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The green character? I bet that's the Hulk. I appreciate the silly premise. I will admit it got kind of old. This was more like something from a GameGrumps. I thought the car WAS supposed to be him at first.

It was pretty unpredictable. It just didn't quite appeal to me. Well, there was a banana in it. You know, "a peel"? I'm glad you had a fun goofy little time with this.

GIGGLECORP responds:

glad you appreciate the years of work we put into it at least :)

Keeby10 responds:

thank you

My favorite part was the end. You know, with how you just showed everything going on at once. This was very well animated. Obviously, it was like FNF. This did seem distinct. It didn't feature the same characters really.

It was nice of you to explain everything that was going on in the cartoon with the author's comments. I knew most of these people. I know most of everyone here! It's just a quaint little cartoon. Most of these are.

I wasn't that impressed by this. It seems like too basic of a joke. I do love how it was drawn. We'll always have memories of old cartoons like this. Then again, I can think of very few silent cartoons. It's really only "Gertie The Dinosaur".

We had sound by this point. I was thinking it would get too "adult". I should have looked at the "E" rating. How silly of me! We do get that a lot around here.

Yeah, I wasn't expecting to see all that Rosalina art. Um, who is my favorite? Now that I think about it, probably Rosalina. I mean, she is probably the strongest of them. Princess Peach did play a pivotal point in "Super Mario RPG". Obviously, we've seen that Kirbopher video.

The amazing is great. This seemed like something different from you. Pauline didn't seem to have that much personality. Daisy is probably too similar to Peach. Process of elimination is fun!

Wow, that really was unique! It's rare that we get stuff regarding China. I mean, it seems like we should as it has the highest population! I was really impressed at the music too. You gave so much emotion into these characters. By characters, I mean that in every sense of the word.

The Chinese alphabet is indeed quite complicated. With such unique characters, you can show them doing a lot. It's kind of like that old joke. The word "llama" looks like a llama and the word "bed" looks like a bed. It might be the same for the Chinese.

As if you knew you wouldn't get Daily Feature! This was incredible! The best part was how this had some action in it. You're more known for fanservice. It's great you can give us some more exciting cartoons. While short, it still got a lot done.

Again, most cartoons are like that. I'm glad I recognize these characters though. I like that creature's design. The three sets of teeth are perfect! You always make great stuff.

Aww, I don't know much about "Undertale". I can at least tell what the title meant. Yeah, I didn't understand this. If nothing else, it needed to be wackier. That's usually the best option for me. It was still nicely animated.

I appreciated the colors. I knew it wouldn't be that long. Most cartoons here aren't. They get their message across pretty well. 0:37 was my favorite part.

I thought this would be something really short. You know, with the lack of a background. It would only be something like half finished. I'm glad it was something much better. It's great to see Dave and Lucia interacting again. They're so much in character.

This should get its own section, even though it's had only one episode so far. You've made some great shorts in the meantime! I feel so happy she was complimented by that. Everyone's still wondering how they had sex. Maybe you'll address that.

Wow, I don't know if those are the real subtitles, but that was awesome! I wasn't expecting this to be so bonkers! With a short running time, you do have to make it as nutty as possible. The animation was fantastic too. The things we do for sex. It just seemed appropriate.

This really was a very fast paced cartoon. Again, it worked well for its running time. I love the details put into everything. We rarely see subtitles at all for something foreign here. When I first looked at this, the score was only 3.97! You deserved this higher one.

This was great fun! I had no idea it would be this entertaining at first at all! I mostly just judged it by its running time. This is like something out of "Homestuck"! I love how creative it was. I think I got to know Samandra a lot even though it was only forty seconds!

It's probably the best less than a minute clip I've seen in awhile. It's more like a gif. It's probably not suitable for the art portal, though. I'm certainly glad it's here. What nice colors!

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