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I liked this, but I just didn't love it. I guess the "Giant Enemy Crab" meme has died out. This could replace it. This does get better the more times I watch it. I mean, it is quite short. Still, it gets a good fight across.

Oh, and uh thanks for including the lyrics. I think I could understand them well enough. You didn't include the "Giant Enemy" part. At 0:01, they looked more like ants. They still had eight legs though.

Now that was awesome! It was easily the best submission for Pixel Day! I was so impressed at how good the action was. It looked like it was going to end around the one minute mark. Boy, am I glad it didn't! It was just oozing with creativity.

That sounds dirty. It's usually more about saving the day. Well, not always literally. I'd love to see this as an actual game! This is more like Sprite Day.

gatekid3 responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate it.

I have to admit that was pretty odd. I mean, it was more like a game than a cartoon. I loved seeing the Devil monster appear. It was just great seeing this animation. It was still pretty boring. Well, everyone loves it.

Cats are always cute. I had no idea we'd get such high rated cartoons lately. Someone's upvoting! Oh, it's Pixel Day. I thought I kept better track of these holidays.

Wow, those guys were friends at 911?! I'm glad you remember it well. It's sad to see Game Grumps decline. They have had some controversies. It's still nowhere near as bad as Doug Walker. Thanks for including the awesome video! This animation was unbelievable!

These are characters that know how to emote. There should be a OneyPlays section here. They come off as so real here. Well, with the audio they always do. I love that character you keep drawing.

Oh damn, this was funny! I think it's my favorite of these cartoons of yours. I love the joke about "The Matrix Resurrections". It's at least better than "The Matrix Revolutions". I wonder if THIS movie will be a disappointment in any way? It would be hard to put in Rouge.

You know, kid friendly character. I was thinking that he looked like Knuckles in "Sonic Boom". Well, maybe I need to watch the trailer closer. This was just hilarious with how he just stood though. Even more awesome with how he beat him. This is Vegeta Knuckles!

Wow, that was awesome! It was so great for, of course a quick joke. I'm so proud to have come by this when it first came into the portal! I don't know if Pauline's in "Super Smash Bros.". Oh, everyone is nowadays. I wasn't expecting it to get that violent.

Well, many cartoons here do. I didn't think the singing was that bad. It should have been Jigglypuff! Yeah, it would be nice if your cartoons were longing. A collection would be great.

It's been too long since I've seen a video from you! I'm so glad you're still around. Given the thumbnail, I was afraid this would be 2D. I'm so glad it wasn't! If only this could be made into a theatrically released movie! I know how hard it can be to find a new place.

Well okay, my brother does all that work. This was hilarious the whole way through. I loved the live-action parts too. There really is a lot of detail right now. It's great to know you're still topical. Happy Daily Feature! (I know you'll win it)

Aww crap, I was wrong! You didn't get Daily Feature!

Wow, that was incredibly detailed. You usually make stuff that has an actual plot. This was definitely experimental. I thought you might be showing different organs at first. You didn't need to. There's so many ways of showing hearts.

You even show some other stuff. I forgot it started with that heart at the end. I just noticed the glowing eyes at 0:30. It's like one organism has all these hearts. You're great with machines.

Hey, my name's Eric! Maybe that's why I love this so much. The best part is easily how gorgeous this animation is and how it's a wonderful tribute to classic cartoons. I also loved the Tex Avery ones. It's just nothing but sheer insanity the moment it begins. n=6.

I'd love to see more of these installments. Even if it's just one cartoon, it'll go down as a great one. How many jokes can you cram in this time?! I can so believe a lot of people worked on this animation. I'm so glad you at least got Daily Feature. I just wish this got all the other awards too.

This is great because of how well it flows. Now, we don't need to have infinite loops here. We can have the timed program do that! It reminds me of Smaug. He'd probably be better off with those gold coins. I have a lot of marbles.

I like their cool designs. The sounds are quite nice too. You have a pretty good background as well. Klecc is a pretty odd name. You know, the more I watch it, the more it grows on me.

Butzbo responds:

Oooh indeed! I thought a lot about the classic Hobbit chapter with Smaug while making it.
Also, funny that you commented on the name, goblin names in fantasy are usually short with an unusual sound to them so I just tried to come up with something in that line, it's an odd one indeed haha. Thanks for the review!

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