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For a trailer, this was great. It's mostly because it just seems like something you would typically do. The title made me think of "Money" like it was a Kickstarter project. Luckily, we don't have many of those here. You just used your own characters and avatars. I do love your avatar.

I appreciate all your creativity. You do a lot in a short time. This seemed like it could have been an intro for your channel. People don't really do that here. It reminds me of Gorillaz.

The thing that made me love it was the joke at the very end. I'm aware of how popular "Ankh Zone" is. At least it's well animated. I mean that for both things. This was a very unique little style. It was a beautiful one at that!

Many series have much more porn. The sketchy style is great. I'm not familiar with you, but you seem quite talented. You can see so many great details. Even the backgrounds are noticeable.

Wow, that was very strange. Well, that's never stopped me from liking something before. It did work as something short. The guy in this looked like the puppet from "Saw". His jaw even made him look like a puppet! I'm not familiar with "Deltarune".

Oh, I can see now it's a video game. I did like how goofy this was. It probably could have been longer. It certainly had a lot of energy. I can uh, understand it more.

Well, that wasn't terrible I have to say. It did have some unpredictability in it. I'm amazed that's an actual word! I thought that pot was a bottle. Well, when you're on pot, everything seems weird. It's still too short.

I mean, a trailer should be at least thirty seconds long! Even a fake one! It was too slow moving. I still see some potential in this. It doesn't seem like a Madness flash at all.

Wow, this is the best in this series for me! Well, it's mostly because I understand that it's a jam now. I really should have known the boyfriend would appear in this eventually. I love the title. I would have suggest something like "Motherscrewers". It's uh, more profane?

The animation is amazing. This is its own tag? It's a pity it will never turn into anything. Well, that's the point. Many flashes are only two minutes long anyway.

Temorinki responds:

hell naw bro this is gonna be a real cartoon, i said its gonna come out eventually cause i have to do alot of shit on the week, i saw it got good reception and i have finally decided it, this cartoon will be real

I love "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia". I admit to not having remembered this episode. Well, it's been awhile since I've seen the show. I especially loved Danny DeVito as Wario. The animation was amazing. I knew this would be something with the Mario movie.

Dang, this escalated fast. That's what can be expected from this show. It's had to go wrong with audio from such a great show. This is probably better than the movie will be. We need a tag for IASIP.

Wow, that was pretty uh, odd. It was still great though! It seemed more like a commercial at first. Obviously, I knew it would be more than the title. The animation was very nice. It did seem a bit too weird at times.

Well, that's a "weird" complaint to make. We're once again, back to high scores. I like that pizza place motto. You had some great different art styles here. The all capitals work.

Stradomyre responds:

Cheers man thanks for the review! 🤠🍻

I think the body count was 36. It can certainly be hard to keep up with! I love how they all have these goofy expressions on their faces! It isn't any less violent, though. That probably makes it all the more entertaining! Maybe not the most creative of kills, but still great.

I appreciate characters that can use both guns and blades well. Blades are just more graphic. I remember that from "The Dark Knight". I liked that weird background transition. That poor guy's tired.

It's hard to believe that I spent a whole day without reviewing Madness flashes! Anyway, this was amazing. I thought it would just be Hank fighting Tricky the whole time. Instead, it was still quite innovative. The best death was the guy with the shield. I mean, Hank was diligent in killing him.

I think that giant guy is really becoming a popular character. He's at least an archetype in these Madness flashes. This is really some great music. Even Hank's design is unique. Happy Madness Day to all you guys!

Wow, it was so beautifully animated! I was really impressed at how epic it seemed! It did seem like it could have been longer. I still really enjoyed it. You give so much personality to non talking characters. Well, animals don't talk.

They have tons of personality. How can it be both CGI and clay? I guess anything's possible. I do feel bad for this guy. He needs his egg.

houndkidz responds:

It’s part one of three, more to come soon!

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