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Yes, I thought this episode was much better! It's one of the best in the series! It was great to see Jesus there. Or was that Goku? Well, Jesus and Buddha teaming up is pretty cool. I loved the music too.

I really did learn a lot about religion from this. Well, maybe it was more spirituality. I'll never stop thinking about Goku from "Dragonball Z". Whatever, this was great. It was long, but worth it.

I can see why this isn't one of the highest rated episodes. It needed more action. The student's name is Goku. That can't be a coincidence. Anyway, the animation was still great. I like learning more about other religions. It might seem weird to me, but it's no goofier than my religion.

I am religious of course. I'm glad to be more familiar with the characters. It's just very hard to follow. Kind of like Homestuck. Well, I like that more.

It's a tall Krillin! I was thinking that this whole episode would be nothing but silence. From the author comments, I knew I was wrong. I especially liked those, as I was able to understand the story more. It's quite complicated. The animation is as good as ever.

I guess this is like one of those motion comics. I've fairly seen those. You state that it's a graphic novel. Still, I consider it a cartoon. It's a great one at that.

This cartoon is so massive it's hard to keep track of. I'll try it as best as I can. I really did enjoy this, because of how deep it was. It's sad I can't remember any of the characters' names or anything. I love the words that fly around at the end. It didn't need action.

I love how deadpan these characters are. Everything just flows together so well. I appreciate so much going on in this narrative. It's hard to even pinpoint a specific plot point. These characters are pretty fun.

Aww, it's still not done. I doubt you'll ever finish it. Or at least upload it here. My only complaint was that the animation was a bit off. This was still hilarious. I especially love Kermit's voice.

Loved that Pokémon joke. Statler and Waldorf are always funny. They'll both be dead if another sequel is ever made. The squirrel jokes were great. Loved how they kept coming.

That was very weird. It just seemed to leap from one joke to another. I still enjoyed it. The "Mortal Kombat" bit was probably the best. That music never gets old. I loved the recap in the beginning too.

It just randomly showed the clips. The designs were really weird. These guys did look like Dr. Seuss characters. Or maybe Robert Crumb characters. It was at least interesting.

That was pretty impressive! It's great to see a new series being formed. The dog looks like Toffee from "Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil". He's a lizard person. It's something about the nose. I loved the dog's subtitles.

That came off as homophobic. I mean, he was clearly scared of gay sex. Well, maybe not in that way. What a coincidence. I just reviewed a "Nobodies Shorts".

I admit that wasn't that great. I thought it was too short. You needed more jokes. Well, it is a short of course. I love that intro. I knew there'd be a Jew joke in there somewhere.

Why wasn't this in the Christmas 2004 collection? At least it's under "Tomorrow's Nobodies". The animation was pretty good. I guess it's fine. I like how you said we should keep watching.

I didn't care for this cartoon. It was mostly because it was too small. It was just the same location. I believe this is what is known as a Bottle Episode. Well, I'm not familiar with the series. I can't really judge it.

The animation was okay. It was just one joke in the same place. There needed to be more. I guess seizures can be funny. Nuggets are weird things to use.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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