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I think this might not be as good as your previous installments, but this was still really nice. What I really like is how you have this crazy style of animation. Dude, every celebrity died in the past couple of years. Anyway, it was great to see Beebo back even if he didn't do much. Of course, cats really don't do that much except meow and stuff. It was funny to see those dumb looking cartoon characters get stabbed and shot up.

Come on, they just look so stupid they deserve it. The voice work is as good as ever. It really did make you wonder who the killer was and I wasn't expecting Patrick Swayze. I praise the nonsensical nature of this, always good in an NG submission. I don't know who most of these live action faces belong to.

fabulous999 responds:

Politicians, serial killers, random strangers. I just pick random pictures of people usually.

I wasn't that impressed with this cartoon at first, but it really did get better. What I like is how you randomly have Charles Darwin show up. Then some guy gets his head bitten off by a gorilla. Even though gorillas are herbivores, it's a great gag. I wasn't expecting to see that guy's penis when he showed off his trenchcoat. I really should get to know your stuff better.

It looks like this website might be the only place where you can have interactive movies. I'm sorry about what happened to your own website. When the guy pulled out the gun, I thought he was going to kill himself. Silly me, it makes far more sense to kill someone else! I hope you continue to make great cartoons.

JoeCartoon responds:

Stay tuned! And thank you!

I can now understand why it took you so long to make this fourth episode! You are making something else to go with it. It makes me realize how gorgeous everything looks now that it's not in sprite form. I'm not trying to discredit that of course. It does seem that more and more people are not using sprites anymore. This was great to see, simply because of how it explains everything so well.

I guess you just nixed the "TV" part of the website and are now just at "Tome". It was weird to see a cartoon that didn't have any of those great websites. The animation is of course as great as ever. This really does show that you can work with any new kind of thing. You're on fire, old friend!

I didn't care for this that much as not much happened, but I will give you credit for creating something fun looking. I wish there had been more detail about what exactly you were funding. Well, I can just go to the website to look at that, I suppose. Anyway, the animation is fantastic in this. The demon is such an awesome character it was a great idea to have him star in his own video that wasn't a game. Yeah, I'm not that into evil.

It's still great how he has the same voice and everything else. He's a big part of what makes these games so much fun. I hope something comes out of this fundraiser, assuming it's something good. I especially love this guy's smile. It's always nice to see you doing new things.

Woah, this is one of the longest submissions I've ever seen on this website! It was roughly 28 or 30 minutes long! It reminds me of when you made a TTA movie and that was only about 34 minutes long! There'd be little use to make a movie when you already make stuff as long as one! Anyway, this was great as expected. As you might have guessed, I was looking for my avatar there.

Of course, seeing as how I won't voice myself, I probably wouldn't care for it too much. It's unbelievable how you managed to get a different person for every voice! I thought Martin would be the voice of Rob as he was British. Of course, he did voice a British person here nonetheless. It reminds me back when I was on that website and knew you.

And to think, I thought there would be no more Skyrim flashes here. This a great cartoon, mostly because it uses a bear in such an awesome way. They can be such terrifying creatures, it makes sense one would be this badass. I do wish there could have been something about how the arrow to the you-know-what is outdated. It was a really bizarre cartoon. It's not often that people make serious Skyrim flashes.

I was expecting it to become a parody. It actually seemed to portray it pretty straight as an action story. Yes, it did have a bear in it, but it still came off as fairly serious to me. I also appreciate the inclusion of a dragon. It doesn't do much, but hey, it's a dragon!

It's too bad I can't really understand this. Is the notion that in the end the nutrients were taken from his body to create a new body that he now occupied? It doesn't matter, because this is a fantastic cartoon. This is the longest cartoon I have ever seen here with the new layout. The previous record holder for me was the latest Taco-Man game master and that was only seven a half minutes! I guess good things come to those who wait.

I knew little about you but am glad to know more about you because of this. It is a wonderfully artsy film that is good enough to win an award for best animated short. The animation is fantastic and it really sets a very important social message. People are foolish to spend all their money on lottery tickets. When people do get it, they often regret it. We should all learn to become less materalistic.

My gosh! I remember seeing this on another website that generally shows short independent films! It is absolutely fantastic that you uploaded this to our humble website. It makes me realize how artsy this place must be for guys who have worked on film festivals to post stuff here. The animation in this is absolutely fantastic and freaking gorgeous! The sound is also great and it really builds tension.

Every single facial expression is just wonderfully done. You really let the characters' appearances tell exactly what they are thinking. It's just such a wonderfully original idea. You have seen some portrayals of post apocalyptic areas, but this worked so well because it was about a single father and son. At least I think that's what they are. You are awesome for uploading this!

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