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Great to see the series finally end. This was probably the best episode. Well, I wasn't really able to follow it that well. The best scene was easily when Johnny was reunited with Rachel. It's such a heartwarming scene. The action was great too.

You really toned down on the jokes. I guess it wouldn't be appropriate for a finale. I love the music at the end. I'm glad everyone followed you on this. It's been fun.

I picked up a hitchhiker once. It was on my way back from my first Con. You know, Comic Con? I wasn't there as a celebrity, I was just visiting. I know people like this. They order tons of food.

I haven't come across many homeless people. I'm scared of being one myself. You got a lot of material out of this. Six minutes is a good running time. Glad to know you have a fiance.

It's been too long since your last episode. I recently lost my cable. I haven't been able to get much news. Well, I got it from "The Daily Show" at least. No mention of Stephen Hawking's passing? That's huge news!

It's great to have these guys back. I hope to see more. Bill Cosby is joined by many other celebrities. Oh, and Steven Seagal joined today. Or was he already on the Metoo hashtag?

threebrain responds:

Yeah dat Steven Seagal situ needs a joke no doubt :-O

He pronounced "Emo" wrong. Well, I guess it's hard with a speaking machine. RIP Stephen Hawking. Oh yeah, nice to have God back. I wonder if he'd be a brony now? We've advanced with kid's cartoons so much now.

I like how their voices are different. It makes them more unique. I like how random these jokes get. I especially love the end with the camel mom. You're so freaking talented!

Oh, I was confused by the bit with him on TV. I guess he really DOES want to become smarter. I find it strange how Blockhead's conscience has a brain. Isn't he already a brain himself? Blockhead said "Rufio" and then mentioned Peter Pan. That was the name of the character Dante Basco played in "Hook"!

Was that a reference? I just get so many obscure references. I love how it's joke after joke. It's hard to even say there's a plot. Everything is just so random...and funny!

I was quite impressed by how dark this got. At first, I was confused by the song. It didn't seem to suit the style. It then got more obvious. Well, it is all a dream. It's still quite effective.

I'm quite impressed by this squiggle vision. I think it's an example of that. Again, the song is great. It's sad how I see more of these cartoons being removed from the website. So much stuff is missing nowadays.

Dude, you're not going to believe this! I was just reviewing this other movie here that had a song by They Might Be Giants. They're such a good band! Maybe they'll have their own section here someday. I could recognize the voices obviously. It's been awhile since I've seen a cartoon from you.

I especially liked seeing how he left his body. It really does seem to say something. Well, I wasn't listening that closely to the lyrics. The colors were certainly nice. You are quite talented.

This wasn't all that good, but I couldn't hate it. It's mostly because it does some funny parts. I especially like when he asks where the music is coming from. The song itself is quite nice. It did have a huge problem. The animation is quite bad!

This is my introduction to Jimtopia. Well, I guess this is what I'm in here for. I like how the song continues. It just needs to look better. I probably know too little about this series.

I'm quite surprised the rating isn't higher. I thought this was your best episode. It's easily the most memorable. It was funny how you mentioned Christians were annoying, but at least they don't kill people. It really is open season on Jesus. The creators of "South Park" said so.

Wait, Christians are annoying? How dare you insult Mr. Rogers! I love how brave you are. People this insane deserve to be mocked. I can identify crazy people by knowing what they'll do next.

This was short, but it's still a great cartoon. I loved the author's comments. It was even better than the actual cartoon! I love how Chase has no mouth. He looks so cartoonish like that. I especially like the punchline.

I wanted to see him try to get eaten. Raw food can't be that good for you. I like how he just like how he gets slapped. He really did get cock slapped! Now he wants to eat a cock.

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