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It's stuff like this that makes me realize it's been so long since you've done something. I really like how you submitted this after you put it up on your own website. While not as good as something like "Potter Puppet Pals", it's decent in its own right. The animation isn't that well detailed, but it's actually not that bad. It reminds me how macaroni 'n cheese is my favorite food. I would soo live in that house.

I like how there's a flying saucer in the background attacking a castle. I wish that could be the focus of it. It really gets good at the end when you tie some other fairy tales together. I should have seen that coming. Also, try to get rid of that infinite playing loop.

There isn't that much going on in this cartoon. It mostly fails because the artwork isn't that good. I guess it's a bit nice to see a stick rendition of the Mario characters, but nothing really comes of it. The quality seems low, and I think it might have been better if you had put it in a smaller piece. I would know how that can affect the resolution. What's also weak is how this doesn't seem to be anything that much out of the ordinary.

I would like the stickman to use his shape to his advantage. Maybe have him go through tight spaces or something? I will give you credit for having a nice ending with the trollface and scat man song. I wish I could tell you how to not make it an infinite loop. There could have been more shadings with the colors too.

SuperMario9000 responds:

I know Its not that good, but Its my first one and done frame by frame. Its so low quality because I made the cartoon with flash, filmed it with hypercam to get it into windows movie maker, added the music sound and the credits and then put it into flash again, for being able to post it on this site. I'm a XTREME noob to all of this flash animation.

I thought this was a very nice demo reel! I do not think I have ever heard of you before, but I am very glad to have reviewed this. I think what makes this the most cool is how you have so much going on in these cartoons. The coolest part is probably how there are so many different styles. It's a pity that you don't seem to be fairly well known here. I wouldn't be surprised if this got a really high score.

I think the part that seemed most out of the ordinary was the Pink Panther on the sketch paper. While it lacked color, it was still very nice. Speaking of color, you seemed to really do a good job of adding some bright variety to all the designs. I appreciate all the nuttiness that is going on in these scenes. The actual music isn't too bad either.

DillonBrannick responds:

Thanks! You've heard of me now, and I'm glad you reviewed this too, I love reviews. High score, hmm I'm not so sure, a decent score I'd imagine. Anyway glad you enjoyed, and I knew people liked the tune.
I appreciate and am grateful for your comments

This was very nice of you to do! It particularly annoyed me with how I submitted a voice demo, but it got rated down so low. I mean, people who had heard it presented with video didn't seem to care. It took me awhile to really figure out the difference between the two sounds. I hope to learn from you and create higher quality voicework. I have tried to get some work as a voice actor, but nothing seems to work.

I'm thinking I might also be leaning into the microphone too much. Either way, you are doing us a great service with this submission. I like how the background is checkered paper giving off the impression that you're doing this in an old manner. You may have went back and forth with the sound comparisons a bit too much, though. I still recommend this to anyone having trouble with microphones.

Wow, I wasn't expecting this submission to be that good! It didn't look that enjoyable at first, but it really got better. I like the idea of this rainbow monster somehow being able to blast rainbows out of its body to vaporize the heads of monsters. It's funny to see just how random this cartoon is. You have absolutely no idea what insane thing is going to happen next. Another thing I liked was the animation.

It's great to watch this guy just hop around and destroy (or help I guess) stuff everywhere. This reminded me of the animation that was used by that one "E-mail" submission. I especially like how the character has these wonderful bright eyes. Well, that's actually probably the least bright part of his body. This certainly made me achieve maximum happiness.

Brewster responds:


I love this because you have absolutely no idea what's going to happen next. As this is a guy who has "Creeper" in his name, I assumed he was going to do something sexual. It turns out he didn't, but he ended up doing something probably worse. It's so worth it at the end for him to blow everything up. Yes, it doesn't make any sense, but it's certainly funny. It shows how zany your cartoons can be.

I was hoping that ugly woman would die in some way. I like how this guy has such a silly voice. It's somewhat effeminate, but it's more silly. The artwork is as fantastic as ever and I love you kind of have a real gritty appearance in your animations. It seems like everyone is doing a Minecraft parody some way, so why shouldn't you? All of the characters especially seem to have different designs.

I guess you could say the same thing about the actual cartoon. Of course, there are a lot of cartoons that have been a lot shorter. I was thinking that it was going to turn out to be something cynical, because that's how we are on the Internet. It seemed like you weren't going to do that, because you haven't made stuff like that. Of course, I turned out to be false. It's still a great cartoon because of how great the animation is. I feel sorry for the blue guy.

At least that gives him a good angle to punch the bad boy in the crotch. I liked how you had pause and forward options. It makes me realize how much I work on my reviews in looking for my next thing. I do a lot of stuff, far more than the usual person to analyze what I'm reviewing. While not as good as Tarboy obviously, it's still nice. I like how you used your website with the name of your best cartoon.

That was very nicely done! I was thinking you would get into how the guy who created Megaupload was actually put in jail. Well, you did kind of touch on the notion of being locked up with how you showed the computer like that. I guess I should have known it wasn't going to have a happy ending because of what happened. It really makes you realized how much damage SOPA was able to commit in the time they were active. Granted, I don't know many of the details and maybe they had nothing to do with it.

I myself have used that website, but only rarely. At least you used such great animation to tell a story that I'm sure is in many of our hearts. We did manage to stop them from causing any more damage, and let's keep it that way. Those guys deserve to get killed for speaking ill of the legendary bronies. That woman's breasts are scary looking.

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