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At first, I was disappointed because I thought it was going to be a computer's statement. I'm glad to know I'm on this website where that rarely happens! The coolest thing is how the computer interacts with the environment. It shows a good transition when you go outside the range of the computer. Yep, I knew that cake was a lie. I like how this computer manages to have such a good attitude even though she has a cybernatic voice.

I guess this means I won't have to play, much less, beat the game! There's a lot of funny random moments like the blood that goes everywhere. Geez, that really is a delicious cake. While the song talks about death and stuff, it still has a pretty positive tone to it. Or maybe I'm just listening to it the wrong way.

I kind of felt this was one of your lesser entries, because it was so short. Still, something that's frame by frame has to take a long time to make. I can't bash you for that, because I know nothing about using flash myself. Gee, if only the bosses in the actual games were that easy to kill. I haven't played the original games per se, but have played imitations. It's so hard to get past some of those guys!

The animation is as good as ever. It's still a cool image to see that saw thing slicing into his body. Next time, you could probably have more going on. It's still not bad for what it is. I didn't know Mega Man turned brown like that.

I'm not sure if actual Greek mythology could count as history. Then again, I guess you could say the same thing about most religions. What's funny is how you're able to only intervene a few times and let the characters do the rest. I think this is one of your better submissions, if only because it's great to see how these characters play off each other. I was in no way expecting the little guy to win! Of course, something bad does happen to him at the end.

Then again, that same thing happens to everyone else. It took me awhile to get the joke, the guy wore glasses because he was blind and thus immune to Medusa. That's why he was using the signs wrong. It's great because you have no idea what's going to happen next. I imagine the next will be the Roman Empire, perhaps?

captainmcross responds:

Roman Empire coming soon...but next I am doing ancient China and the Silk trade!

Dude, this is the best animated Pokemon piece I have ever seen on this site! It's amazing how you managed to get everything so perfect in this! Apart from the fact that it's drop dead hilarious, it's so worth seeing. You so much expect this to turn out violent as gore is a way a lot of people on this website go. The emotions and everything else are absolutely perfect in this! You should become a professional animator on the show!

Hey, if Kirbopher could be a voice actor, you could do something. The colors are freaking gorgeous, too. I like how you get to see the silly faces on the Team Rocket members' faces. You don't know what's going to come next in this masterpiece. Ash's voice was pretty much spot on too. Glad it didn't turn out to be pornographic.

Wow, it's weird how you (Kirbopher) were not actually in this. This is one of the better episodes and one of the most flawless out there. It's unbelievable you and other people have managed to get so many professional voice actors in this! I think the coolest thing is probably how good the animation is. My gosh, you sure know how to draw women well. I will gladly wait an eternity for the episodes and movie to come out with Lacksine and Dustbunny, the two hotties of this series.

I thought that Ravenfreak was supposed to be a girl. The other characters call him "he", so I guess he isn't. I also found it funny how I didn't even think he was a girl at first, because he seemed more like a transvestite, which I guess he was. Everyone was fantastic in this. It's rare you see a flash cartoon with so many different voices in it. Everyone knows everyone else here on the Internet, I guess.

Dude, this is freaking awesome! I probably only like it because I'm such a huge fan of these guys. When you combine all the stuff these individuals have worked on, it probably adds up to days of material to work with. I notice how Spoony wasn't there, because he's Dr. Insano or something like that. The animation could have been better, but I don't think it really matters. I bet if you showed this to those guys, they'd be glad.

It's amazing how every freaking celebrity on the Internet is somehow known by these people. There's the Angry Video Game Nerd, Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series, Dragonball Abridged, Egoraptor, Happyharry, DarkMazeStudios, Kirbopher, the Happy Video Game Nerd, Awesome Video Games, The Amazing Atheist, the list goes on! I think this is the first flash tribute I've seen. I had a smile on my face the whole time. Those guys deserve it.

Wow, I'm surprised you managed to come up with a new episode so quickly! Well, I imagine that after doing a lot of them, you'd get used to it. It's great to see how this develops over time. I must have misheard him at first, because I thought Snake was his changed name. Hey, Gaylord doesn't have much of a better name. The best part is probably at the end when you see all those monsters.

It' s easily the best animation presented so far in the series. I have a feeling this next episode is going to be really good. I appreciated the slick animation. It's kind of funny and kind of sad to see the mine things being burnt like that. Gaylord has the best voice, because of how insane he sounds.

Falconer02 responds:

I agree with you about Gaylord-- he definitely has the best voice out of all of the characters. Thanks!

Wow, it seems like you really went out of your way to make something original! The drawing style is very nicely done. It was weird how everything started out fairly ordinary but then a giant eye appeared. It's kind of gross, but I guess it fits the theme as well as anything else. It actually seemed like you were trying to tell an interesting story. The melody is very well done.

It's the kind of pleasant kind of melody you'd expect a professional to do. It's a bit weird, seeing as how the content isn't that pleasant. It was nonsensical as anything else you've made, but I guess it could have used some funny animals or something. It's nice to see the little static bits the characters are made of. The moustache on the guy looks a bit unappealing at first, because it resembles Hitler's, but it gets better.

It's stuff like this that makes me realize it's been so long since you've done something. I really like how you submitted this after you put it up on your own website. While not as good as something like "Potter Puppet Pals", it's decent in its own right. The animation isn't that well detailed, but it's actually not that bad. It reminds me how macaroni 'n cheese is my favorite food. I would soo live in that house.

I like how there's a flying saucer in the background attacking a castle. I wish that could be the focus of it. It really gets good at the end when you tie some other fairy tales together. I should have seen that coming. Also, try to get rid of that infinite playing loop.

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