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It was nice to see Francis. Wait, have I seen him before? When I said "anagram" last time I meant "acronym". You know, GMSU. I didn't understand it at first. I heard that dogs are smarter than cats.

That's really devastating! I love cats! Anyway, great takes on the chicken joke. It reminds me of an episode of "Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil" where Janna keeps making them. The alien's always funny.

threebrain responds:

Oh snap imma look that show up

I thought this was pretty good. I was wondering what game you were parodying. I then realized it was something original. Well, you do say it was inspired by "Dungeons And Dragons". I don't know much about that. The animation was quite nice.

I guess he did have a twin brother. Or was that him dying again? This maybe could have been longer. It needed a few more jokes. I still enjoyed it though.

That really happened to you? Oh, I doubt your friends died. My summers were never like that. I could always find enough to do. Besides, there was always camp! You never went to camp?

Well, I guess it wasn't that great anyway. This was before the Internet. I used to write a lot. Heck, I still write a lot here! This was cheaper than a water park at least.

It looks like you respond to all comments. Anyway, this was quite funny. I hadn't heard of any of these except the Kim Jong Un thing. Well, I didn't know THAT much about the situation. He's always in the news. We've predicted World War III too many times to count.

Some would argue the War on Terror is World War III. It has involved the most countries since World War II! That dog story was scary. And I thought cats could be bad. I understood your anagram.

threebrain responds:


That was actually quite satisfying. It's mostly because the animators didn't get what they wanted! They didn't get to torture the hero as always. I would like to see how he got through those traps. This was still great. They actually got a happy ending!

The colors were great too. It was more detailed than usual. This was one of the best in the series. It's great to see the pencils get mad. It really is something different for this series!

Oh crap, what happened to most of your Reading Rainbow reviews? They were classics! It is sad to see how the animation hasn't held up. The humor does though. I just love how angry this guy is. I also love how dumb Sloth is.

I do wish this was longer. It was at least good for 2000. Oh yeah, Carlton! I'm not that big of a fan of "The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air". I only know most of it through memes.

That was funny with how the cat kept shapeshifting. That guy must have been really high. I wish it wasn't an infinite loop again. The voices were pretty funny. I don't think the artwork has held up. This was still pretty good.

Oh, the cat was saying, "Look at them tits". I liked the live-action car at the end. It showed style. It's pretty funny to see the characters argue. I wish they were in their anonymous group again.

The animation hasn't held up that much. It's still not that bad. I wonder why Marty is in the group. He doesn't seem like much of an idiot. It looked like she was barfing on Paul. Hopefully, it was just grotesque spit.

I'm totally siding with Marty. Paul's pretty funny. I like that voice. I wish this wasn't an infinite loop. Unless it's a song, you shouldn't do that.

Didn't he say there'd be big news today? Was one of the items big news? That stomach story was crazy. It would be weird if he did crap them out. I guess they just can't fit down there. A black bear and no black jokes?

You even mentioned black people later. Before that, you showed a fat black kid! I remember that movie scene. I believe it's from "Hannibal". I heard that movie was bad.

threebrain responds:

No way!!! Hannibal was an incredible movie! It's bonkers :-O

The spirits were so high in this cartoon! I am glad to be finally done with all the cartoons and games in the collections. Yes, I looked over all of them and picked out the most popular ones. I have now reviewed and watched every single one I wanted to see! You might not understand this.

Well, that's not important. What matters is that this cartoon was awesome. I'm not familiar with this Hunters series. There's so many of these Mons shows. It's a genre, not ripoffs.

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