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Happy Pico Day 2018! Well, you're about the only person celebrating it. It was May 5th this time. The animation was great! Well, should I say the animationS were great. Everything was pretty unique.

Why was the artist's name there when it was only one artist? I mean, there were certainly a lot of people working on it. I haven't heard from Kerrigan in a long time. Not even LegendaryFrog that much. I love you, Sonucais!

SuperColoroid responds:

Thanks Ericho!
That was shocking! I don't know what happened this year. So few entries...

It's a tribute and parody to the series of Harry and LegendaryFrog, so that's why I name them in the credits.
I showed to MarkAnime and Sonucais the progress I was making with the animation, that's why they are BetaTesters.

Well, that was certainly odd. I mean, I really had little idea what was going on at all. It was still quite funny the whole way through! It was just joke after joke after joke. Most of them were great. We really do have some truly colorful characters here.

It's just hard to understand. The animation is great though. It's nice to know a lot of people worked on this. It certainly seems like it took a lot of time to make. Congratulations on your high score!

That was one long intro. I admit to not liking this animation. It's hard to keep up with all the episodes. Again, I'm not a fan. The audio seems off too. It sounds like "Ekwaman".

I admit that most of the jokes are still pretty funny. The mumble with subtitles sounded like "Gabba gabba". I love that jail compliment joke. That one girl looks like Lara Croft. Why does that guy have like four pupils? I think that jail joke could work most of the time.

Yeah, the creeping colon has a cameo! Well, as a drawing at least. I didn't like this as much as most people. I still thought it was enjoyable. It's mostly because of how the characters are pretty fun. It seemed like the plot was trying to be too complicated.

I still liked that Cthluhu like guy. He was funny. I just need to get used to these characters. I really like the weapon girl. That's a great ability or design.

I admit this could have been longer. It was still a pretty funny song. The Brokeback Mountain part was the best. I think of Donkey Kong when I think of DK. Wait, why have I never mentioned that in a review before? I just felt like this was the best time to mention it.

It's amazing how many of these there are. We really do learn more about KFK. I remember the movies he was in. You know, the ones he mentioned before. I just didn't think it was one of the best episodes.

I thought the opening theme would be the only part. I'm glad there was more. I really do like that creeping colon idea. Still, this could have been better. It was at least mostly good. I liked the animation.

The creeping colon really sold it for me. I just loved his jokes. The length was fairly good too. It's still not a series I would regularly watch. It's just acceptable.

I admit this wasn't much. I mean, your other stuff is much better. It was just a simple sketch. Still, there was nothing wrong with it. It was quite fun to watch, for how short it was. Happy Pico Day I guess!

This was a golden age for Pico. This doesn't even seem like your usual style. It's a fine little tribute. Pico really is an iconic character. I wish there was color.

It's great that you have something that comes out monthly. I'm getting more used to you guys. My favorite is still thewax70. The one with Shadow was probably my favorite. It just had the best animation. You can tell a lot in only a few seconds.

Nice to know you can keep up. The running bits with RogerregoRRoger were great. It's just so well organized. I like the credits too. It's great for some quick bits.

I was quite impressed by this. It's mostly because of how good the animation is. You really put depth into something that was just about pie. That isn't easy. Well, everyone does love pie. The artwork looked so good.

The characters had a lot of emotions without dialogue. I can tell you made it. It looks a lot like your other series, whatever it's called. The music set the mood perfectly. I'm always reminded of Pinkie Pie with pie names.

I admit this wasn't much of a trailer. I mean, it just showed one scene. It's still awesome how you actually got the Leslie Nielsen to be in this movie. A pity he has since passed away. This cartoon is now over a decade old. I was wondering how they could hear him.

His mouth didn't seem to be moving. Well, it was under his hands. The animation seems nice. Was this ever fully completed? A pity Nielsen had so many bad movies in the last years of his life.

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