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This is one of the best cartoons on this website! It's so wonderful because it truly makes use of what it is, a flash cartoon. I guess it would be suiting to watch it here. I mean, it makes more sense as it would just look awkward there. I just love how everything moves. I've seen nearly every video parodied here.

Well, featured I guess. I'm so glad it was a long cartoon. I could just watch something like this all day. You have so much action and so much creativity. I'm glad a great artist like you is still here. Stick figures will live on forever.

This wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. I think the biggest fault is how there should have been music. It seemed kind of dull without it. The animation isn't that good either. At least there were some good jokes in it. Yeah "Charlie The Unicorn" reference!

There should be more of those here. This didn't have anything to do with a sock. I guess it's just a goofy title. It's just nothing memorable. It's an okay cartoon.

I knew you'd give us another amazing cartoon! I have no doubt everyone will love it. I'm just taken away by the beautiful animation. It just seems like every frame of this cartoon could be a drawing in itself. It's like a painting come to life. That's what great cartoons should be.

While not as good as “Tarboy” still incredible. It’s hard to describe how powerful it is. The colors are just gorgeous. Oh, and the main woman isn’t too bad looking herself either. While it was brief, I could connect with these characters. It’s a pity it didn’t end well for them.

I thought this was a part of "Bowser's Kingdom". I mean, it has the word "Kingdom" in it! The sprite work is fantastic. The length was pretty good too. It must be weird using sprites for a series that never had them. Well, the games they have the characters from had them.

I could recognize the voices. Everyone really did have a unique design. It's just great to have all these characters in such goofy situations. The more serious action actually was quite good. Love that Magikarp.

I thought this had some of the best animation you've ever done! My only complaint is that it should have been longer. You've honestly made 127 of these things?! You couldn't have submitted them all here. For whatever you did, glad to have them here. The music was great.

It could have had some color. It's still great for what it is. I thought something was going to happen to the pool. The subversion was clever. Nice title too.

Well, this was fun, but it was just a trailer. I mean, I knew what I would be in for. I still appreciated seeing this style. You certainly had a lot of time to make it. Madness has been combined with nearly everything nowadays. Have yet to see MLP Madness.

Get to that! It was just him jumping on him. I wanted to see killing! Well, it's fine for a trailer. It's hard to keep track of everything Madness related here. Not as bad as the Clocks though.

Wow, this was really bright and colorful! It's great to see a new series start. It won Daily Feature with its first appearance. Even the names are cool, like Sloof. There's just so much activity in this cartoon. You have such a distinct drawing style.

Swizzards should really be a thing. There's just always something going on in this cartoon. I love when you use a different art style with the sleepwalking flashback. It's always great to have fine details. It's like a cartoon that's also a painting.

I'm really impressed by the ending. I knew something bad would happen eventually. I love seeing brand new characters. There's just so much going on. The animation and voices are as wonderful as ever. I guess I'm used to your characters being of indeterminate gender.

It's very interesting to see how things turn out. I'm surprised the score isn't higher. This really was something new for you. I can always appreciate that in an artist. Keep submitting stuff here.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

thanks Ericho!

Oh, this was in reference to the Writer's Strike. Dang, does that seem a long time ago. Well, it actually was. It's great to make something topical like this. Thank God it didn't affect this website very much. Then again, I heard flash is ending in 2020.

The music was quite nice. It did send a good message. It probably could have been more detailed. Then again, the lack of color was the point. Makes me sad for the Emoji Movie.

Loved how the X was made in the beginning. A little far from Christmas. Then again, this wasn't made at this time. It's hard to go wrong with any reference to "A Charlie Brown Christmas". It's the only VHS I consistently watch each year.

It was great to see the characters one last time. Obviously, you had better stuff but this was fun while it lasted. The animation really does hold up. It's a style that's easy to recognize. In a weird way, it was heartwarming.

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