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I don't remember the first one. I guess it's just that you're so prolific, it's hard to keep track of all of your series. The best part is probably the animation. The ship looks gorgeous! "James The Space Zebra" was a game here. I thought this was about that!

I mean, this also had a horse like thing in it too. I love how the jokes keep coming. The best one is probably him saying he doesn't fuck horses. Bronies are treated like that too. I only wish there was some action.

It was weird not to have Blockhead's conscience appear in this much. I really like how you set up a story arc with this. Did you know "Time Squad" was the name of a show on Cartoon Network? This probably is one of the best of the "Blockhead" series. It's mostly because the characters besides Blockhead play it straight so well. It really does work better as something serious.

It's a little hard to follow. Blockhead seems less annoying than usual. Well, he really isn't because he annoys the other characters like his conscience more than he annoys the audience. It's a rule of comedy! The animaton is great too.

I'm reviewing this on Saint Patrick's Day! These two holidays have nothing in common. I just think it's funny they're both on holidays. I loved how short it was. That's probably what makes it so memorable. It's great for a very simple cartoon.

It even works well as a satire of Groundhog Day. I especially love everything Karl says Well, there's not much going on. This is still very enjoyable. There aren't many Groundhog Day cartoons.

This was rated as a comedy? I saw no jokes in this at all. This was still great. My favorite part is how it expands on the world Salad Fingers lives in. The problem is that Salad Fingers is an unreliable narrator. It makes you wonder if he killed that guy instead.

Was that heavily implied? Maybe this great war was what made this world a wasteland. It mutated Salad Fingers into a green monster. His "brother" appears to be a normal human. Everyone was normal before.

That was hilarious. My only complaint is that I do wish it was a little longer. There was a lot of chances for jokes. What a coincidence that Stephen Hawking died. I'm trying to distinguish that from irony. They're two different things.

I especially love the part with God. Personally, I was more into "Courage The Cowardly Dog". Of course, the crappy new reboot does make me appreciate the original. The Clock Crew voice actually makes sense here. Well, maybe I'm just thinking of Stephen Hawking again.

Wow, that cutaway got really long. Or is it just a flashback? I should know the difference. I loved the joke about the fish being naked. That is indeed true. It's funny to hear those voices swear.

They're so high! Well, not high like that. Just drunk. I know about that dolphin-safe stuff. I had no idea that's what this show would be about.

Dang, you just never run out of stuff to do with these characters, do you? It's nice to see them in their different forms. The animation is as good as ever. It seems redundant to always say that. It's true! The voices are great as well. I do think the credits were too long.

They took up too much of the cartoon! I wanted to see more of these guys! Well, it's still great. I even like their environment. Well, everything looks nice.

I admit this isn't the most original story, but you know what? It was still awesome! I especially like how distinct the voices are. I read the author's comments before this review, for once. You can make a very distinct voice. The animation is probably the best part.

Hard to say no to fighting skeletons. I knew the crow would turn out to be a man once. It was a little predictable. Still, you create a nice environment. It's such a nice looking cartoon.

I think this may in fact be the highest rated one in the series. I can see why! My favorite was N00bQueen. My least favorite was N00bSpetsnaz. I thought the menu was nice. I liked seeing that wolf guy.

I'm not going to review them individually. It's too short. Well, I won't use the standard format at least. You guys did have some talent. It looks like you dissolved.

Hey, he actually got what he wanted! This guy needs more relief. This was one of my favorite episodes. It's even more cartoonish than usual. That's not easy to do! I was thinking he wouldn't like the sushi.

Have I ever even had that? It is a little too small. What I mean is that it just features one location. I want stuff to be bigger. It's still very entertaining.

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