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I admit to not really being a fan of "One Piece". I guess you could call me one. I saw the movie and loved it! Anyway, this was still great. I wish the subplot was featured more at the end. It could have been paced better.

I was expecting a remake of the first episode. You know, like the Kirby collab. That's just such a great collab. Still, it was very unique. You all put so much effort into this.

That was really written by a six year old? Well, I don't think it was drawn by one. Now, that would be impressive! I really was brought in by the animation. It had a really fun spirit to it. Well, something made by a six year old would.

I remember Captain Underpants! I liked the clocks shown at the beginning. There's a six year old who's an official clock? We rarely get Clock Daily Features here. Unless of course, it's Clock Day.

Hey, that was really fun! I really wasn't expecting anything. There's just so many references thrown in. I love how you even make fun of that. The animation was great. I'm not that familiar with "Fire Emblem" either.

Well, at least you're not killing pokemon like the Nostalgia Critic. Anna May is such a great pun. I don't know why it hasn't been done before! Hmm, maybe it has. Yes, I show respect for stuff I'm not into either.

That was quite nice! I admit I'm not the biggest fan of Pewdiepie. I watch some of his videos every now and then. The animation was so crisp in this. That's so great of a parody. I don't actually play Minecraft.

I'm aware of how immensely popular it is. It's hard not to ignore something that popular. I admit I didn't know there were horses in Minecraft. Well, I am a brony. There's probably everything in Minecraft.

Happy Valentine's Day! Well, I guess this is a pretty appropriate time to release this. Well, this and any other time. I mean, that's what this channel is all about? Well, not really love. I know that's not the same as sex.

Oh well, we all get the idea. The animation is gorgeous. I always recognize Bennett's voice. No wonder he scared away AskThatGuy. Short, but good.

You know, I will admit your animation style has improved. The characters seem more expressive. Anyway, this did raise some interesting points. This is why Foamy has few friends. I liked seeing Pil-ze. That's how you spell his name, right?

I did like how Foamy mentioned going outside. Hey, I walk everyday! Still hard to believe it's a new decade. Well, it did win Daily Feature. I think this series can be good.

Wow, that was odd. Seeing as how this was part of a series, I expected it to have you know, a plot. Instead, it was mostly just random images. That's still not a bad thing! It was very well animated. I appreciated how unique it was.

I sure couldn't understand it. I didn't even know this had its own section. I had to see something that had won Daily Feature. It's definitely creative. I do wish it was more comprehensible though.

I remember when "South Park" was talking about vapes. I wouldn't get into that. It reminds me of the movie "Thank You For Smoking". The guy in charge of smoking says he's way more dangerous than guns or alcohol. I don't think vaping is safe. I wouldn't want to take the risk.

I especially love when they say to stop acting like babies. Yeah, I liked the cool kids bit too. The animation really is nice. This should have its own section. You guys continue to make new shows.

Kevin MacLeod again? Anyway, I think I was bitten by a dog or two. I'm a cat person too! Nice to include that real life footage. I doubt the dog talked. Still, it's funny to hear an exaggerated version of your childhood.

I never saw "Rush Hour". I really did grow up in the 90s. Yeah, I remember Michael. I'm glad I never had a dog. Dang, is your life ironic.

Great to know how topical you guys are. I liked you mentioning the Super Bowl. That seems like it would be the big topic! I didn't know much about this. Well again, I just know about the Super Bowl. The animation was pretty good.

You'll just never run out of topics. I mean, there's always something new in the news. Maybe that's why it's called the news! This virus doesn't seem so bad. I do love zombies.

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