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This is a very ambitious cartoon. Well, it is technically a movie. I was especially impressed by how Minushi and Kal acted. That's Kal with a "K", right? Anyway, I wasn't expecting her to drop those barbs. This is anything but cartoonish!

I thought that guy was them in disguise. You know, the Edison dude. It's so ambitious. I get a good sense of being with these characters. Well, it's not one of my favorites.

I loved the animation in this! It was so much like CGI. My only complaint is that the song could have been better. I still loved this, again with how beautiful it looked. I wonder if there are any of the same characters here. I can always recognize your work.

I didn't understand the title. I hope you make more stuff. You create such a colorful world for these characters to live in. I can always expect top quality stuff from you. It's too cute.

You lacked an apostrophe in "I'm". Anyway, this was really fun. I love how it just goes all over the place. First, it's about a pen and then it's just ignored. We later get this guy without arms. I'd like to see what damage he caused.

Hey, we see a human! Well, a human hand at least. I like how he keeps going deeper into the VCR. I remember when TVs were that big. It's very funny.

I felt like this was weak. I mean, it was way too short. It was just a baby with a stinky diaper. The movements seemed weird in this. I'm not just talking about the bowels. I guess this was still kind of nicely animated.

Does this blue guy have a name? I guess it's something different for you. It just didn't work out too well. I'm sure some people will like it. It needed more jokes.

I personally didn't find this to be that funny. I do like the overall joke. Wait, April's not for another four months! It was kind of predictable. Well, at least at the end. I felt there should have been more for the joke.

I would have wanted to see more violence. Yeah, we're all like that. The animation was good. It just didn't amount to much. It's fine for a quick joke, which it was.

I loved this episode. It just had funny line after funny line. The funniest part might have been when they showed them in the car. Loved the Rugrats joke. The Harlem Globetrotters jokes were so memorable too. It's great to see this band together.

I wish I had remembered those "Saved By The Bell" lyrics. It's a shame this hasn't been reviewed in eight years. I'm always here! The animation's pretty good. It's quite distinct.

I think the idea was that this was the first time Salad Fingers had heard someone else talk. I could have sworn there was talking in another cartoon. Then again, I don't think he heard them. I guess this wasn't quite as good as other episodes. It was still rather nice. The animation's good.

I like how his teeth are drawn. This is always creepy. I wonder what happened to that poor girl. I love how it ends. The real chaos isn't until the end.

This was so amazing! I especially appreciated how it did so much in so little time. SpongeBob still probably has the most parodies. I do kind of wish for more modern cartoon stuff. Well, "My Little Pony" has more overall. I just think this works better.

The show itself is goofy. I have seen more recent episodes and they are getting better. Everything just flows so well. Squidward turned into the Slender Man! Imagine an actual show like this. Well, at least an actual episode.

I admit to not being the biggest fan of these cartoons. That being said, they're still rather good. I was quite unfamiliar with the cockatrice. I'm glad I got to know them more by "My Little Pony". Boy, does he like his biscuits. I liked the recap at the beginning.

It's a nice little touch. There could have been more jokes. I'm glad of turned off by his nipple. It just seems to be jutting forward for no reason. This is still pretty funny.

I think this was almost as long as an actual episode! This could be a movie in itself! I appreciate the jokes. It just wasn't one of your best. My favorite parts are probably the fake quotes. I miss new editions of Leonard Maltin's movie guide.

A c*nt that ruined "Terminator"? Dude, the movies only got worse from there. You should have used that joke later. The animation is quite nice. It's always like that.

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