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This was very fun. Are there really candy stands? It feels like there should be. I wish I knew the blue guy's name or the yellow kid's name for that matter. Hey, "The Yellow Kid" was the first newspaper comic! I think it's a coincidence though.

I'm glad the sounds are still great. They tell so much without words. This series will last forever! You'll never run out of new material! I like sweet stuff.

I kind of missed seeing the viewer mail. I'd grown accustomed to that. I liked getting to know more about 50 Cent. It is kind of annoying when you just quote him. You should probably just talk more about stuff he did. It doesn't seem that bad.

I still love the designs of these characters. I like the signs he puts up. It's a great secondary gag. I think this is still pretty informative. Most of it was good, even though it wasn't one of the best.

That really was very authentic to Weebl and Bob. You even got the language right! I especially love them pointing out how they sway around all the time. You could have made it longer. Don't make it an infinite loop. That's what Weebl's music videos are for!

I forgot his drive catchphrase. Come to think of it, I don't think he uses it that much. The colors are very nice. They mimick the style perfectly. Lots of Weebl's stuff is parodied.

At first I thought this would credit Wonchop. Now I realize this is just an insult to him. Well, he's funnier than you anyway! I still really loved this cartoon. It wasn't as focused on sex on your other stuff. The animation was great.

Yeah, those pornos exist. I see porn versions of everything here. I liked Pwnchop being killed. That's what he gets for pooping everywhere! The stealing bit was great too.

Cycon responds:

Backstory: So, at the time, I was spending a lot of time talking with Joanime and other artists that were releasing content. Rumor had gotten around about some kind of conflict over original art between Jo and Ben, something I actually knew NOTHING about. Cliques and informal alliances were also kind of forming at that time and becoming toxic. It was like a high school drama. Basically, I heard one side of the story and created this in response, thinking I was "backing-up" my friend, Jo, while also trying to be cheeky about it. It was a pretty immature move on my part.

I don't know what other content came out that may have contributed to the mounting dramas, but I can tell you that after I put this out, the toxicity intensified and there was a divide in the community. There were petty little arguments in comment sections on artist pages on deviantart, sheezy, and NG. Probably other places. Egos were huge and fragile, myself included.

The whole "great divide" continued and I don't remember it getting better, honestly. Gerkinman was one of the few people that tried to do some good by putting the One Love collaboration together, which was more of a message to the artist community than it was anything else.

I can't remember if I ever directly apologized to Ben for mocking him and stirring up drama, but he proved himself as an artist and kept going.

He's definitely not funnier than me, though. I didn't even know he did comedy. ;)

If you click "The End" they do get it on! Well, kind of. There's no genitalia or even a nipple being shown, but they still French and you see their boobs. A pity Blackie's way hotter than Eve. Still, it is two women so it's awesome. The animation is great.

Dang, those are some protruding nipples. Do they put starch in those things? I loved the music. Well, it's a fairly pleasant cartoon. Oh, the last April Fool's Day one wasn't even submitted on the exact day.

I wish this was shorter. Uh, Happy April Fool's Day! We're a bit off now. I appreciate you willing to do a self parody. I wasn't offended by the Terri Schaivo thing much. Well, we'll always be offended by something.

This reminded me of Jerry Jackson. Actually, I still probably rather watch that. The narrator at least sounds better. You are indeed a troll! Most great artists are like that!

I was pretty impressed by this. Well, it still wasn't great. I appreciate this tribute. It looks just like the cartoon! Well, it's probably not that hard to imitate. The only difference is that Beebo's fur seems a little courser here.

It's great to see people doing tributes. I'm glad this could bide us some time. Actually, that wouldn't quite prove he wasn't gay. He could be bi. Beebo's always funny.

I love it when we're topical. I was thinking the same thing about Terri Schiavo. If everyone was so eager to let her die, why not just kill her? Well, maybe a lethal injection in this case. It seems cruel to just let her die. I love Eva's voice.

I don't know why, but it's so perfect. The final punchline is great too. It is just too short. Still, thanks for the memories. I never got into that much actually.

Wait, did he just say he was God? Dang, this series doesn't look awful. The animation is amazing! I just wished this was longer. I wanted to see more! I know I've seen some of your other stuff before.

It's just that the style seems familiar. Well, I've seen too many cartoons here to list. The "Fired" joke was quite nice. We all know what it's like to be under that stress. This seems to be a good setup.

Great episode, but it was weird. It said there were nine scenes, but there were only five. They just showed the same scenes over. Well, this was still very funny. My favorite part is him meeting Meatwad. I'm not even a fan of "Aqua Teen Hunger Force", but loved that part.

His voice is so funny. Why isn't this under the "Pokémon" collection? I think it was at one point actually. The animation was fairly nice. Yokemon's still on today!

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