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Wow, that was something...good! I just love how it kept the same tone. I had no idea what was going on. That was surreal even by your standards. I didn't know you could do so much with cheese. Well, I do love cheese.

The music's great too. I didn't know "ejaculate" could be used in that context. Oh, maybe it's a British phrase JK. I mean just kidding, not J. K. Rowling. Wouldn't make for a good picture book.

This was good for a quick laugh. It did remind me of animutation. Dang, I miss that stuff. It was nice to see these cheesy drawings. It was just a fun little song. You weren't in this much.

I would think you would seeing as how your name is in the title! Your later stuff is still better. You started off pretty well. It's so goofy. People need to make stuff like that.

This was the lowest submission for Pixel Day 2019. I honestly didn't think it was that bad. It's fine for what it is, a silly cartoon. I didn't recognize a lot of these characters. I probably didn't need to. I liked most of it.

Maybe you could have labeled them? It was hard to tell given the low resolution. It's still pretty interesting. The title's nice. If given more time, it could have been better.

I can see why this is the highest rated submission for Pixel Day 2019! It's great! I never thought a worm could be so cool! This was just very enjoyable. It did a lot for how short it was. Maybe that's why I don't like these holidays here that much.

I just want more effort. Still, it's great to see how far we can go. Anyone can make something good in a certain amount of time. It was indeed rad. Happy Pixel Day!

I loved this! I admit the animation was kind of a turnoff. It just never moved. What kind of idiot tries to kill someone just because she won't talk?! Well, they deserved that. The animation was gorgeous.

It was nice just to see something so original. Of course, it's hard to keep track of everything here. I thought the details were great. I was sad when it ended. I guess I'm not into motion comics much.

What an unlikely matchup. I think this was better than your previous cartoons. Few people make this many cartoons at first. This isn't among your best work. I did like the music. Goro's a pretty good character.

Most of the bosses are. I liked the two endings. The Moon one was the best. It seems to be easy to destroy. Well, cracked in this case.

Well, it's a cool idea. The best part is probably how he fought Bowser. It makes more sense than Mario. I admit that it could have been a lot better. It was nice to see this crossover. "Mortal Kombat" characters will probably appear in "Super Smash Bros." one day.

They got "Street Fighter". Boy, were you prolific. Your later Mario stuff is of course much better. What's with the lower case? Well, it's just your thing.

Why did it say cretits? I guess it's just a gag. Why was Knuckles so small? At least it wasn't "Sonic Boom" where he was too big. I recognized the text in the beginning. It's a cool idea.

The sprite work was quite nice. Knuckles is my favorite Sonic character. It just seemed too short. This had scene selection? I wonder how Sonic died.

This wasn't much at all. It was just zombies dancing. I guess the colors were pretty good. I do appreciate the music. It's easy to recognize Mario stuff. This was your first cartoon.

I believe we all have old shames. At least it wasn't awful. It was just rather pointless. The text reminded me of "The Matrix". We all get better.

Aww, I was disappointed by the lack of music. This only has 20,000 views. How could people notice it? Well, I guess we've had much fewer viewed things reviewed. I liked the cigarette joke at the beginning. It is kind of unique.

I do appreciate that. I think it was probably too short. Maybe it's just because of the lack of sound. It's at least nice to look at. I like the green color scheme.

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