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It's great to see you never run out of ideas. I especially love the homage to old slapstick. We need more stuff like that. I knew that would happen to the dispenser at the end. Well, not on the level I thought. It still works though.

The animation is always awesome. Yep, it's the same guy. I recognize the yellow kid too. Well, by their outlines at least. They're not entirely that color.

This may be the best entry in the series! It's mostly because of how philosophical it is. I'm so glad it ended on such a high note. My only complaint is that I did miss some of the characters. Well, I couldn't remember their names anyway. I love the music.

Why do you call it a wacky little comic? It was quite serious! I love how you thank everyone at the end. I love the quotes too. This has been a great experience.

I really have appreciated this series. I admit this could have had more action. She kind of looks like Rei. Actually, she reminds me of Adam from "Neon Genesis Evangelion" too. You know, the whole cross thing. I love the artwork!

It's just great to have everything come together. I just don't remember most of their names! This series has been a real treat. I'm probably not into it as much as most people. Everything looks as beautiful as ever.

I admit that the main problem with this is that it was too short. I skipped the second one. Well, maybe I saw it a long time ago. This still wasn't bad. It's mostly because of the animation. Again, I swear there was CGI in this. I can't put my finger on what technique it's called.

Rotoscoping? I thought I knew a lot about animation. You should have just made this part of another episode. Some of the movements are a tad slow. It's still quite nice.

I wish the rating was higher. As one of the last episodes, this really did have the feeling of setting up something great. The best part is all the things she sees. It truly gives you the feeling that she's in a creepy place. Even the opening works out well. The artwork is as good as ever.

This is very psychological stuff. It really makes you think about our place in the Universe. It makes you think about everything we as a society have done. There's just so many different styles in this. I'm glad to have seen it.

I was surprised at how obscene this got. That's just the way I like it! Happy Valentine's Day, dude! This was one of my favorite childhood shows! The animation is hilarious. So are the voices.

The score really should be higher. I really wasn't expecting that ending. I just love how it escalates. I wish there were more "Doug" flashes. Congrats on being the highest ranked Valentine's Day cartoon this year!

That was really crappy. I knew this couldn't have been made by David Firth. He's too good an artist. I do remember this toilet. I thought this would be an April Fool's joke. I did like the David Firth joke.

Talking toilets can be funny. This was just too short. You need more going on. It's just a talking toilet. It's nowhere near enough for a full cartoon.

I honestly think this is the best part of Weebl and Bob. You know, Team Laser Explosion. Superheroes weren't really that big at this time. I loved the monkey supervillain. What's that character's name? Monkey?

The retiring joke was good too. I loved the suicidal pear. That just seems so fitting in this world. The design was funny. It was funny to hear the interruptions with normal speech.

I liked this, but I didn't think it was great. I guess I was kind of turned off by the animation. It just seemed like the same fights used over and over. Well, it's weird how I'm giving TTA a pass. I'm probably expressing bias with that series. I was personally a part of it!

The music was nice. It just felt like the same designs fighting each other. The action was still good. I think the premise is nice. These weren't really sprites.

Yeah, I think this could have been better. I guess it's just because I hold your stuff to such a high regard. It needed more of the farmer. The thumbnail image wasn't even in this! I still enjoyed this mostly. It was interesting to see you draw animals.

The rooster had a human hand at one point. That's more human than any of the human characters in your cartoons! It was definitely something different for you. Is this really the year of the dog? I don't keep up with the Chinese zodiac.

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