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This was a fairly creative Madness cartoon. What I really liked about it was how unique the designs were. The best of those kind easily belonged to the two main villians with their yellow and greenish appearances. What I didn't like was how the animation didn't seem that fluid. It just didn't seem to be that good in terms of transitioning from one scene to the next. It's still something I would recommend.

I think the sounds are also really good in this. It's great to try to make out the signs in the background. I believe there's one that says, "Kill him - That is all". There's another one about not forgetting to attend a certain meeting on 3/14 of something. There could have been a bit more detail too.

Here's another nice entry in the series! Since I don't want to ask it again, I'll just do it now. Here's question that I hope might appear in a future episode. "How do I get my brother a job?". What I really like about this is how good the animation is and how smoothly everything moves. It's great to see this guy just hopping around everywhere acting silly. Hey, orange happens to be my favorite color!

I love all the funny and silly pictures you've managed to get. I think my favorite is the kid with the pokemon clothes. Hey, "Pokemon" is probably the most popular franchise ever created, so don't be afraid to like it! I appreciate all the details put into everything else. It's great to see this series continue!

Wow, that is one of the most absolutley insane things I have ever seen in my life! Congradulations on giving Tom Fulp his pick for best cartoon of all time! This was when the cartoon was just at judgement too! I loved how the animation was freaking gorgeous in this. It's too bad the same can't be said about the people in the show. When they said, "worst", I thought they were referring to the quality.

I'm pretty sure that by "worst" you meant the most disgusting and disturbing show on Earth. It seems like you used a whole different Flash program to create this! It looks like one of those mutants was some turtle human hybrid. It's so perplexing it's hard to even describe. I appreciate you truly bringing something new and amazing to this website! You're going to go far kid!

Sherbalex responds:

i figure 90% of the work was done in Flash MX, the other 10% was in Flash CS3, and much of what was done in CS3 wasnt really drawing, just clicking buttons/moving sliders and stuff.

youre the third person to say it was a turtle thing. theres probably something interesting to note here about ones perception of light/shadow/form

The best thing about this is probably how you used clips from the show. It seemed like you did go for a lot of cheap gags. There was this one time where they just mentioned they weren't ninjas and that was pretty much it. At least the animation was nice. Well, it wasn't really nice in the strictest sense, it was enjoyable with how stupid it was. The worst thing is that it would mess up the theme song.

Dang, that is one of the best theme songs I've ever heard. This is causing me more and more to hate Michael Bay. It's pretty amusing to see how stupid these guys look. I don't think the pizza ever got to Sunday. It's not often I see a pizza in seven slices.

Jae responds:


This is one of the weirdest cartoons I've seen in awhile, but it's also one of the greatest. I think Tom Fulp was hypnotized at the end by the Bill Cosby thing. At one point, he put this as his all time favorite cartoon! Anyway, what's really cool about this is how it transitions so well. One minute, you're in this strange world and the next, you're in another strange world. I love how the animation changes too.

When all is lost, throw in an insane Bill Cosby! He seems to be making a lot of appearances in stuff here. The animation is a bit off color at times (not literally) but for the most part, it works. It was probably intentional to have the clock like voices. I appreciate you trying to make something truly unique.

I wasn't expecting the cartoon to be that long. Of course, I always wasn't expecting it to even be over after the first scene! This really wasn't that violent. I mean, I've seen Madness flashes with people dying over and over. Of course, in those cases, the characters aren't that well detailed and you don't see their organs as much. I think it kind of went on a bit too long, but still very nice.

The battle scenes were the best. I like how good that guy is when he snipes everyone on the battlefield like nobody's business. The catching his spit was a funny visual gag too. Dang, that is one big beard. I don't think there's a single time where the title character talks.

Tom Fulp's more deranged than I thought to love something like this. What I found the weirdest about this was that it didn't even have anything going on. It was just a bunch of weird guys doing stupid things. Granted, that's what most of us do anyway. If there's anything positive, it's that the animation is actually good. It could have used some color, I guess. I doubt this was even intended to be anything that good.

It probably fits more under "Experimental" than anything else. I hope you had fun with this insane experiment. I admit I do kind of get a kick out of some of the nonsensical randomness. Not one of my favorites, though. At least it's something different.

Well, Tom Fulp likes you at least. I guess there wasn't anything bad about this, it was just a short loop featuring a test. That really isn't the short of thing most people would want to have here. I guess you know your audience, though. It might have worked better if it was an art submission. I heard you can use gifs for art submissions, can't you?

I'm just going to say the name of whatever was the last video game I was thinking about. Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy. Of course, I have no idea why duck bills would even be considered valuable. Please don't kill innocent ducks because of what I have done. Okay for what it is.

I really have nothing to say. This is something that is so insane it just speaks for itself. As I am a reviewer, I have to say that the good probably outweighed the bad in this. What made it truly insane was that nothing was happening for any reason. The cartoon that had the title was probably not as good because the animation was not as good. The overall animation was good and it seemed like there was stuff always moving.

I'm not going to ask what's going on here because it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you created a completely insane cartoon. I guess I would probably recommend this. I mean, it's not bad, it's just very, very strange. It could be more colorful, I suppose. Congrats on making something utterly insane.

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