we have stuff based on this film. That nose mask always scares me. Their costumes are creepy too.

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