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Well, this was certainly unique. Undead skaters? That's one of the most random things I've heard in awhile. Still, it was by no means bad. It was certainly creative. I do wish the animation was better.

I'm not into skating. I don't even watch skating videos. This just wasn't that memorable. It's still nice to see collabs between the VF brothers. You guys are brothers, right?

I guess if I was more into "Bioshock" I would've liked this more. I was impressed by how it just used Egoraptor. I thought it would be too short. It actually was of fairly good length. It still wasn't good. It just wasn't that funny.

I was a bit turned off by the squiggly lines. That wasn't in Egoraptor's stuff. I don't think that's your style either. Whatever, it just wasn't memorable. You've made much better stuff.

That wasn't as good as I thought it would be. It was still nice. I especially appreciate how good the animation is. It even has an interesting movie going on. I just didn't find the final punchline that good. He's annoyed by chips and that's it?

I've never heard of a movie with a billion dollar budget. Yeah, that's made up. Well, it does have a ludicrous premise. I do wish this was longer. It needed more jokes.

I'm surprised the rating isn't higher! Well then again, it did win all these awards. I just never tire of their voices. It's probably because their videos just go on forever. I remember this specific video. At least I think I have the idea.

I don't remember the game's name, alright! They've played so many at least I can recognize it. The CGI is very nice. There should be more of that here. Will we ever be like movies where all cartoons are CGI?

There's an infinite number of things to do with GameGrumps. I forgot which one this was from. I love when Jon praised the Greeks. I even love the menu where he keeps fighting. It's a very funny image. I will admit it's a little too short.

I think the Persian Empire WAS the biggest empire. It was at least bigger than the Roman. Kind of weird how the Romans are the ones we always remember. This was fine for a quick laugh. Most GameGrumps cartoons are like that.

This was quite faithful to "Family Guy" in that it wasn't very good. Sorry, I'm not a fan. I think the show can be funny. The animation was pretty bad here. The actual show was much better. The voices weren't too bad.

I knew there'd be all these random pop culture references. That's the "Family Guy" way! The best joke was probably with Sonic and Shadow. They should have more video game cameos. Of course Roger was there.

I remember seeing the sequel, so I had to check this out. The best part of this was probably the animation. I mean, it's just beautiful! This guy looks like Bitey. Is that a mask or his actual face? The music was great too.

It's still not much compared to the sequel. This works better as a music video. The zombie design was great. I still don't know what happened. I guess he shot himself.

It seems like everyone's done a "Saw" parody by now. There should be a trope for that. I liked the animation. I really had no idea what would happen next. Yep, even the very end. I knew the tape would tell him to shut up, so I guess it wasn't prerecorded after all.

Or maybe it was. Dang, was there a lot of housework to do. Well, it's like that of course. I don't recognize the other characters. I haven't seen too many of these cartoons.

That was great as always. Dang, are you talented. It helps that the animation sets the goofy tone perfectly. I'm trying to recognize TomaMoto's voice. It seems like everyone's obsessed with those razor blades. That's never even happened.

The baby gums bit was great. Maybe an easy joke, but executed perfectly. Hannibal Lecter is always entertaining. The sand bit was great too. It's just funny all around.

With a name like this, I thought it would have adult content. I'm glad it didn't. I guess orgasm is more of a layman's term nowadays. I appreciate how well animated this is. It's hard to go into detail. Really, anything can turn into another thing.

You can quickly or slowly show the process. That's how it is with drawings and animation. The music is fairly good too. I knew Catoblepas would be on this. There are some really good artists here.

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